Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blind Item #3

This Downton Abbey actress went on a few dates with this foreign born almost A list mostly television actor who every woman seems to love. She says they split because he went all Fifty Shades Of Grey on her and she is more of a turn off the lights and close your eyes kind of lover.


  1. Michelle Dockery and ???

  2. Benedict Cumberbund for the dude?

  3. Cumber whatever was spotted with the 60 shades chick.

    1. *60 shades chick = Anna Steele's cousin, Penny Plutonium.

      (I can't even blame spelChek on that one)

  4. Maggie Smith ain't got time for that bdsm, she just wants a hot toddy and a good snuggle! Poor Ray Ramano, everybody loves you except the HBIC.

  5. Noo. Bendy is a tender and compassionate lover (in my dreams).

  6. Dockery and Cumberbatch. Has she read 50 Shades?!

  7. Wait, seriously? People are in love with Benedict to make sweet love with that man? I am sure he is a nice fella and all but man, just not my type I guess.

    1. @jessi
      I love him as an actor but was never really attracted to him. I posted a very old pic of my dad on FB and everyone kept saying my Dad looked like Cumberbatch. Glad I'm not attracted to him. LOL. But now I understand why women are always trying to flirt with my dad. Hahaha.

  8. Eh, to each their own. Dockerbatch is my guess too.

  9. Michael sheen again?

  10. I wouldn't say Cumby is mostly TV.

  11. While some of my fav women in my life marveled at 50 Shaeds, I found it trite and I had to force myself thru most of tbe 1st book before cutting myself loose. (Argh- and tbe writing??). HOWEVER, I look fwd to our girls night out to go see tbe flick. I just want to be part of the silly girl fun. If tbe movie is good, which I don't think anyone's really counting on it, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
    Now, in person, .....well, still meeeeehhhh. Too much dam stress and kind of outdated to me. Lol.

    1. @Sincerely
      Me too. Couldn't get through it. Muscled through the Twillight series bc I had my tonsils out & was on major pain meds. LOL.

    2. Yay AJ. I felt so alone til now- thanks!

      Thanks for Twilight review, now I know to skip that too. (-:

    3. @sincerely
      It's only good on drugs. I wanted to be in the fun with that one bc my girls kept raving about it. My other friend & I went to all the movies with them just to laugh & mock both them and the movie.

      Speaking of which, reading anything good ? I'm reading a tasty trashy Anne Rice novel calked The Witching Hour.

    4. @AJ, as long as you've already brought up Anne Rice, and on this thread no less, try her Sleeping Beauty trilogy if you want a dose of BDSM. I haven't read 50 shades of bad fic, but I can still guarantee the writings better in Anne's books.

    5. @Gayeld
      TY. I will totally check those out. I have an Amazon gift card that's been burning a hole in my Kindle. I keep buying .99 cent classic books and hubby's like please read something more modern than Great Expectations again. LOL.

    6. @All PSA: 50 Shades of Grey was originally written and posted online as Twillight fan fiction.

      ...the more you know...

    7. @AJ. You'll probably find them by searching Anne Rice, but if you don't, look for A. N. Roquelaure.

  12. no, it is BC and Lady Edith - they were seen out together last year at a concert. Also were in Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy

  13. oh honey your never going to keep man and have wack pussy

  14. I don't think BC is mostly television--- except to folks who only know him as Sherlock. He's done more films on the past few years, but was mainly stage before that.

  15. Jesus. Probably the fugly sister. That show is so boring

  16. My first thought was Lady Mary and Sherlock. And there is a big difference between BDSM and close your eyes and think of mother England.

  17. Nathan Fillion - I hope

  18. I like the Michelle Dockery and Matt Smith guess

  19. Holy shit. Call me, Benedict. I'll be your domme any day.

  20. Cumberbatch and Lady Edith.

    1. Good sleuthing, Sara! Sherlock would be impressed.

  21. Cumberbatch and Lady Edith. He's done a ton of Brit tv other than Sherlock.

  22. Please not Shirley Maclaine and Chris O'Dowd.

  23. Someone and Cumberbatch?

  24. Cumberbatch isn't mostly television. He was in five films in 2013 alone.

    Not really A-list either.

    I think it's Michael Sheen and Dockery.

  25. Y'all Cumberbatch is out and proud... or at least that's what I've heard. Is that wrong?
