Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou Has Died

Maya Angelou, a renowned poet, novelist and actress whose work defied description under a simple label, has died.


  1. A beautiful spirit! The world was lucky to have her.

  2. RIP The heavens have gained another beautiful star.

  3. RIP. I said this in another comment, the world is a poorer place without her.

  4. RIP Maya Angelou. Two favorite quotes...
    “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”

    “All great achievements require time.”

    And in honor of reading, thanks TTM for yesterday's Book Club info. Here it is for all who missed...

    we just chose the next book, it is The Princess Bride and maybe 19 Minutes, next meet up is June 8. We also do a Sunday Night Social post for anyone who just wants to drink and talk shite. Absolutely everyone is welcome!

  5. RIP.

    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~ Maya Angelou

    1. My absolute favorite quote of hers. RIP beautiful lady 😥

  6. My heart is breaking. What a woman! What a treasure!

  7. RIP Ms have left us a wonderful legacy of your intelligence and beauty.

  8. RIP. A beautiful writer and lady.

  9. "When I think of death, and of late the idea has come with alarming frequency, I seem at peace with the idea that a day will dawn when I will no longer be among those living in this valley of strange humors.

    I can accept the idea of my own demise, but I am unable to accept the death of anyone else.

    I find it impossible to let a friend or relative go into that country of no return.

    Disbelief becomes my close companion, and anger follows in its wake.

    I answer the heroic question 'Death, where is thy sting? ' with ' it is here in my heart and mind and memories.'

    - Maya Angelou


  10. This is very sad. RIP. x

  11. One of my favourites:

    "When people show you who they are, believe them."

    1. ^5 my favorite too

    2. @surfer, this is one of my favorite quotes of hers to live by. It always crosses my mind when certain situations arise.
      RIP, beautiful Maya.

  12. This hurts my heart this morning. Luckily, she will always be with us through her moving words.

  13. When I read about people living to 115 I have to feel Maya is gone too soon. What an amazing life she had! She is such an inspiration with great accomplishments without great formal education. Her bravery in this life will not soon be forgotten. RIP

  14. Her voice alone was enough to make me feel good. We were lucky to have her as long as we did.

    God rest her soul.

  15. The world lost an amazing lady much too soon. Her wisdom and exuberance of love will be sorely missed. RIP Maya

  16. Sad. But not a big fan. She was like the Enigma from Mystery Men (prose wise)

    1. Was coming to this post just to say that you didn't like or respect her work really necessary for you?

  17. Rest in peace. You were a remarkable woman.

  18. Anyone who had Maya Angelou as a friend was very lucky she was so wise…

  19. "Some people who exist on sparingly on the mean side of the hill are threatened by those who also live in the shadows but celebrate the light...It seems easier to lie prone than to press against the law of gravity and raise the body onto its feet and persist in remaining vertical."

    Maya Angelou was an indescribable talent, passionate philanthropist and without question, a hero to me.

    The literary world-the world at large for that matter-has been left with an irreplaceable loss. RIP ❤️

  20. Rather unknown here. Good time to read her.


  21. I met her only once. She was incredibly gracious to a mother who was juggling a baby in arms and another one in a stroller (that mother would be me :) ). She was an amazing and wise person who made a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to encounter her.

  22. Oprah must be devastated. Maya was like her mom.

  23. Wow, Enty. What a tribute. A drug overdose gets more love.

  24. Couldn't stand her "poetry". It all seemed like the writings of a middle school student discovering a poetry jam fan he has a crush on. Writing random words and saying it's deep doesn;t make it deep.

    RIP to her however, it's always sad when a person that did no wrong to anyone passes away.

    We celebrate the lives of those who do nothing
    Those who do are forgotten in time
    Our heroes abandon us
    Still memories remain

    The killers are loose
    Given licenses to kill
    Making us fearful
    All part of societies ills

    Leaves fall from trees
    In the Autumn of our lives
    Our Summers behind us
    And all hope dies

    (See anyone can make something that seems deep but means nothing)

  25. Maya was an amazing woman. Rip. I hope the heavens are as amazing up close as they were from afar.

    However, I am not looking forward to listening to Oprah's ratings-grieving.

  26. A great lady has died. She will be missed by those who knew her and by many who only knew her work.

    This would be a good time for some of you to remember what your mothers taught you, or should have taught you, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all (aka shut the fuck up).

  27. @Malibu was that geared towards me? All I said is that I wasn't a fan of her work but if you notice I did also say that it is always sad when someone who did no harm to anyone dies.

    She shouldn't be defined by her work but of the content of her character which was above reproach.

  28. The Art of Living Well

    Take great pleasure in small offerings.

    Believe that the world owes you nothing.

    Understand that every gift given to you is exactly that.

    Realize that people who differ from you can be founts of fun.

    Such simple words but worth remembering

  29. RIP Maya. An amazing woman, artist and inspiration. She will truly be missed.

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