Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

May 2, 2014

This A- list mostly television comic actress and infrequent big show host gave up her first class seat on an LA to NYC flight and sat back in coach so a woman with a lap child could enjoy the extra room. Our actress chatted in the back and took photos and even bought food for people.

Amy Poehler


  1. What a nice lady.


  2. Mooooorning, Kristin.

  3. I heart Amy even more after reading this.

  4. I think this was guessed by all. Her or Tina.
    It's summer in arseendofnowhere, UK and the BBQ is lit for the first (and probably last) time this year.

    1. Yeah its only been two days of it and I can't take it...

  5. Yeah Amy! I really want her to be my best friend.

  6. Love her! Would be awesome to have her on one of my flights. I'd totally fangirl her!

  7. She seems an awesome person.

  8. Nice to read. Not only is she talented, she's also kind.

  9. I've always loved her. Glad she's gotten rid of that egotistical ex.

  10. Yep!! Everyone toootally guessed this one, but it's nice to have that confirmation. Go Amy!

  11. Is a lap child anything like a lap dog?

    1. Don't know but I want one so I can sit in first class, too.

  12. How was that sweetie married to that putz?

  13. Love amy. Still never heard baby called lapchild, lol

  14. Love, love, LOVE Amy Poehler!!!

  15. Lap is airline lingo for a child under two you can have on your lap. After that you pay for a seat.

  16. She really does seem sweet but she also seems like she'd kick your ass if you needed from what I read in Tina's book. And I mean that in a nice way.

  17. Nice. Now that's a class act! I actually like her more because of that.

  18. I'm not surprised. She oozes kindness. Love her!

  19. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Nice lady or PR stunt queen?


  20. @fancyscreenname: Doubt it's a stunt. Like, it's super doubtful her PR flack leaked the story, if that's what you mean.

    In the link I posted above, the Star article is apparently the direct result of someone on the flight gabbing about it. I'm pretty sure whoever sent the blind to enty was also on the flight. It's not like Poehler wasn't surrounded by hundreds of witnesses.

    Best bet, she did a woman with an infant a solid (I figure the woman was pre-boarding with first class and Poehler noticed), and then eeeeeveryone back in coach recognized her, so Poehler went "well, heck" and graciously went with it.

    She started out with UCB so I figure she enjoys clowning around for/with an audience. (Also, she doesn't strike me as all that Machiavellian. Can you tell I like her?)

  21. Amy, Tina and TTM... love smart girls who get stabby.

    1. Heeeey Guido, how did I not see this?? That's some awesome company to be in! Lurve my Guido!

  22. Violet, don't let the weather stop you from grilling... keep it going year round! Sometimes, there's nothing like grilling in the rain, in the snow, in the wind, on cloudy days, etc.

    I grew up in the Seattle area, so you can't always wait for nice days.

  23. Love her. I'm dying to know if any of the blind items are about her exhusband. He's undergone some noticeable changes over the last few years.

  24. Yet another reason to love this woman!

  25. That bitch! She could have bought schools for an entire third world country instead with that money spent on first class!

  26. @Violet I'm in northern Canada, and we barbecue 12 months a year. Okay, maybe ten. In any case, there is no way your weather is worse than ours!

  27. Love her even more now! She seems so nice - I could never figure her and Will Arnett out, he seems like such a dick. She's well rid of him.

  28. I love when the cool celebs really are as good as you think!

  29. Well, I wouldn't say they are always nice....they both have different sides that aren't always so nice. Pretty normal for the business, so...not perfect.

  30. Not only is this celebrity kindness, this is Mum kindness. Only a mother, who knows how difficult it is traveling with little ones, would jump to help out another struggling mama. You're a good lady, Amy! I heart her forever.

  31. I'm a jerk, but honestly I would have been livid if I splashed out on first class seats just to endure listening to a crying infant. I hope it wasn't an international flight.
