Friday, May 16, 2014

Random Photos Part Six

All eleven co-hosts of The View.
Amanda Bynes hanging out with her sister.
Christina Aguilera out shopping for her new baby.

The Goopster and Cameron Diaz at an event for author Vicky Vlachonis, who is in the middle.
Claire Danes looks really good in this photo.
Drew Barrymore loves feeding pigeons.
Demi Moore at an art show.
Anne Hathaway heads out of LA.
Hugh Jackman and Peter Dinklage get ready to fight. They should re-enact the Solange/Jay-Z fight.


  1. I guess Amanda willingly posed for that so I cant say leave her alone!
    I wonder what Debbie Matanopoulous (whatever) does for a living now?

  2. And also Sandy, what DOES Demi do to fill her days? When did she last film anything?

  3. There's something weird about that Claire Danes pic. Could be exposure is way high, but it almost looks 'shopped. Also, mid-blink NEVER makes for a good pic...

    Was going to boycott the Amanda pic, but it definitely looks like she posed for that one, so carry on. Her shoes are cute and she looks healthier. That makes me so happy.

  4. My goddess: Joy Behar.

  5. The author even outshines Goopy. You're so plain Jane looking Goopster. Probably all the boring and condescension oozing from her pores.

  6. P: Miss Mandy/sister tag team

    M: Danes

    B: Preggo X-Tina - that broad would likely wear me the fuck out.

    The View Edition

    P: Ling

    M: McCarthy

    B: Hasselbim

    I would go through Barbra Walters to get to:

    Bynes sisters tag team
    Preggo X-Tina

    I would go through Rosie for them, plus Mattenopolous & Hasselbim.

    I would go through Whoopi only for the Bynes tag team and Preggo X-tina. I'd have to be drunk as hell though.

  7. @Count who would you rather to get to Bynes--Lena or Whoopi?

    Bynes looks GREAT

  8. Is Claire Danes floating? Is she walking on water like Jesus?

  9. Amanda looks great here, hopefully she has sorted herself or and will continue to get healthy.

  10. @Derek: Probably Lena, atleast she has youth going for her.

  11. @Sandybrook ... she didn't say yesterday on the View, but did say she was pregnant.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Amanda's sister is a very forgiving person to be seen with her after Amanda's Tweets about how ugly her sister is. I know she was ill but that was mean as hell.

  14. Amanda Bynes looks all Hollywood great again! Which is,well, you can see

    Claire Danes does look great, almost all post-coital looking even

  15. Tis a scary day when Amanda Byrnes looks better than Charlize Theron

    Ever since she hooked with spicoli...downward slope man

  16. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'd Totally put $50 on Peter Dinklage. "Hear me roar!"

  17. I thought Bynes looks good here. Why would anyone boycott or snark on the pic? Just curious.

    Demi also looks good. I know how bad breakups can be, and it can take YEARS to get over them sometimes, so Demi might still have a bit of healing to do yet, but she does look much better. Now if someone in Hollywood would give her a decent role, she might get some of that confidence back.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      So you did Not consider villainess in Charlie's Angels a decent role? ;)

  18. @Basil - she was hounded so relentlessly by paps when she was sick, I don't like seeing pics of her since she's gotten healthy because I feel like some of her "crazy" was induced by the fact that no one ever left her alone. I try to avoid pictures of her now because I felt so bad for her having a mental breakdown in the public eye, and I wish nothing but health and good things for her now that she's healing. Kind of like how I stopped clicking on Brit Brit pics when she went nuts back in the day, too...

    Nothing bad about it, just a personal preference not to contribute to making it harder on the people who genuinely need help. I said I wouldn't "boycott" because it looked like she's actually posing for this one, but it's more a personal preference for me!! No other reason than that!! :-)

  19. Demi needs new hair. She's had that same hair since Charlie's Angels!

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      And what good has it done her? I ask you. Now GI Jane....

  20. Amanda looks fab; very happy for her.

    Agree about Demi hair. It's just too long. She should cut it to her bustline.

  21. Thnx for not showing the pic with Oprah front and center.On Babs last day on the View. Which was really yesterday. That just pissed me off.

  22. Demi is still so beautiful. She looks so good there.

  23. Christina looks beautiful :) Also, I saw a side by side photo online yesterday that showed how much work former View co-host Debbie Matanapolous (or however the hell you spell her last name) has had since her days on the show and the differences were equally astonishing and disturbing. As is an all too common occurrence in Hollywood, girlfriend really should have quit while she was ahead. YIKES.

  24. Demo does look good, but I can see the benefit of a hair change.

    Amanda does look good - nice to see.

    Don't like Goop's outfit at all -and that photo does strike me as offering two reasons, just for starters, that she shouldn't have won 'World's Most Beautiful.'

  25. Oops *Demo = Demi

  26. That Claire Danes photo is bizarre. It looks like her image was cut out and pasted in front of the street scene. WTF?

  27. If anybody wants some fun reading, read this list of the 25 most overrated actresses! Funny. Two of the ladies pictured here are on the list. Sorry, I don't know how to do the clicky thing!

  28. Oh! I take that back!! THREE of the ladies here are on the list! Fun!

  29. Ok everyone, what the fuck have I missed on here the past few days on account of the infernal nightmare?

  30. Fred Armisen as Joy Behar is the bees knees!

  31. I haven't been around much either @Heisenberg but recall seeing something about disasters for you earlier in the week - not sure if you said what they are, but hope it's on the improve ladder.


    1. Thanks boo! I have just been working a shitload and making sure all of my evacuated friends are okay. Luckily my family members and their homes are all ok, thanks for the well wishes. I've been mainly in LA/OC this week but you can smell the smoke even in OC. Hope everyone else is ok!! We have a big temperature drop tomorrow so hopefully things keep improving

    2. LadyH: had no idea you are by the fires. All the best to you, family and friends. Stay safe sweetie!

  32. I understand, thoughts are with you. We get similar fires here, and I've been affected by them; it's scary. I'd never heard of the term (or concept) of a 'firenado,' until this set of Cali fires though - it was reported and explained in the news here - that is terrifying. Glad that you and yours are safe, hope the cool change comes through soon.

  33. Hey lady h. Sorry on a new iPad so excuse the punctuation etc that is awful u guys are in my thoughts

  34. Lady H, glad you're okay. It is all over the news where I am.

    (Excuse my punctuation, I'm typing from my new space shuttle ;)

  35. Thank you, Derek and Wiglet!!! <3
    It is nasty as hell, if things clear up, I will return to SD tomorrow. There's been one fatality, and two arson suspects have been arrested so far. We have been much more prepared since the much more severe 2007 fires, and luckily the wind speeds have not been nearly as dramatic. Truly horrific all around and horrible for everyone having to go through this traumatic shit all over again. Those areas are very rural too, people have had a hard time getting their poor horsies and pets to safety.

    By the way, SDG&E still has yet to face trial or admit fault for their role in the 2007 fires...

  36. And back to REAL Gossip, Terence Howard already caught with his hand in two hooker jars!!!

  37. Dear Taylor Swift

    I've sent you a copy of this picture of Claire Danes stepping over gutter water in NYC on a side street filled with afternoon traffic. You should let your people see it so that the next time they want to take pics of you supposedly wandering the streets of Nw York it will look like this. The unidentified substance on the manhole cover makes this so real.


  38. Anne Hathaway looks like a Rockstar! I love her and the haters can go long!

  39. The reason, I think, people view Bynes pic negatively is bc she's back to Hollywood tricks with her appearance which makes ya think she's trying to jump on again. It's hard for most people, for those who are more fragile it can be deadly. I wish her well, and hope she proves me wrong, but I don't see a return to HW being a healthy option for her. I think people see this look as headed right back to trouble.

  40. Demi looks really good here. Hope she cleaned up her act. Maybe she wants to outshine Mila.
