Sunday, May 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 2, 2012

#4 - Speaking of begging, this former B+ television actress who does nothing now, asks her pro dancer out everyday. And by out I mean to have sex with her.

Kirstie Alley


  1. I read that as Kirstie had become a lesbian.

    Anyway, in less/more mundane news, TTM, I went to post on the book blog my YP recipe, but can't access it via your blogger. Hope recent events haven't forced an issue. Let me remind you about how good my YP recipe is.

  2. Good lord Kirstie, poor bastard probably never even saw you on Cheers, when you were hot.

  3. It's a bit second hand embarrassing that she asked him out every day. Have a bit of self respect and give up after the second knock back.

  4. was this obese Kirstie? Or slimmed down Kirstie? Anyway saludos to the partner's extremely sensible judgemnent.

  5. Good morning! Ido, hi!!

    Sorry, Violet. Kinda had to do a lockdown but it shouldn't affect the Book Club. At the risk of drawing ire for OT AND the book club, I'll post the link again. Because I love Yorkshire pudding like almost no other.

    1. TTM - at the risk of boring the commenters of CDAN to death - I am at this very moment making YPs - but will get round to posting soon.

    2. Man, I wish we could add photos!

  6. Morning, TTM. Afternoon, Violet.

    I can't wait to try your YP recipe Violet. Also, if others are bored or irritated by OT... Fuck 'em.

    1. Fuck 'em Charlie. Aye, too right.

  7. TTM so no more bookiewookieclub? I shall bookmark this new one instead.

    1. No its the same one, I just had to lock my profile out as a psycho got all hacky

  8. Welcome back, Robot!

  9. I'm so sorry TTM. Hopefully THIS might cheer you up?

  10. Celebrities need to think back to when they were under 35, and how people over 60 seemed. Even if you are in relatively good shape and still good looking, you still seem ANCIENT to those younger people.

    I remember being 27 and finding out that a guy I was dating was about to turn 40, and I almost felt nauseous, I mean, that seemed so old to me. So now that I'm 51, I would never for a moment try to fool myself that any man under, say 45 would be sincerely interested. Okay, a few, but it's rare.

    And same with older men and younger women. Don't flatter yourselves guys...most of those young women are holding their noses because you have money.

  11. i think kirstie did this for the shock value

  12. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Hi, Robot!

  13. No way be did though.

  14. Whaat? Do elaborate? Some people on here scare me.

    What up Roboto!

    1. Just a disagreement that got psychotic. I don't wanna stir it up again (Sugar! Eye on you) but suffice to say, some people have a lot of time on their hands. And this coming from someone who posts far too much on a gossip blog

  15. TTM where's your pic?

  16. And Kirstie told him to bring pies, in all flavors... (Does anyone remember that old rumor about the paps catching Kirstie outside some famous Hollywood pie shop eating a whole pie in her car?)

    I'd love a YP recipe, thanks Violet. My nephew's father is from England and he's obsessed with all things British.

    Hi, Robot!!

  17. Foggy: I agree. When I was 18 I "dated" a 40 yr old but couldn't imagine having sex with him. Now that I'm 54 I'd looove to have sex with a 40 yr old.

    Hey Robot! How are you doing these days? Hope you are well.

  18. Heeeyyyy, Robot!!

    After Kirstie's little snit fit on Twitter over Leah Remini, I just look at her as another $cio whack job. Hopefully the dancer dude dodged the bullet.

  19. So this would have been Maks, her partner on DWTS?
    Who knew he had standards...

  20. for awhile she was begging Jamie Foxx to fuck her on twitter.

    I guess her Xenu vibrator doesn't do it for her anymore.

    Agree with @figgy, if you are an old fart (man or woman) and want young skin on you, you need to bust out the gifts, I think Kristie thought she could get something for nothing and Maks was holding out for a new Mercedes.
    No pay, no play.

  21. @ Seven - I've looked at Kirstie as another Scio whack job for years. Or flurbdoodles, which is Scio-speak for years.

  22. Well, according to your other blinds Enty... he said YES!!!!

  23. Kirstie is delusional so this doesn't surprise me at all. She is always saying in interviews that she won't be happy until she weighs 120 lbs because that's what she weighed when she was in her 20s (as in years). Anyone who is 60+ and thinks she should have the same body she did when she was 20 is living in fantasyland. I bet she called this poor guy every day for like a damn year.
