Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 29, 2013

This former B list mostly movie actress who brought new meaning to the words drunken mess lost her career but now has it back thanks to a lucky break. She is doing her best to lose it again after she threw a drink in a waiter's face after she says he brought her the wrong one and then started screaming at him. Making matters worse for the future is that she wasn't kicked out of the place.

Natasha Lyonne


  1. Oh no that's too bad! I've been rooting for her since "But I'm A Cheerleaser"

    1. @talkstoomuch where's wiglet at??

    2. Hey Courtney! I dunno, I haven't seen Wigs yet!

    3. @kristin get out here! Show your face!! Lol

    4. High five, Wigs! You nailed it!

  2. Crack Head
    Anyone hear the song Rufus Wainright wrote about her sitting on the park bench waiting for her dealer...I believe its called...NATASHA

    1. Luv Rufus, luv that song! Have to google Lyone, I hadn't heard of her b4. Naturally then did know song was about her. Thanks for the tidbit DH. (Always enjoy ur comments!)

  3. @TTM---good lord you really are a drag queen deep down inside *jokes*

  4. I'm finding it hard to care today....she wants to screw up her life, let her, someone else can have her opportunities.

  5. When I was a waitress had a guest thrown a drink in my face...that would've called for a good old fashioned Tennessee beat down in the parking lot. Celebrity or not. Sounds like she needs one.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM


      U r pretty BADASS Court. ^5

    2. @fancyscreenname nah I'm just redneck lol ;)

  6. Leave Nicky Nichols alone!

    You do know that she no longer drinks, right? You know, because hep C and a heart infection aren't conducive to imbibing.

  7. I truly am, Derek. You may call me Victor OR Victoria. Except for the fake eyelashes and / or singing

  8. Pretty sure that she could have been charged with assault for that.
    Sounds like the waiter was above being petty. Maybe she left a great tip or something.

    1. @baconranch I'd probably be petty lol props to this person though who perhaps let it roll

  9. I hope she's turned around since. I had the impression that OITNB saved her.

  10. Y'all remember I shared a story recently because I called her out on a blind..was at a party with her a few years ago and she was a judge mental twat..I mean we were at same at same table..drinking etc, and when she realized she couldn't drink because it was most ,likely court ordered, she just got nasty.....sober or drunk, she's no prize, trust.

  11. Hahaha no no Courtney, I like your response better ;)
    It's just that I recall some celeb being charged for spitting on someone or something.

    1. @baconranch I think perhaps that can be considered assault...not totally sure but I'd be even worse if I were to be spit on!!!

  12. Red needs to kick her ass

  13. Oh my goodness everyone...
    Is there already an OITNB fanfiction page?! If not, I think y'all just started it

  14. I suppose it's great cover for a drug deal but I would have tipped my try on her ass...Oops! ;-)

  15. Oh yes... throwing a drink in a waiter's face will end your acting career. Rolls Eyes... bit overly dramatic don't you think?

  16. thanks so much SYF!

  17. I can't read about, or see pictures of, Natasha without thinking of the time she threatened to rape her neighbor's dog. I know she was on drugs at the time but God that's nasty.

  18. YW DH!
    Oh, I forgot to write "OT" first.

  19. @Krissie---stop being such a pearl clutcher that is very normal! loll ; )

  20. I once had someone throw a drink in my face when I was doing a singing telegram as "Mae West". I guess because I'm a tall girl with a deep voice and he was closet he thought they sent him a drag queen (although I wasn't nearly as purdy as one) . His work friends were horrified and embarrassed. I simply walked away given the circumstances. However, had this happened as a waitron I would have been a bitch to be reckoned with.

    Sad. I was rooting for Natasha. Hate to hear she's a twat.

  21. Throwing a drink in someone's face looks incredibly sophisticated in those films from the 30s and 40s. So does smoking.

    Neither quite lives up to the glamour in real life, trust me.

  22. It is a prison story so she can easily be killed of in the show. She is not the lead.
