Thursday, May 22, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Ryan Lochte looks sad that he can't take his shirt off for Ireland Baldwin.
Johnny Depp in his bald skull cap.
January Jones is always a vision of happiness.
Joanna Krupa at an event last night with other A listers like
Bridget Marquardt and
The Simmons kids.
Jane Lynch went out to lunch with her ex yesterday.
Jude Law shows off some of his art work. Or it could be some schoolwork from kids.
Jennifer Lopez hitting the American Idol finale red carpet.


  1. P: JJ

    M: Krupa

    B: Ireland

  2. P: JJ

    M: Krupa

    B: Ireland

  3. No, if you look at it right, you'll see January Jones directing her RBF at the outfits on everyone below her. Save maybe JLo.

  4. Johnny Depp as Whitey Bulger may be a bit of a stretch.
    The Simmons girl looks like Lea Michelle.
    Poor JJ.

  5. Ireland looks different in just about every picture. Still beautiful, just different.
    Jude Law = Alfalfa
    The Simmons kids are cutie pies. Also they don't seem to try to be famous just because of their folks.
    Rare stuff, that.

  6. J Lo, you have great legs, but you are turning 45 in July or August. Dress should be an inch or two longer.

  7. @Count... I know it's like screw/marry/kill or something but what does the P/M/B stand for?

  8. Not finding Ireland remotely do u miss with Basinger/Baldwin DNA..maybe it's the drugs:(
    Jenny from the block that only sells pervy mini skirts..grow up a tad...age with Grace like European women do..or check out Kylie Monique...she makes u look like a tranny...

    A list hookers Krupa and Marquette..funny entries...

    Guess cara doesn't have a type???!

    1. Agree with trish. Ireland has too much face for her features. I dont find her attractive, but it turns out im not the boss of the world, lol

    2. I agree! Ireland looks like a man ! She did not inherit her mothers looks. I think jlo looks great...and so does Bridget...

  9. Lochte needs to pick up his game. He should have his arm around Ireland's waist and he should be talking to her very low so no one else can hear. Doesn't even really matter what he'd be saying, just talk to Ireland and give her all his attention. He would've owned her ass.

    Wonder if Lynch had sex with her ex.

    JLo has been separated from Marc Anthony for almost 3 years now. Pretty sure she's not banging Peep Show Boy so I wonder what she is doing for sex ... Wonder if she is going without? Because a lady needs a man.

  10. Awwww leave January alone. Not everyone wears a smile on their face at all times!

  11. Awwww leave January alone. Not everyone wears a smile on their face at all times!

  12. Jude Law has such a big head. I just can't get past it.

  13. Even Ryan Lochte is smarter than Ireland poseur Baldwin

    Joanna Krapta looks like she's wearing a lamp shade designed by MacKenzie Childs (likely stolen from a rich Yacht man's house).

  14. Yeah, whats on judes head? Is that on purpose? Also simmons kids very down to earth, graduated college and dont seek limelight

    1. I see what tactic Jude is using here...tilt head back so the balding isn't so visible. Poor fella...just shave it all off already!

  15. Ireland Baldwin is occasionally attractive but it's accidental.

    Ireland/Ryan should not reproduce under any circumstance. A baby without a brain is sad.

  16. I like the Simmons sibs. They're very grounded and cool. Funny too.
    I see nothing wrong with JLo's age and wearing short skirts. She can, so she should.

  17. Borderline shame for admitting this, but I watched AI this season...and if I didn't know(hope) better, I'd say Harry Connick Jr. was verrrrry, almost uncomfortably into JLo. I mean, he's a human male, so can't blame him, but it made me wonder if something was/is going on there between those two.

  18. Ryan Lochte looks like a sassy bottom in that pic.

    Dear Amber Heard, this is your future.

    Have we ever seen Jane Lynch and Brienne of Tarth in the same room? I thought not.

    I don't like JLo, but damn, she is pretty.

  19. Jude Law is TinTin! and Jlo does need to bring down the hem of her dresses. Too old to be that short.

    Joanna Krupa is pretty but what is with all those patterns. Reminds me of the old Chinese ladies I used to see in Queens.

    Ryan Lochte doesn't have a single thought in his haid, bless his heart!

  20. I get it...people love to bash JLo...I give her credit. She may be a diva, but she knows what she's doing and, let's face it, she wouldn't be around just because of her looks...That being said...the age comments DRIVE ME INSANE! She looks GREAT! Not good for her age, not great for her age. GREAT PERIOD. She's in the business to entertain and get publicity. She is SUPPOSED to dress this way. PLUS, we are not in the 1950's (clutching my pearls)...seriously??? dictates for how women should dress? WTH???

    1. I reckon...what you wear shouldn't be dictated by your age! Jlo has a fucking killer body man ..and must work hard for it; she is a great example to us women...she is in her 40's and looks fabufuckingtastic !

  21. Wth is Ireland wearing? And Krupa? Do these people forget that clothes are supposed to look good? Horrible. Blech

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I must admit it: There's one more epi left of Mad Men and there has been way too little Betty Draper for moi. I'm dying without her! January Jones owns that role. I know many of you think she sucks, but I love her. Only boring people are bored. Words to live by!

    Jennifer Lopez. Fuck, she doesn't age. I would die/hate/love if my boyfriend in my mind Harry Connick Jr. got with that piece. Argh! I wish he gave me piano lessons. LOL. She looks so fabulous. There are just beautiful people in this world, and she's one of them!

  24. @Susan I'm rewatching Mad Men and at least the first season Betty was surprisingly not as bitchy as I remembered. And hotter too. Also, too, Anne Dudek.

  25. January's bag is fab!!!

  26. @Aemish: Pussy/Mouth/Butt

  27. @Lisette THANK YOU! Completely agree about JLo!

  28. Jude has some 'splaining to do.

  29. Jude has jumpsd the shark. When he does look decent it seems like fakery.

  30. It's official... JLo is a dose of Ambien!

  31. Why is it that women everywhere will wear hair extensions yet dudes like Nick Cage or Jude Law walk around with less and less hair every time we see them (and it doesn't look good). Some guys don't look good bald (Matt Damon comes to mind-yeah I know he shaved it for Elysium just sayin) so what's the big deal about getting a bit of a weave or something. Hell they wear hair pieces in the movies all the time, and look good, why not when they're out and about. It's not like hair pieces look like the old lumpy William Shatner rug from the 1980's or that road kill Burt Reynolds used to run around in. Why should women be the only ones to have the advantage of sprucing up thin or short locks? It just seems like a stupid double standard is all. Who gives a flip if people know it's not all their real hair. What the hell is real in Hollywood anymore? You think if a female actor started losing her hair she'd sit back and let it happen? Hell no! There are definitely lots of hot bald dudes out there, but Jude ain't gonna be one of them. Get thee to a stylist Jude! STAT!

  32. Don't worry Jude. No matter how your looks might change as time goes on. I for one will always see you as you were in The Talented Mr. Ripley. The most handsome creature that probably has ever existed. Simply stunning!
