Friday, May 16, 2014

Sherri Shepherd's First Husband Says She Is A Terrible Mom

Sherri Shepherd usually manages to stay out of the news. The last time I can remember anything slightly controversial is when she went off on Barbara Walters a couple of years ago backstage at The View because Sherri was convinced that Barbara arranged with the producers of DWTS to kick Sherri off and get back to her day job. Did that make the news? I don't remember. In any event, the past week has been pretty bad for Sherri. Her current husband filed for divorce and wants sole custody of their unborn child. Adding fuel to that fire is that prior to the divorce filing, Sherri's first husband filed papers to try and get sole custody of their 9 year old special needs child who he says he is really far behind everyone else because Sherri is an awful mom and spends too much time away from the child and hires nannies just to watch him and nothing else. In the filing obtained by TMZ, Jeffrey Tarpley claims that because of Sherri's schedule their 9 year old son is far behind other students in his class and can't even tie his own shoes. He suffers from low self-esteem and to make matters worse doesn't know how to wash himself properly so hygiene is a problem which further isolates him at school. Sherri is fighting to keep custody but with all that money she is making you would think she would hire people to take care of her son who can do more than just babysit. Even if she can't be there, she can hire someone to help him and get him up to speed.


  1. I totally believe this, she looks clueless

  2. FFS she is so annoyingly stupid. And not funny nor can she act.

  3. Don't really know who she is but the whole situation sounds sad for everyone concerned, especially the children.

  4. She's the one who thought the world was flat, right? Anyone that stupid shouldn't be responsible for a child.

  5. I thought the 2nd husband took care of her son and did a great job. If this not a good mother stuff is because she works, thats bullshit. But if she really isnt meeting childs needs, then she shld graciously let him go where he will be taken care of, even if it is ex. Not so unusual, sharon stones husband has custody of her 1st son, duchivney has custody of his kids, etc.

  6. They sure want her money….

  7. I'm sure it helps the boy's self-esteem to have the world know he can't tie his shoes and has hygiene issues.

  8. Um special needs kids usually are going to be behind other normal kids at least in some ways, right? My 7 yr old has speech issues and that isn't that big of a deal but he has problems in school too, and I still have to tell him how to wash and dress properly. Perhaps I just see that the ex is putting all the problems on her when maybe it wouldn't change a thing if the kid got all the help in the world.

  9. Reading this site is my guilty pleasure, and I only occasionally comment...but this "husband" really ticks me off. Sherri Shepherd is as simple-minded as they come, but if her child is on the Autism Spectrum, these are classic symptoms: poor hygiene, low self-esteem, difficulty tying shoes...THOSE aren't her fault. Thinking the world is flat is her fault, but throwing these issues out there is vile.

  10. That's what I was thinking Star. This guy is trying to make her look bad in his bid for support. I take a grain of salt with his statements honestly as I would in any acrimonious divorce.

  11. I bet a dollar that Sherri can't tie a shoelace herself.

  12. My autistic son is 16 almost 17 and he can't do those things on his own and I am all over him! Sounds like a $$$ grab to me

  13. My autistic son is 16 almost 17 and he can't do those things on his own and I am all over him! Sounds like a $$$ grab to me

  14. wow this is really harsh

  15. As a special educator, I have to say that it is boneheaded to suggest that we would presume to know what is going on with this special needs child. In my experience, many exceptional children are below grade level.

  16. Anonymous8:10 AM

    As a special needs kid myself let me just say that while her son may start out behind the other kids it doesn't HAVE to stay that way. Were it not for my father taking out the extra try to help me close the gap as much as possible things may have well just stayed that way. Jeffery will have a much harder time in life if the gap stayed as wide as it seems it is. Celebrity or not, her son's success should be Sherri's first priority, and it doesn't sound like it is sometimes. Sherri has taken every opportunity in the past to badmouth her ex on television, but it seems like he's the one better suited too look after their son, if for no other reason than he'd get the attention he needs

  17. Sherri Shepherd is grateful that everyone has been talking about Solange and Jay Z this week.

  18. Seriously low. I bet the dad can't accept the fact that his child is Special Needs. I have a nephew who is severely autistic; he's 30 years old and you have to threaten him with all sorts of dire things to get him to take a shower and brush his teeth, and even then he will only do so about twice a week. My BIL/SIL have to get him slip on shoes, or the kind with velcro. He can type 120 words a minute, though.

  19. What a sexist pile of shit. Do you know how many kids to working dads are behind but the dads never get blamed. Oh no. But if a mom isn't with the kid 24/7 and the kid is off a little bit- it's her fault?

  20. The last time I remember Sherri being in the news was when she was going on about gay people being unnatural sinners and such. You know, because she's such a beacon of morality.

  21. jesus when
    shes cant be this bad

  22. I'm with Star and Sherry. People will say ANYTHING in a custody battle, because perjury isn't an issue and they can get away with it.

    It's amazing how many people suddenly discover all these problems with their exes parenting abilities YEARS later that never bothered them before.

    The only way to fix the broken family court system is to use HARSH penalties for any and all lies told during the process. It shouldn't matter that people are 'emotional right now.' Throw the book at them and the lawyers who know about it.

  23. Anonymous9:45 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Problems with kids reflect on both parents. He is no prize either. Poor kids are doomed.

  25. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Since when does a father being concerned over his child's well being make him a sexist piece of shit. People need to remove their gender biases from the situation. If the roles were reversed she'd automatically be applauded. Courts and the public generally assume the mother is the better parent and give her custody automatically unless she's a known drug addict or serial killer. For all we know this could have been going on and we're only now hearing about it because she's in the news. I know it's not popular to talk about men who are interested in their children's lives, but they are out there, and it's high time they got SOME recognition

  26. You have to wonder how much time sherry spends with him a day too.

  27. While it might be true, considering the first one was cheating on her and fathered a child which led to their divorce, i'll take it with a grain of salt. Both husbands have every reason to retain custody to get the green. Think that' s likely what it's about, although it is weird to have nannies raising your kids while you work across the country during the week.

  28. I thought the first hub had primary custody because of her job?

  29. Nope they've been divorced for years and now, only now does he have a problem. Her new husband is a little cruel as well, he filed divorce papers knowing she was pregnant! She really picks em

  30. @shiro......kudos to you and your dad.

  31. My 13 yo can't tie his shoes. He refuses to learn, and whatever, there are other solutions.

  32. Nah I can believe this. Kid has some delays, but that woman is as dumb as a bunch of rocks. The allegation seems to be that Sherry is not acting in a manner to deliver the best outcomes for the child - guidance, hands on help, tutoring, therapies (home and paid), etc.

    I remember seeing her on The View and she was just so unbelievably dumb - like really astoundingly so. Adding that to her particularly simplistic, literal, and myopic understanding of the Bible, I can imagine her being a woman that just said "this is how God wants him, in His hands" etc.

  33. she cant be that bad of a mom.

    at 9yrs old i couldnt tie my shoes, properly wash myself, suffered from low self esteem and social isolation, and my mom didnt work for a living nor do i think i would be considered special needs.

  34. She not only thought the world was flat, she does not believe in evolution but creationism. Yes, Adam and Eve sprung up out of Eden in her mind. She shouldn't even have a pet, let alone a kid.

  35. Is he special needs because of a mental issue or physical? If it's physical, then him being behind other kids in his class would be a concern. My son has Asperger's and we constantly have to remind him of certain things, despite being brilliant in other areas. The first husband may think Jeffrey is not getting the care he needs because perhaps Sherry is more of the "pray away the problem" kind of parent. I've known tons of those, family members included, who thought I was going to hell for taking my son to occupational and speech therapy as a toddler instead of to church.
