Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 19, 2014

Proving that just because you win an award doesn't make you a nice person, this A list in her mind do everything yelled at her boyfriend in front of a group of people for 20 minutes last week prior to a show. The guy was bright red and was being treated like a kid.

Jennifer Lopez


  1. Wasn't this BI like 5 minutes ago? Errybody got this one. And last time: Mama said NO ICE!

  2. I didn't really care about them when the "scandal" broke. Today is less care-y.

  3. Perhaps if he didn't act like a kid playing "show me yours and I'll show you mine" through the streets of WeHo he wouldn't be treated as one.

  4. Isn't he a kid lol

  5. Enty, you know how kids act up backstage before momma goes to work! She had to settle him down!

  6. Oh c'mon, he wasn't her boyfriend, he was her employee and not a very good one at that. Agree she should not have publicly shouted at him though. I think there is employments laws against that kinda thing.

  7. Aren't his 15 minutes up yet? Please?

  8. I read that good old Maks already dropped her.

  9. Kids, they always have to go potty at the worst times. Se clearly told him to go before they left the house.

  10. Wait, who won an award? JLo? For what? When? How did she score that?!

  11. Perhaps she nominated herself, voted for herself, had an award minted, etc.
    She hasn't had any relevance on my planet since In Living Color.

  12. and she wonders why they cheat?

  13. Anonymous9:31 AM

    im sure getting yelled at is in his job description.

  14. KnoWon: She didn't have relevance even then. She has certainly manufactured herself very well.

    IF Casper hadn't acted like an entitled ass once he became her "boyfriend" he probably woulnd't be falling so hard. Apparently he was an ass of the first order and can't use her as a stepping stone to "choreograph" other singers.

  15. That's why her new album is called A.K.A. F.L.O.P.

    Mariah Carey couldn't be happier.

  16. Has anyone heard her new nightmare of a "song"? I wanted to stab pencils in my ears.

  17. makism refused to sign the contract to be rentboy.

  18. I thought Enty told us that they actually broke up months ago - now he's saying he was still her bf last month? Get it straight!

  19. What award did she win?

    1. The Icon Award
      You get what you pay for, folks! Run Casper!!!

  20. Can we fucking stop talking about this bird, jeez?

    Unless we talk about the only person who really gets JLO and that's Cartman from South Park.

  21. Poor Howard the Duck ..he likes the pickle anyway ...

  22. JLO is almost 45 years old, you realize.

    maks can get younger snatch. even the rich old billionaires who collect women want them younger than her.

  23. He was her whore. She should have saved her breath and just given him the pimp hand.

  24. I for one think it is hilarious that he basically made her look like a fool and the fraud she is. It might be mean but would it not be amazing if this was his payback.

  25. This is why I pick her for MV over Britney. The clue that said when MV saw the real singer for the first time in "Enty's" office, she laughed and ridiculed the singers appearance. Britney doesn't seem like she has a mean bone in her body and Enty just flat out called JLo mean here...

  26. Very few people in the industry have anything nice to say about her.
