Thursday, June 26, 2014

Britney Spears And Her Boyfriend Split

Whether it was real or just someone to be photographed with Britney Spears might never be known because David Lucado signed a non disclosure agreement the size of a phone book, but apparently the two have split. The two have been together since Britney's split with her last boyfriend Jason Trawick who was given his walking papers when he wouldn't commit to marrying Britney. Judging by some people who saw Britney recently perform in her Vegas residency, she seemed less than thrilled to be out there and I wonder if it isn't time for a break for her. She really has no interactions with anyone not in her inner circle, meaning her family and bodyguards and maybe she should just take a few years off. I know she is a money train for a lot of people, but at some point, just let her do what she wants to do. You get the feeling that she just does what her father tells her to do and is doing what makes him happy rather than what makes her happy.


  1. I'm frist!!! Guess he wanted a raise

    1. I wonder if they will ever alow her to just have free time to walk in a meadow of flowers. . Clearly working her ragged is not doing her any good.

  2. That's too bad! I think she's adorable here

  3. Its a shame she is unable to have a happy life.
    Morning/afternoon/evening all!
    USA! USA!! USA!!!

  4. Have your people call my people, Brit.

  5. Everybody can have an off week or even month, FGS. Everything I've read about musicians on tour has said that the beginning is awesome and the rest just business... More likely, she's bored.

  6. I, uh... feel a bit guilty thinking this so early in the morning, but that outfit just screams "Please focus on my breasts!"

    1. She's been wearing those outfits for 15 years now though

    2. That is totally a late 90s outfit, yo

  7. Same thing day in day out. Poor girl. It must be mind numbing. Sounds like my job.

  8. She always seemed liked a passionate performer since her days on the Mikey Mouse club. Yet now, I feel like she's just going through the motions to make everyone else happy.

    1. AJ, from what others have said, her medication prob makes her feel like she's in a constant fog. All she really knows is the life of performing. I'm sure that camaraderie is comforting to her.

    2. Steamy.
      That's why I'm conflicted. It's all she's ever known & has always truly made her happy but like you said with the meds, we get her struggling through stuff that used to be so easy for her. Is it good to put her through the motions ? I like what someone else said above. She needs time off to walk through a meadow of flowers. LOL.

    3. I don't camp AJ, I find it creepy. Meadows have bugs and views take sweaty effort to get to, I would rather go thrifting ....
      If you drug me out to that meadow, my first thought would be " Nice, can we go or were we planning on digging worms?"

    4. Steamy.
      I'm a I'll go anywhere once kinda girl. But I do enjoy thrifting despite being somewhat outdoorsy.

    5. I like hiking ( which always sounds farther than I want to go) love body surfing until my boobs sell to cantaloupes size and can walk as long as its a mosey and food is the end reward...I'm not a complete slug just a semi urban one :-D

    6. I come from an urban area originally Steamy so I'm the same way but more beach time lately than hiking. Lots of walking too. Puppy adores our daily moseys to the park. And yes food is always the ultimate reward.

  9. Charlie! Do you need to go to confession? First no dolphin joke and now its breasteses?
    Let your freak flag fly Charlie, we like you for who you are...

  10. Did anyone see her reality show? I think it was called Chaotic? Anyway, that's when I realised there wasn't a whole lot going on behind that smile. I think she's probably somewhat happy

    1. @TTM
      I did. She's very very sweet but I think your right. She's also been on set, studio or on tour since she was 10ish so interacting with the real word is probably hard. ( Y'all )
      ( I have family in the south, my brain just adds it automatically. LOL. )

    2. For sure, AJ! And you know what they do to the successful Toddlers and Tiaras kiddos. No bueno

    3. TTM
      Eeek. I know.

  11. what is on her chest? is that a shadow?

  12. Her boyfriends are interchangeable to me.

  13. I did start the "good morning" post on Bookie Wook, Steamy did the first post if anyone wants to say hey girl girl. Or boy. No judgement

  14. I just wonder, if she would be okay alone. Is it that she's better with someone, or she "needs" someone? I always wonder about her mental much of it is this "life" she's in. Would she be "better" out of it, or would it send her further down the crazy train..I.E someone retires early, has no job, and goes a bit "weird".

  15. is there a link to this? or just you saying apparently?

    1. Cubsfan, are you just yelling at Enty again, or are you asking about the Bookie Wook?

  16. is there a link to this? or just you saying apparently?

  17. is there a link to this? or just you saying apparently?

  18. is there a link to this? or just you saying apparently?

  19. is there a link to this? or just you saying apparently?

  20. @talks to much
    im asking entry if theres an actually link to what he posted

    1. Okay! And now that we've made contact, cubsfan, I feel as though I have to ask: why always so mad?

    2. @TTM, the name says it all -- because s/he's a Cubs fan and they haven't won a World Series in 100+ years.

  21. Poor Britney...let's hope she doesn't end up like Judy Garland

  22. Good morning/afternoon all!

    1. Bookie Wook Becky!

    2. BeckyMae ! Come over to bookie, access my pic for the door , and let's hear all about it!

  23. Does she know what to do to make herself happy?

  24. Britney is the Michael Jackson of the Spears family. She will be working when she's dead, they'll release any unfinished work then make her a hologram.
    Honestly the hologram might be more lifelike than she looks going through the motions lately.

  25. Shittany sure has a big pair of titties

  26. I didn't even realize she had a boyfriend..........

  27. I feel bad for Brit Brit. Thrown into a life that she may never have wanted, just because she has that "It" factor. Not all celebs ask or want to be celebs. I think Brit is surrounded by family, friends and management who have forced her to stay in this life to make money. Brit probably has always wanted to be a vet or a waitress or something...but forget that now.

  28. I wonder if she's even aware that her "boyfriends" are really just employees on payroll...

  29. That picture is them going to church btw. wtf is she wearing smh...

  30. Have you ever considered that Britney may not want to sit in a meadow and pick flowers for the next 40 years? My job bores the hell out of me frequently, but I can't last two weeks at home without going stir crazy.

  31. Tru dat, Massive. Now that they got the Truvada drug, I would totally tear Brit Brit up.

  32. I think her dad takes really good care of her personally.

  33. Aeeww poor Normal Guy Dave

  34. A friend of mine a few years ago was riding his retro scooter with the cool side car around a small airport and checking out the Gulfstream parked there. Turned out it was Brit's plane. She saw my friend's scooter and wanted a ride in the sidecar. So he gave her a ride up and down the Tarmac. He said she was giddy like a little girl. As if he'd just made her day. He said she was very much like a kid and not the sex symbol she's made out to be.

  35. maybe she's just tired of him and ready to move on?

    people break up all of the time.......

    why is this supposed to mean anything?

  36. @writergirlinLa, I heard that too... poor thing like MJ, didn't get a normal childhood. Shame on those profitting on a mentally ill person. Give her a break!

  37. AJ and TTM I watched that show too.
    I honestly feel sorry for Brit Brit. Hopefully, she will be satisfied with just her kids. I don't think she will ever find a man that will be the real deal.

  38. I will never understand why everyone always feels so sorry for Britney. Like her life is so horrible and she's just tortured because she has to go onstage and work. It's called life! It's called working. Lots of people do it everyday and lots of people would kill for that high paying job she has. I don't feel sorry for her. She's got an assload of money which means she has financial security for herself and her kids. Her parents aught to be getting paid. Just like Amanda Bynes parents aught to be getting paid. Back when Britney was completely out of control everyone was crying for her parents to step in and take care of her. Well they did. If she wasn't working all the time she'd probably end up right back in trouble. For a lot of people like that it's very helpful to have a structured routine. Look at Lindsey. That's what happens when you have too much money at your disposal and too much free time and no real friends. Britney and Amanda are lucky they have good parents. If Lilo ever had her parents take control of her money, it would be gone in less than 6 months. From what I've heard, Britney gets a big paycheck for showing up, doing a half assed job of dancing and she doesn't even sing live. Why in the world would you feel sorry for her, she's got it made. She's not a very smart girl to begin with so it's not like we've had the cure for cancer snatched away from us because she has to be medicated. I can't think of any great thing the world has been deprived of just because she has to stay on her meds. She could be on the fast track to chapter 11 and a slew of STD's like Selena, Lilo and many other tweeners. Save your sympathy for someone who needs it.

    1. Britney already has a lot of money, and could still make a very good living doing something she enjoyed. It's not all or nothing. Pretending to sing and pretending to have relationships, along with her medication, is a miserable existence. She's like a zombie most of the time. That's pitiable no matter who it is.

  39. didn't know she had a boyfriend.. another one

  40. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The love of her life was J.T and will always be J.T. period point blank. And he has already married Biel.

  41. @Lula: You gotta hit the enter key from time to time. No one is going to be able to get more than 3-4 lines in w/o their eyes going crossed.

    Wall of text is where valid points go to die.

  42. Blue, I completely agree! Just bc you have money doesn't mean you have a happy life. She is a walking zombie who is on so much medication. Who knows how coherent she is in her day to day life. She was truly forced into the biz. She has no personal choice. She can't even get any decent peen. Sounds pretty crappy to me. No love but money. Bah hum bug!

  43. The poor woman needs some serious down-time. I can't believe that we, a group of absolute strangers, can see that she needs a break while her family and handlers merrily cruise down the River of Denial.

  44. @Lulu Surber, yeah I agree. If I were to make a list of people i feel sorry for a rich and pampered pop star would not exactly be high on my list.

    That said, I do think she has greedy parents and I think they should be ashamed of themselves.

    LOL at her outfit in that picture and the fact she wore it to church. Even "Kneepads" magazine made fun of her for that.

  45. Mb she likes to work, makes her feel 'normal'.

  46. I'll always love Britney. Incredibly Entertaining. The right combination of everything!

  47. She's the real life Rita played by Charlize Theron
