Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Nadya Suleman Gets Probation And Community Service in Welfare Fraud Case

After almost a two year wait, Nadya Suleman finally had her day in court yesterday in her welfare fraud case. Octo-Mom was accused of accepting welfare and Medi-Cal payments in 2012 despite making $30,000 over the maximum to claim such benefits. Because Suleman paid back almost $25,000 in benefits she received, her felony charges were reduced to misdemeanors and she was ordered to perform 200 hours of community service and two years of probation. While she is performing those 200 hours of community service the State will be on the hook for paying for someone to watch her kids so it will probably cost the state more than what she paid back. The investigation also cost more than the net benefits she received. I wonder also what kind of financial pressure having to pay back that money put on her. That is a lot of money to come up with when you are trying to raise 12 kids. In 2013 she didn't make over the limit which means she is raising kids on less than $119K a year. I guess another reality show or porn video is in her not too distant future.


  1. Of course she does. Slap in the wrist.

  2. And until yesterday no one had heard her name mentioned for 2 years either Enty, so let's get back to that starting tomorrow ok?

  3. I'm sick of this woman! She's been a fraud since the beginning, and how is she paying back her student loans? The children should have been taken away from her long ago.

  4. Community service will be a vacation for a mom of 8.

    That said, what community needs the service of a mentally ill woman?

    1. I am mentally ill and serve my community through various means. I do so because it gives me a sense of pride and self worth.
      But hey, to you we are not worthy of assisting others because of the diseases we were born with or developed through trauma.
      Gee I guess anyone with any disease shouldn't serve their community.
      You are an ignorant twat who is only serving your own ego.
      Go f*ck yourself.

  5. Well i suppose if she went to prison the state would be paying a heck of a lot more to look after those children.

  6. The doctor who put those kids in her should be paying for those kids.

  7. @Hernriette, I totally agree. I would like to at least see a mal-practice lawsuit lobbed against him. Nadia deserves hardship, but her kids are not at fault for her poor decisions, so while I would like her to pay, her kids do not deserve to suffer. Maybe she should contact the Duggers to implement some of their money-saving tactics.

    1. @Cleodacat: that would be a great show idea. I'd watch that.

    2. @clrodacat, Wife Swap...

  8. Mom of 14 @trudi. Don't forget the 6 she had before the octuplets.

    Faux Enties make a good point: Just goes to show how not pragmatic it is to follow these laws to the letter.

    1. Fig I want to know what happened to the rest of the kids. You never see them all together.

  9. @cleodacat
    He lost his medical license, but he should be financially responsible for his stupidity and those kids should have been taken away from her when they were much younger. There are many stories of their behavioral problems and various difficulties. A lot of good people would have adopted them.

  10. So laws should be enforced on a cost-benefit basis?

  11. Hopefully she will violate probation and those kids will be fostered out to normal families. Right now their normal is crazy town. No kid should be brought up like that. They really don't have a chance. I feel bad for anyone who gets involved with any of them.

  12. Well, this didn't all turn out like she had hoped, did it??
    She thought she would be on TV for years with her kids, making a fortune, looking like Angelina, and be loved by America.
    That isn't even close to how things went.

  13. I just can't with this woman

    and won't

  14. Honestly, not defending her, but this everything happens in California all the time. People collect money from the state, they go out and work another job, they get caught, and they have to pay a fine. It happened to a friend of mine who had payments for her kid but wasn't married to the dad although the father was living with them and helped pay for the kid. The sad part was HE had to pay the fine and they garnished his wages. She was unable to work due to MI.

  15. The terms " woman " and l "loosely" seem to go together.

  16. The problem with a Reality show with this woman is that she is really weird and uninteresting. She has no personality and she is not very good looking. If I were her I would look into an actual real world job.

  17. I actually feel sorry for her. She must be dumb as a post. I blame her gynecologist who should be put in prison AND all the idiotic reality shows about people who reproduce like rabbits: the Duggars, Kate thingy. This woman must have thought she would be a major TV reality star by popping out a litter.

  18. She reminds me of the Joker when she talks

  19. Welfare is state by state correct? How long before a state wises up and organizes a daycare run by college graduates offering them good pay and benefits. Even work some sort of bitcoin type system to help pay their school loans. Pay them a living wage on top of all that so that single parents can go to work without worrying about daycare.

  20. I don't care if it costs the states more to prosecute these pieces of shit who defraud the system. Go after them. The only way to stop it is to make it clear that they will be caught and prosecuted.

  21. @brittiany - I too have a mental illness (anxiety/depression) as does my son (severe ADHD) and my nephew (austism.) We all manage to serve our communities as well. My nephew mainly just by being a sweet boy and smiling a lot. :) We've come a long way with trying to speak more sensitively toward other races and sexual orientations. We should also do the same for those with mental and physical disabilities as well. (((HUGS)))

    1. thank you for the support. please continue being open with your disease. without us no line of communication and respect will exist.
