Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Your Turn

When should you intervene?


  1. When the photographers arrive.

  2. when your intuition tells you to

    but only after careful consideration

    unless in emergency

  3. When you know the cops are on the way and the situation if getting out of control

  4. All the time. People love when you stick your nose in their business.

  5. I love a good intervention in July.

  6. When the flying monkeys start the attack.

  7. Is this about your terrible grammar, day-drinking, or massive bacon consumption, Enty? We've been trying to intervene for years.

  8. I used to tell my daughter when she was little to not interrupt unless there was water, fire or blood. In this case I would add pain too.

    1. LOL @ All Lace! My mother used to say that - "Are either of you bleeding or on fire? Then go read a book."

  9. When your friend starts typing his credit card number into the website selling the Nickelback tickets.

    1. @th47 +1111111111111
      Still laughing. Thank you.

  10. Serious question or are we talking about, like, eating too much bacon? Because you can never eat too much bacon. Only an asshole would intervene on bacon consumption.

    Same goes for Nutella.

  11. th47- Ha ha. I know everyone hates Nickelback, but I actually like them. I saw them in concert twice. The first time was by default - they were one of several bands in the lineup and I didn't go to see them. But the 2nd time was by choice and I enjoyed it.

  12. Hi, CDAN friends. I'm having a very hard time with this breakup - would someone please intervene for me? ;)

  13. Aww, I'm sorry, TV Junkie. Breakups suck. Especially when you aren't the one doing it. It happens to the best of us. Expect to feel like shit for a little bit. Don't focus on anything you could've done to save the relationship, the fact is he wanted this to happen, so it did. The sun will shine again for you. Allow yourself to mourn the relationship.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Pip. I am really trying. It's particularly hard on my kids. He did more for them than their father ever does, and then just walked away to be with a new woman & her child. (They don't know that part.) Didn't even show emotion as he said goodbye!

    2. Well he sounds like a piece of shit. It might not seem like it now, but it is probably better for you and the kids to not have someone like that in your life. He will probably do the same thing with this woman and her child.

    3. Tv junkie- men have special ability to unplug one family and plug in new one. Michael landin did it, brad pitt did it. So thats not the guy u want anyway. Hug the kids and say wasnt it great we had dick( see what i did there? Lol) for as long as we did?

  14. When full creamy breasts with a smattering of freckles have been exposed.

  15. @TV Junkie: I have been hitting rough patches in my relationship the past few months. Dating is hard yo!

    But I think the hardest part about dealing with any loss is the sense of time. You probably feel like you've made your investments and you expected them to pay off for the future, especially if you saw him as a long term prospect. Try to reframe the way you are looking at it. Be glad he showed you his true colors sooner rather than later. Now you can move on and find someone who truly loves you and your wee ones and stop wasting your time with someone who just goes through the motions. How this new woman got him will also eventually be the way she loses glad it's not you anymore.

    However, the bigger picture will be the hour by hour goings on throughout the day. You get used to having that person around, and hearing from them. It's upsetting when that is all gone and you feel lonely at best and betrayed at worst.

    Find ways to entertain and enjoy yourself, as hard as that sounds. Looking and feeling good is really the best revenge. So LET HIM HAVE IT!!! HeisenHugs, love!

  16. As soon as you are aware of the problem. I am speaking from personal experience and the untimely death of a sister.

    1. HeisenHugs to @Bottles. I am so sorry for your loss. Stay strong!!!

  17. I intervene when: there is bullying or cruelty of any sort. Child abuse. Spousal abuse. Unfairness. Not on my watch, baby!!!!!

  18. TV Junkie, sending healing thoughts your way. It WILL get easier, I promise.

  19. Thanks to everyone - I know this is a great community and I appreciate all of the kind words and thoughts!

  20. What a mixture of hilarious and sad.

    TVJunkie.Big hugs sweetie. One day you'll be with that perfect someone and wonder why this person hurt in the first place.

    Intervention is a slippery slope, proceed with caution.

  21. When smoking it doesn't get you high enough, you get a syringe and shoot intervene.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. If and whenever an always defenseless child or animal is clearly being hurt in some way. I wouldn't physically intervene myself-too potentially risky physically and, I hate to say it, legally-but I would without hesitation call the police and get as much visual info about the abuser while waiting for them to arrive in case they ran.
