Friday, August 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 2, 2014

This former A+ list reality star who still has A+ list name recognition despite her drop in celebrity over the past few years just picked up a huge paycheck. The checks would stop coming if her hosts heard all the derogatory things she said about them while visiting the country.

Paris Hilton


  1. they deserve derogatory things to be said about them if they are writing this whore big checks

  2. Who remains on the planet that doesn't understand that this woman is a pox on humanity? Whoever still believes she's worth paying deserves whet they get.

  3. Well, she's pretty damn savvy. Go ahead girl.

  4. Don't be racist, Paris. They weren't dirty until YOU got to them....

    By the way, I love how sensitive that wonky is when it comes to herself...HERE is my favorite Paris moment...Enjoy!

  5. She makes $400,000/hr for dj'ing for these imbeciles she is putting down.

  6. ha ha "a fart in a mitten"

  7. Get down, girl. Go head, get down!
    Whatever, if these dummies want to waste their not so hard earned money on a diseased floozy then more power to them. A fool and his money are soon parted. Or something.

  8. Anonymous9:12 AM

    she be dumb

  9. Yup urg! Fart in a fucking mitten. Best line ever...

    OT: If anyone else is missing the illuminating fountain of wisdom, glory and positivity that is Bruce Jenner, I have discovered that following Andrew WK is soothing. I wonder if Andrew WK secretly posts on here as our fave Brucie Poo...

  10. Poor Old Paris. Old, Old, OLD Paris.
    (not older than me, but waaay older than she thought she'd ever get at her snotty peak)

  11. Why? Who? For what?
    That woman irks me. She always has.

  12. Hasn't Enty said what she really does in the mid east is prostitution, so she'll still have sex with these guys.

  13. @Seven of Eleven
    That's not real. That can't be real. Is that real?
    *rocking back and forth*

  14. @Yoj, yep, it's real. They also have vending machines where you can buy inflatable dolls.

    A friend of mine lives in Japan (work) and he sends me pics sometimes that are mind boggling. There's a club for men who want women dressed up like anime cheerleaders. That's the sole purpose of the club, anime cheerleaders. And then there's Ageha.

    The Kardashians would be very much at home in Japan.

  15. I just can't believe someone still pays her any kind of money for anything. She's a waste.

  16. Paris Hilton hates anybody who is not white and from money. She will smile in your face and then talk shit about you behind your back. Both a known racist and homophobe and all around dumb POS. And yet morons keep giving her money. People are dumb as hell

  17. @Seven of Eleven
    “They don't want to live so much as to exist, preferably on a metaphysical level.”
    “Dolls shouldn’t need to talk, much less explain anything.”

    To be honest, I'm still not entirely convinced that the Kardashians *aren't* inflatable dolls.

  18. She is sooo stupid.

  19. That tramp has no manners and no class whatsoever.

  20. Her reign of stupidity ended with her last coke bust. Note to all the cops out there, that's the fastest way to get rid of the Kartrashians as well. You know if they are behind the wheel, especially at night, they are likely stoned.
