Friday, August 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 22, 2014

Two nights ago this B list reality star from an A list reality show spent the night with a blonde who looks nothing like his significant other.

Scott Disick


  1. Plot twist, the blonde was Khloe

  2. Thanks Lady H! Though feel like I am taking a bow for having quick fingers since that was sooooo not blind.

  3. Why does Kourtney procreate with him, and then get all pissy?

  4. I can't even imagine how dreadful it would be to sleep with Lord Disick. I bet he is so selfish and watches himself in a mirror the whole time.

    1. It would be like sleeping with Patrick Bateman, minus the murder. And the good looks.

  5. Aaron Carter for the blonde....

  6. @Mama Bear - I feel like she's just pissy anyway & wants children, so she periodically gets him to fertilize her, in between bitching incessantly about how much he disgusts her. He must need someone to tell him how naughty and disgusting he is. It looks like a symbiotic relationship.

  7. I don't know. Is he really dumb enough ti take a chance of blowing it with his one true Love, Kourt'neys money?

  8. Mason has to be the ugliest kid on the planet---you would think they would give up procreating after that! Hope I don't piss TTM off!--oh wait she is still too busy showing her titties off to men on the net to care about children these days (yes she is still doing that!)

    1. Kids are off limits. Grow up.

    2. Who are you to call a kid or anyone ugly?? Ur the ugliest person for insulting a child. If the child's father has cheated on his mother its bad enough without being judged by you on his looks. I think he's such a cutie

    3. I don't think JLo's kids are cute. They look way too much like their father. I think Mason is adorable though.

    4. Off your meds again @derek? I don't know what's more pathetic. You trolling someone that's not even on this site anymore just to cause drama or the blonde that tries to come off like some Hollywood insider/star
      Sheesh. This site is turning into more of a vipers nest than ever!

    5. I was wondering when your daily TTM mention was going to pop up. It's always so fun to watch you shove your head up the cool kids assholes and wait pathetically for their approval. Gotta stay on their good side so they don't put you back on their trolling schedule, although I did always enjoy your temper tantrums when they would fuck with you.

    6. @Tillie Everybody knows I'm not AnnaLynne McCord. It was a joke

    7. It's pretty obvious that you have some obsession @derek or you wouldn't know what TTM is doing. You really need to do something for your bipolar disorder

    8. Tillie, you are trying to start a fight with VIP, why? She has said nothing negative.

      JSierra, your assumptions are fun, but wrong. Derek always has gone apeshit out of the blue. No one needs to say anything to him about it, or cheer him on for him to continue to do so. There has been no more talk of the petty drama. Names aren't being called, and passive aggressive statements are no longer being said. Why are you still trying to fuel the fire?

    9. A+ on Gifs Hun! What a great talent you have!

    10. I just don't understand why you are going after VIP. I will readily admit to making petty comments, which I chose to stop doing. VIP hasn't been saying anything about anyone here, yet she is getting the most shit thrown at her.

    11. Pip I would say Derek bringing up said petty drama every other day is doing a pretty good job of fueling the fire all on it's own. No one else gives a shit except for him, I don't get why he can't just let it go.

    12. JSierra, while I wouldn't say you come here bringing it up, Tillie does. She has commented negatively when certain people post. From what I've seen, most people have put this to bed, but the negativity still is there. She then thinks we are shitty people for not doing anything about something none of us knew about for a very long time. She assumes we did know, so we were automatically scum, cunts, and all around evil. People don't need to get along, but constantly bringing it up to rag on us solves nothing. Also, Derek is no one's mouthpiece. He says what he says, and drama ensues. This whole thing is ridiculous and needs to stop being brought up on a blog where most people couldn't give a flying fuck about the drama between a small group of people.

    13. Shitty grammar and run on sentences stay.

  9. imagine a conversation between Scott and Kanye
    Scott: So uh Kanye have you seen the new Gucci luggage line--it is divine...
    Kanye: Look you Honkey I told you it is all about Givenchy---now go get me my damn croissant!

  10. Derek, that's completely uncalled for.

  11. Snore, this didn't need to be a reveal.

  12. Oh no Derek not cool :( Mason is adorable!!

  13. NOTHING like her? So...a man, then?

  14. actually I do just fine in the looks department honey so --yeah Mason is an ugly child---get over it---I am sure he will mature into a nice looking young man or just have a do-over with surgery LIKE THE REST OF HIS FAMILY and he can cry in a pillow of 1000 dollar bills at night---so stfu I am so sorry to insult your idols

  15. People were ripping on the Willis girls long before they were 18. How is that any different? It's okay to make fun of a 15 year old, but anyone younger is off limits?

  16. @VIP---that is right! *snap* xo

  17. Haha, Derek. You tell them.

    When you put your kids out there, you better have a thick skin, cause people will have opinions.

  18. @Tillie and J---well the same could be said about the 2 of you---do you know what the term hypocrite means?
    @Tillie---whats this big gossip you got about VIP anyways that you were bragging about? huh?
    and how am I behaving "bipolar"

    1. That was a comment I made to someone on another site. It's not about you so it's really none of your business. Like I said for someone who has something against TTM you spending a lot of time trolling the book blog. I would think that would be the last place you'd go.

  19. @PIP---that is right---I am not bipolar---just moody and I think I have mono which does not help lol

  20. in derek's defense, he isn't behaving bipolar, he's just being himself. deal with the realness.

  21. and this is none of your business and was not about you----you really are not very self-aware are you?

  22. @Ray---exactly--if you wanna call me an asshole or whatever go ahead---no need to insult the mentally ill by comparing them to moi!

  23. Still no answers for some of the vitriol. I didn't expect them. Wonderful hijacking of a post to show how evil VIP and Derek are. You made a fantastic argument to support your opinion.

  24. @Pip---basically their answer is----"Its totally fine and cool and awesome when we do it--BUT if they do it its so wrong and evil and BIPOLOR etc"

    ---APPOLOGIES for people not wanting to read this shit --I am done

  25. Derek - don't you dare go anywhere!

  26. I knew Wigs had left but TTM too? The bickering fights dont bother me, I just wish people would stay because their comments are always interesting. But my pet peeve is the person that constantly deletes her comments! The funny thing is I like what she says I just wish she wouldn't delete on every post. Its annoying.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Tee hee Sugar but it isn't you that I was referring too😊

    3. I know, couldn't resist though.

      Have a nice day Susie!!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @J---uhhh---I have not yet brought up any "drama" here let alone every other day---I attempted a couple of weeks ago to defend myself on that other blog but my posts were erased---so stop lying and stop being a hypocrite---and STOP calling me "obsessed" because I am not--yall are the ones constantly running your mouths off and telling people to stop doing the same damn things you do WAAAAY more

    1. "oh wait she is still too busy showing her titties off to men on the net to care about children these days "

      Huh, I must have read that wrong.

      I don't give a shit what you snark about, little kids or not. I'm just a little confused as to why you would still be bringing up some random internet strangers personal life. If this had happened yesterday, I could see why it might be mentioned. But weeks later? I'm surprised it's still so much on your mind that you are making comments about it.

  28. I personally love that Derek is exactly who he is and makes no apologies for it.
    Nor should he.
    This is a snarky gossip site. It's what we do here.
    Stay fabulous Derek. X

    (and I remember lots of people ripping into Will Smith's kids because of their looks, but that was okay, I suppose).

  29. Oh big surprise. They are both dopey idiots.

  30. @ItsjustU---Thanks I really appreciate that! xo

    And the reason why I brought up the ugly kid and TTM etc as a joke because it reminded me of when TTM and her cronies bullied some chick outta here and attacked her for simply saying she thought a kid was ugly---another example of yall ganging up on people yet bullocking others for expressing their opinion---that chick from Yale forget her name

  31. Derek - Princessa Marina?

  32. @Surfer---yes exactly! Remember how vicious TTM was and how willing and eager others were to follow suit--

  33. that was one time---EVER--not every other day---so go sit down child...and I brought it up cause it reminded me as I just stated of her bullying other people as I just stated

    1. Well I guess one of us will be revealed to be a lying hypocrite one of these days when the dramatic posts either continue or stop. I will gladly take that title if the posts stop, you can call me a lying hypocrite all day long. Only time will tell.

  34. @Derek - I do. I remember the incident well because she came crying for back up after she started that fight.

  35. @Surfer---lol! that figures

  36. well I respect your decision to own up to it-----and a liar is a bit harsh for you----lets go with exaggerator

  37. Why do I keep MISSING everything! Ay caramba!!!

  38. Derek, never change. I really enjoy your posts and it's nice to see someone else real talk instead of pretending to be all nicey nice. Mason is an unfortunate looking child, some are...but sometimes they grow up to be really good looking. No harm speaking the truth.

  39. Keeping Up With the Kartrashians is A list?

  40. holy shit. I am astonished at how seriously some of you take the comments section of a gossip blog. I

  41. QueenAnne. Aaron carter for the win!!! Love it.

  42. QueenAnne. Aaron carter for the win!!! Love it.
