Friday, September 12, 2014

Off Topic

Whenever I watch Hell's Kitchen I always wonder how bad the restaurants are the contestants worked for because most of them can't cook at all despite being in the business for a long time. 


  1. I think that's kind of the point, like when they show American Idol auditions. If they had actually talented chefs, the judges couldn't judge, right?

    *Caveat: I have never watched Hell's Kitchen.

  2. They're all a bunch of stupid donkeys! Is there a better insult out there than donkey? I don't think so.

  3. Well you've never watched some of the other food competition shows, even some of the best chefs in the world have trouble with the time frame of the competition and the dinner service under Ramsay is like a competition. Watch the Iron Chef competition where all our favourite judges are competing for the Iron Chef title. They screw up too.

    Imagine being in a kitchen you are not familiar with, the equipment, etc, the placement of everything, you may not have work in a place as busy as Ramsay's or for a boss as intimidating as Ramsay.

  4. Oh and to top it off your teammates are also your rivals so you get people sabotaging their own teammates on Hell's Kitchen, most of the time it backfires.

  5. It's all fake. His Kitchen Nightmares is completely staged. In one instance, I know of a chef who had been approached for a different show. He couldn't do it because it would entail him having to leave home for up to three months. He was going through a divorce and had young children, so it was impossible. So they offered him Kitchen Nightmares, instead. He was interested in selling his restaurant because it was too much stress, so he thought it would be a good idea to get some free publicity, some free renovations, and exposure. He had to play the "bumbling chef" part which he wasn't thrilled about, but he did end up selling a few months after the episode aired.

  6. Hell's Kitchen had some decent chefs in the beginning. They've run out of people or nobody wants to do the show. Some of these folks are rough.

    I like Master Chef. These home cooks have real talent. Gordon doesn't yell or cuss. Much.

  7. Gordon Ramsay must've been bullied at school as he is a grade A skidmark. Seriously. His own restaurants have been closed down due to health issues, and they just plain sucked.
    Celebrity "chefs" are mostly questionable like Jamie "I'm missing a pucking chromosone" Oliver.
    Real chefs do hard work, shoddy hours for not great pay.
    These shows just highlight the whole culture we have now if we attach "celeb" to something

    1. Amen! But there's a young crop of 'chefs' fresh out of school who think celebrity is where it's at- talk about a rude awakening!

  8. Like most things 'reeality' not really real,

  9. I don't doubt that Katie about Kitchen Nightmares because one finds it hard to believe that many people are that clueless but working in a different industry some people are that clueless. But yeah sure you need to update your business, you can put on an act to get that money for a quick reno and the name boost from the show.

    I could also see that Hell's Kitchen could be running out of candidates because chefs with promise are not going to leave their current jobs for that long for a small chance at running Ramsay's Vegas pub and grill. Not if you are in a great restaurant in an urban setting. Not that pub food is easy to make well.

    And yes I do prefer Master Chef too.

    I only watched it the other night because they were using that weird penis looking clam.

    1. Tina: those crustaceans just look like flacid little willys. Hence, being a vegan!

  10. Gordon Ramsay is freaking hilarious, I don't care if it's fake, it's still great. I appreciate his devotion to food safety and restaurant cleanliness too.

  11. Is this the show where Ramsey screams like a maniac? Who wld even look at that? Dont we all have enough yelling in real life? And he's rude and crude.

  12. Oh, man. We're back to the boring topics. Enty, you're supposed to be more like Count Jerkula and less like my mother.

  13. They are all gross. How can they even taste their food with all the smoking. This season has the lowest caliber of contestants. They do it on purpose for ratings and conversations like ours. Yet, I watch.....
