Thursday, October 23, 2014

Blind Item #9

Quietest separation ever for this former A list model turned actress married to a former A list athlete. They both cheated so this is best for both of them.


  1. Agreed LadyH good f'n job!

  2. Roddick is a total tool. My brother knew him when they were teenagers.

  3. +1
    Today, everyone is Mr & Mrs Jizz.
    More misery to 'em.
    I wondered why they were selling that absurdly extravagant house they just built. Tsk, tsk.

  4. You totally 'ACED' this @Lady H.!!!

    Lady H. for the game,set,match!

    1. ROFL @Rolo. Heisenberg goes BOOM! You know I cannot resist a fun pun!

      How you doin my chocolately sweetness?

    2. Rosie heard you speaktype in third person?Ay Ay Ay

  5. Hey! Jizzy's been in a couple of movies and has an IMDB page.
    I'm sticking with TommyCurls & The Jizz Machine.

  6. *OT* my sister just sent me this Video-sorry I cant click it;

    P.S.A with Leslie Gore's "You Don't Own Me"- why women should vote.
    You should check it out-it's good.(imho)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Pete Sampras and Bridigette Wilson? Quiet suits them.

  9. Rod and Deck (sounds like an upscale Home Depot) always were a weird pairing for me

  10. Brookie Decker was NEVER a top model and Roddick was NEVER a top athlete. However, given Enty's rankings and the fact that these two are never seen together, I'm gonna agree that this BI is them.

    Sampras's wife is/was an actress. Pretty but hardly A list, even on Enty's rankings.

  11. Brooklyn decker has been spending a lot of time with her Battleship co star Taylor kitsch.
    Andy probably has a boyfriend too.

    1. I'd like to spend some time with Taylor Kitsch too. He'd have to be in his Gambit character and I...

      I need a minute.

  12. Thanks @Lady Heinsenberg!

    @Essie, Bridgette Wilson was an A list model back in the day, and I understood the blind as someone who was A list model and then turned actress...

  13. Angie harmon and jason sehorn?

  14. @Lady H, I'm doing cartwheels in the rain! thanks for asking.
    I can't bring up ur clicky..(what the hell's on there,Lady?? lol)

  15. @Sabrina. I disagree. Bridgette was just another model before she started acting in some romcoms. Her career trajectory is almost the same as Brooklyn Decker . . . a little modeling and then some parts in silly romcoms where they play the "pretty girl." Harmless and hardly A or B list territory.

  16. Who was the tennis player with actress wife who were on Hollywood Game Night? They had no chemistry.

  17. califblondy, that was Decker and Roddick. I saw that too.

  18. if both partners are cheating then all is well, amirite? divorce is for couples NOT on the same page. LOL

  19. Sampras and his wife are an interesting guess but I think Andy Roddick and Brooklyn Decker are a better fit. Wasn't she the popular guess for the wife of an athlete who said he didn't have time for her but would be happy now that he was working with men again? Or something like that?

  20. Sampras's wife was barely a d-list actress and never did any modeling. He was her cash cow and she will never let go.
    Brooklyn Decker was very succesful at modeling and apparently she did acting too however I dont know in what she acted so I thing they would be best bet. I always thought she is too pretty and too nice for him. He gives major douche vibe.
