Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dr. Nancy Synderman Should Be Fired

I don't understand why Dr.Nancy Synderman is still employed by NBC. Her contract could not be that big where they don't want to buy it out, and she is embarrassing the network and making them look stupid. In case you were out of town or celebrating Thanksgiving here is what happened.Early last week I wrote about Synderman and her team being put under 21 day quarantine after the cameraman from her team was diagnosed with Ebola. The quarantine was voluntary. As a doctor, in a position of authority and leadership which Synderman is because of her regular television appearances, she should be setting an example for others placed under voluntary quarantine. Just looking at what happened in Dallas and what can happen when protocols are not followed or even if they are, can have deadly consequences on others.

Synderman decided that she was fine and took it upon herself to violate the quarantine by going out with her husband in public and getting some soup from her favorite restaurant. Yes, she remained in the car, but what if there was a car accident and she had to get out. What about if she ran into a neighbor while getting in or out  of her car.

To compound the problem, Synderman issued an apology, but never said the word I. Instead she said members of her team violated the quarantine. Umm, no. You violated it, not members of your team. Take responsibility. You decided you were healthy and that the rules shouldn't apply to you so put people in danger so you could get some soup from your favorite place. Now, she and her team are under mandatory quarantine. 


  1. She has zero credibility now and should be fired and lose her license.

  2. No soup for her!

  3. I guess she took the word voluntarily a bit too literally.

  4. She of all people should know better.

  5. Also, while she did stay in the car, the person she sent into the restaurant to get the soup was another member of her crew, also under quarantine.

  6. Wow. What a hypocrite. Should have just stayed home and had some canned soup like the rest of us peasants.

    1. I favor the Healthy Choice tomato soup w/ cheese tortelinni in it. Top with a few crutons and you're good to go.

  7. Agre with enty and all; she shld be canned. If, as a doctor, she doesnt know enough to comply with quarantine, she's either stupid, arrogant or senile, all of which are grounds to fire her. So goodbye dr idiot.

  8. Replies
    1. So entitled! We all know the difference between god and a doctor. She didn't get the joke?

  9. Why not add two more doctors to the list - Dr Phil and Dr Oz?

  10. "Yes, she remained in the car but What if there was a car accident and she had to get out"
    Its for this sentence alone that reminds me how very little i should really believe much of what enty says. Also, I vote not a lawyer. He/she has the thought pattern of a (at best) teenager and writes like a fool.
    "Yah i know. but what if ??"

    He enty. Heres an IF for you:
    IF your Aunt had balls She'd be your Uncle.

    1. Or how about the fact that, if she's infected, she's possibly exposed the person who went in for her, who then potentially exposed everyone in the restaurant? I don't think this shit is as difficult to spread as the media is making out. Case in point: that nurse in Texas.

    2. Thank you. That's just what I was going to say.

    3. Ebola's not contagious until you're symptomatic.

      Definitely don't condone what she did - idiocy. But that's why plane loads of people and all random contacts that poor deceased man in US made aren't in quarantine.

  11. I've never seen a TV doctor that was worth taking seriously. They're sellouts. Even the vaguely scrumptious Sanjay Gupta. Give me a doctor who sees & treats 20 humans a day over a spokeshead who touches patients as little as possible. Removing yourself from your profession doesn't make your clinical opinions worth listening to. It invalidates them.

  12. I agree, Rosie. I don't believe this is an attorney at all.

    1. I have worked with many, many attorneys and other professionals who cannot write to save their butts. Assistants, editors and comms professionals clean it all up for them.

    2. Yes, grammar and punctuation are one thing that he is terrible at. I think this time, though, the REASONING is just fkd up. Its the "if" that invalidates him/her this time. Its basic elementary reasoning (or lack thereof) But i havnt had my coffee. And im not awake. Ill come back and read it again in a bit i guess.

    3. Whaaa??? This Enty isn't a lawyer?

  13. Her statement was, "As a health professional I know that we have no symptoms and pose no risk to the public."

  14. Wow. There is selfish, and then there is "willfully violating ebola quarantine" selfish. As a doctor, she has shamed her medical school.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Read the last paragraph.


  17. This is ridiculous. The restaurant they went into should sue her and NBC for exposing them. I don't know if you can really do that but it would cause NBC to act. This woman is deplorable. Wow.

  18. IMHO, the minute someone gets "Doctor" associated with their name (Juris Doctors included) they receive an arrogance transplant and common sense is the trade off.

  19. Imagine the business that restaurant will now lose.

  20. There have been several things Enty has said that have convinced me he(actully, I think he's a she) is not a lawyer. I think a couple of the interns are in law school or are recent grads, but he/she is not a lawyer...if he/she is, she is a terrible one. I am guessing she's in PR.

  21. And, Snyderman (not Synderman) should be fired.

  22. Agreed that her behavior is cavalier at best and completely irresponsible. That being said now everyone is on lock down. Enjoy your hospital food.

  23. Not only did they expose the restaurant but all the people in it then exposed anyone they had contact with

  24. Her credibility is gone. She should be fired and I'm amazed it hasn't happened yet.

  25. There cannot be contagion if there are no symptons in ebola, but her reckless behaviour is something an MD is or should be forbidden to do.

    Anyway, I remember most commenters were against taking some infected dude (doctor?) from Africa too be cured because of the risks for other people in the US, and it has happened that the focus of infection there has been a tourist/inmigrant.
    God works in misterious ways
    That has happened in other places, and is stupid there too.

  26. Actually it was Enty's use of the phrase "deadly consequences ON others" that bugged me. Shouldn't it read "deadly consequences FOR others"? Either way dumb move by the talking head.

  27. What happened to, "first do no harm"?

  28. Wait Enty is NOT a large overweight bacon eating Lawyer who lives in his mom's basement!?!? Hogwash. I will not believe it! I refuse!

  29. Enty, stop being an idiot and fanning the flames of ignorant panic.


    She's not symptomatic. Therefore, she put nobody at risk. The only reason for the voluntary quarantine was to throw a sop to panicking ignoramuses who listen too much to crap like this post, and not enough to actual experts and medical doctors.

    It's harder to contract ebola than AIDS, and nobody here thinks someone who's been near an AIDS patient should be quarantined.

  30. According to the World Health Organization website, around 2800 have had Ebola in between the years 1976 and 2012. According to CNN, 8,000 people have had Ebola this year alone. Not trying to fan the flames of sensationalism here, just giving the numbers. Something is not right. Not all of those people got Ebola from close bodily fluid contact, there's just no way. It is my personal belief this virus has mutated and we really don't know what we're dealing with.

    Snyderman made an unbelievably stupid blunder.

  31. This drives me crazy, she is an awful person. She should be fired.

  32. Brenda L: Yes, each and every one of the people who have contracted ebola have had close bodily contact with the body fluids of a symptomatic ebola victim or the corpse of one.

  33. I don't believe she put anyone at real risk but she was arrogant and set a terrible example for future quarantines.

  34. why do some people here and elsewhere want to essentially defend Ebola?

    It is not easier to contract AIDS than Ebola. If Ebola guy touches a door knob with his sweaty hand, then you touch it and rub your eye, Bingo! You get Ebola! It IS transmitted through sweat, snot, saliva, etc.

    An abundance of caution is what's needed when there is an outbreak of a deadly virus.

  35. Here's a few piece on Peter Piot, who named Ebola 30 years. Interesting background and his perspective on the current epidemic

  36. I totally agree, hairydawg.

  37. She should be fired, period. Her "apology" was disgraceful. Do what I did, e-mail NBC News and complain.

  38. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It's not easier to get aids than Ebola. How do you think someone taking every precaution in full suits still caught it?

  39. FYI - sorry, I don't know how to make it clicky, but here is an explanation of the Dallas nurse's infection. She apparently got it when removing her protective gear - she touched her contaminated gloved hand to her face by accident.


  40. Nancy violated the quarantine rules...this Ebola situation is very very scary and she is a doctor. I can't believe what she did and there is no excuse for her behavior. NO EXCUSE!!! That's what the first victim did...he knew he was in jeopardy but he came to the USA anyway. His actions have endangered hundreds of people. Yes, Nancy should be fired if for no other reason, for NOT taking responsibility for her actions. She was the doctor in the group. GEEZE

    I surely hope her husband doesn't come down with Ebola because it's looking like there is no rhyme or reason as to who gets it and who doesn't.

  41. I think the restaurant should sue nbc and Nancy for lost income.

    1. If the nurse can catch Ebola just from accidentally swiping her cheek with her glove.. The soup place should definitely expect a huge settlement from nbc..
      Snyderman is a cunt for not staying quarantined. . She could have had someone deliver the soup and leave it on her front steps. . So narcissistic and childish to go out in public and risk infecting innocent people who were trying to enjoy their day with warm soup and friends. .
      Fire the bitch nbc..

  42. My personal opinion is that we don't fully know what we're dealing with yet with Ebola.

    And now there are 2 new viruses that start out like normal colds or flu, and can paralyze and/or kill our children.

    Some people's arrogance will be their undoing.

  43. I read a great article on CNN with the "need to know" info on Ebola. While the disease is not highly CONTAGIOUS, it is highly INFECTIOUS, and you need only come into contact with one strand of the virus to become ill.

    The virus is resilient, and lives for quite some time on the things the patient has touched. An interesting piece of info I also read in the article was that in a "cured" male, the Ebola virus could still be detected in semen up to three months after he was well.

    I also believe the virus has mutated. For the WHO to predict we will have 10,000 new cases a week being reported in the next two months?! Much easier to contract than some would lead you to believe. And if people want to get panicky and take extra precautions, I'm all for it.

    1. Cornie-agree. Im all for no in or out of africa unless one way ticket to. Just to contain the virus.

  44. @bellaluna, yeah, the entero virus 68 is really scary. My friend is an infectious disease MD, and she thinks for parents, this is much more frightening than ebola. Apparently about 1/100 kids who contract it will get the polio like paralysis. That's a pretty scary stat...I'm tracking it in my town and if it shows up, I'm keeping my son home.

    1. There's been a couple cases in Oakland, and a lot of people in my area go there regularly. Fools!

  45. Don't get me wrong, I'm petrified of ebola too. I'm totally going doomsdayer...

  46. Dear Nancy Snyderman,
    I don't care if you do not have Ebola. To break your quarantine and put anyone at the slightest risk of contracting a deadly virus is irresponsible and as a doctor, shame on you. You are probably right, you and your crew probably do not have the virus but you know what? People are scared right now, with damn good reason. What about that business your crew member went into to get you that all important bowl of soup? Do you think people will want to go in there knowing there is even the slightest chance that there was someone who was openly exposed (no masks or any protective devices over several days traveling together) to a current Ebola patient went there? Did you think? Did you care? Was it worth their livelihood and people's worries for you to have a damn bowl of soup? Hey how about you could have phoned in an order and stayed in the car and they could have left it on the pavement for you to retrieve when they went back inside. When you apologize for something it helps if you take responsibility, instead of throwing members of the crew under the bus and using excuses. The last thing we need is for people to panic, especially an entire college campus like Princeton. Sorry but I think as a doctor in a prominent news capacity you should never behave like that. You should be fired. Frankly I would never trust a word you say and I certainly do not trust you with mine or my family's health. You are a poor doctor and a poor media representative.
    Please stay home, it is mandatory now thank goodness.

  47. Down with Nancy Snyderman and her crew. She is a disgrace to medicine. Write NBC and complain. Strength in numbers.

  48. She risked all this for soup?

    Soup, fucking seriously?

  49. Thanks to those who corrected the monumentally stupid statement that it's easier to contract AIDS than Ebola. Sheesh!

    The one thing that's sticking out for me is the fact that this was a "voluntary" quarantine.

    I'm sorry, there should either be "you're free to go out and buy soup" or "we are going to guard your house 24/7 or you will have to go to a locked hospital ward.

    Voluntary? Really? Either she presents a risk or she doesn't. There's no halfway here.

    Oh and to make something clicky this is how you do it. I can't actually type out a hyperlink example because then it would be a hyperlink and not an example. So, in the following example, change the curly brackets { and } to straight brackets < and >.

    {a href="http://www.google.com"}this is what people will see{/a}

  50. When someone starts typing in bold italics, expect idiocy to follow.

    As others have pointed out, it most certainly is not harder to contract Ebola than AIDS.

    1. Dexamyl ... so you're saying that one can express an opinion without dramatic font use and condescension? Interesting perspective!

  51. To express your opinion to NBC News:


  52. @Prunella, that was my first thought, too. "Voluntary quarantine"? Either it's a problem or it's not. You don't let the potentially infected people decide whether or not they can potentially infect other people.

  53. Fire her ass, and the Medical Board should firmly discipline her, at the very least.

  54. I thought you're contagious for two weeks BEFORE you show any symptom?

  55. I don't think we know enough about ebola to make these blanket statements about how it can be spread.

    If you've agreed to be under quarantine then stay at home dammit!

  56. Thanks to whoever posted the article about the Belgian doctor who discovered (and named) Ebola - it was fasscinating.

    Who says celebrity blind sites can't be educational? I've actually learned a lot from other CDAN posters - and sometimes I even get my news here too.

    I'm embarrassed to admit any of that.

    From what I've heard of Ebola, it can linger on things the infected person has touched ... and definitely survives death, to the extent that they recommend that nobody touch the body, that it not be embalmed, and that it be buried in a hermetically sealed coffin. Scary stuff that.

    1. What a thoughtless, selfish dingle berry

  57. And this update - signs posted about her in her home town (Princeton NJ).

  58. NBC needs to fire her.
