Saturday, October 04, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

April 25, 2014

Which C-list actors turned reality stars are faking their marital troubles because they're really in need for some cash?

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott


  1. I didn't know this! :O

  2. I dont think they're daking anything and if they are, man, that is low.

  3. No need to fake misery when you are married to Tori Landslide Victory Tits Spelling :)
    You could fit an ice cream scooper between that booby gap

    1. Ugh LadyH. Why did I look? How can you wear something like that knowing it looks like you have a huge valley between your mountains?

  4. So they're faking his affair? Or faking that his affair is considered a problem in their marriage? Both are sick. I wish they'd both take a long walk off a short pier.

  5. Another big Duh here. These people are so greedy. I hate greedy people.

  6. Candy could you please make up with your daughter and give her her inheritance so she will go away PLEASE!?!?!

  7. You mean Dean's acting career can't support them?

  8. Why am I not surprised?

  9. Prob is no one gives a fuck bout them

  10. @Lady, it should have come with a warning. Haven't had breakfast yet and now have lost my appetite. Can she not get them fixed or are they too far gone?

  11. I feel bad for their kids :(

  12. ya know what...NO, they aren't. he's boned somebody ((shakes head no))

  13. emily goodhand is the fakest of fake names since jan bradys george glass

    candy would help but tori is a compulsive shopper who lives above her means and candy is not going to enable her victim mentality

  14. My uncles name was George Glass :(

  15. Suge and sandy-i used to think too her mother was a bitch fir not ponying up the dough, and i still think she is. But she prob realizes tori wld blow thru it in no time, and she might have yo -gid forbid- use some of her money, lol. It will be interesting ti see who gets left money when candy dies, altho i wldnt be surprised if shes buried with it, lol. Im betting money in trust for grandkids they cant touch til 25, and mb coupla thou for tori. Randy i dont know.

  16. Oh liddy I'm sure most of it goes to the grandkids. She always said they would be taken care of.

  17. If this reveal is true, they may both be fairly decent actors afterall

  18. They ARE having marital issues. Her husband cheats & speaks openly about his boredom in the bedroom.
    She has a shopping obsession? At Target!!!
    I know they're on Telly all the time, but real life stuff is always there.

  19. lol @Gina Sz - good point Gina!

  20. @Skippy. True enough -but, Besides being on TV, that description sounds like many marriages at some point. You may have to change the store, some of us like Nordstrom and Walmart for shopping. (Life's a B sometimes. Lol)

  21. So let me get this straight.
    Miss Goodmouth, Goodfinger, GoodhandS is fuckticious?
    U don't say.

  22. Well, at least they're happy.

  23. Dean is the host of "Chopped Canada" and he always seems bored and has an "I'm too good for this" look on his face. It's funny. Like why are you too good for that job-because you married Tori Spelling?!

    At any rate, I don't think they need to fake their marital troubles, they never look happy with each other.

  24. Aaron Spelling is spinning in his grave.

  25. @sugar, baloney, Candy is a hoarder and compulsive shopper herself. She just wants CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL over Tori.

  26. but aaron left the bulk of his money to candy..its not candys fault tori wasnt left 50 million to live out her life blowing through it all
    tori is still "poor me i didnt inherit enough money to fund my lifestyle!!"
    tori made plenty of $$ on 90210 and she blew it all shopping and vacationing..
    no ones fault but her own she didnt invest some and be set up for life
    she was on 90210 the whole 10 years and she was making huge $$$
    think about making about 1-2 million / yr for 10 yrs and shes broke and blame candy???
    tori needs to grow the fuck up!!
