Sunday, January 11, 2015

Blind Item #4 - Golden Globes- From AP

AP spent some time with this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who everyone seems to love. He rarely spent any time speaking to the women he brought with him. He got cranky at his publicist who would stop by every few minutes to tell him to straighten his tie or put on his jacket . He said that this former A+ list mostly television actress turned A list mostly movie actress and a nominee last night was really cold to him after he could not think of anything she was in. He says that he has maybe seen one or two of her movies but apparently she expected him to have seen them all. Charming guy but did too much waiting for people to come to him and didn't seem all that interested in getting up and going to others.


  1. Tricia1311:02 PM

    Jessica Lange for the actress

  2. Tricia1311:04 PM

    Nv Lange- thought it was former A+ film actress turned TV

  3. Tricia1311:05 PM


  4. Not sure about the guy. Have no clue about the guy, but the actress who blew him off sounds like Jennifer Anniston. She's the only one I know of who was tv then movie in the A-list arena.

  5. Jessica11:19 PM

    Did he expect Jenn to throw herself at his feet?! haha sounds like a dick.

  6. Hmmm.... I thought Ben got cranky when he didn't win.
    Anyway, I don't think this is Cumberbatch.. No idea yet!

  7. French girl11:36 PM

    Attention whore who campaigns very hard since 2 years ...Cucumber

  8. back again11:45 PM

    Cumberbatch was up & around talking to people- He had a funny photobomb w/ Meryl Streep- but #Dufus I thought he looked really cranky too after he lost..also,I'd be pissed too if someone kept poking @me,fixing my hair,tie,etc. in front of my peers & idols,,

  9. Hugh Grant

  10. back again11:48 PM

    it took me a bit to think of her movies off the top of my head too- not necessarily insulting--he's probably a bit pre-occupied & nervous for crying out loud.

  11. June Gordon11:50 PM

    I whouldn't MINE Bill Cosby raping me but I whould REALLY like Cumberbatch to rape me even tho he got him a wierd face and like the pole.

  12. Deborah12:40 AM

    It was definitely Cumberbatch. He said "Weren't you in Friends?"to her when they were on stage

  13. French girl12:47 AM

    He was not here

  14. Qcumber all the way. Until HW's cameras were on him and his Octopussy at HW's after-party, he was sulky and their showmance was showing big time (Holding her thumb on the red carpet? Her vanishing bump that seems to grow and disappear depending on whether her hands are in her pockets or she's slouching? Classy move, HW...).

  15. Patris5:48 AM

    No Cumberbatch. He is tv actor usually in BI. And he in A-.

  16. Becky662411:28 AM

    I agree, there is a lot of video of him lavishing his fiancee with attention and he spent a whole flight with Jennifer Aniston, where she was trying to recruit him for Horrible Bosses 3...and to be fair I love her but her movies, like his, are not memorable.

  17. robynsing12:16 PM

    It was Aniston and Cumberbatch--on stage she complimented him for being "amazing in imitation game" and he said "you're amazing" and then said...are you really Jennifer Aniston

  18. macaroniandcheese2:35 PM

    Absolutely Cumberbatch/Aniston

  19. Gaston4:57 AM

    I definitely think Cumberbatch as well. His bow tie was almost always crooked in the pics. He had his jacket off for the photobomb. He is rumored to be in a PR relationship with his fiancee.

    Also what robynsing said about the Cumberbatch/Aniston exchange while on stage presenting the award for best supporting actor. He couldn't/didn't reciprocate her compliment about him being amazing in TIG. It was like he blanked out and couldn't remember what (good) thing he had seen her in.

  20. Skittle7:27 AM

    I thought of Clive Owen, possibly, but I don't know that he would be called loved by all.

  21. I agree with Gaston, it was definitely Benedict Cumberbatch and Jennifer Aniston. His tie was crooked all night, he took off his jacket for the (staged) photobomb and Karon must've had to convince him to put it back on, and when he was on stage with Jennifer, he forgot the name of the movie she was in. And he's been generally cranky ever since he was weaseled into getting engaged to Sophie Hunter for PR, and his crankiness increases as the showmance goes farther. One of the reporters tweeted earlier in the night that Benedict would not answer any questions about his personal life, so he may have been avoiding people for fear that they'd ask personal questions and he'd have to spend the evening lying about the showmance.
