Sunday, January 11, 2015

Blind Item #5 - Golden Globes - From AP

Speaking of the actress from #4, AP says that she was wasted but trying to hide it which is not something our actress usually does. AP thinks she was doing something else besides just drinking and that she probably took a pill or two and out of the 20-30 times AP has hung out with this actress this was the worst she has been and AP said lots of other people noticed it too.


  1. Tricia1311:16 PM

    Jennifer Aniston looked a bit- off!

  2. Lila Fowler11:17 PM

    Jen Aniston, def. I'd think pot, though, not pills.

  3. Tricia1311:19 PM

    ^yep, more likely.

  4. French girl11:38 PM

    My idea also

  5. I didn't watch the show, but I did see a .gif on another website of Anniston grabbing Kate Hudson's booty. it was actually quite funny.

  6. jessica11:58 PM

    Jenn always seemed to be the type to take MAOI's to me, possibly other prescribtion drugs. She's admintted in interviews she likes pot, and was married to Pitt for years who smokes pot in interviews.
