Monday, February 02, 2015

Blind Item #4

This former A- list mostly television actress from that long running network hit show has a new project coming out. She says everything is fine with her boyfriend, but it isn't. She is so tired of moving from one boyfriend to the next so she just puts up with whatever he does and swallows her pride.


  1. slim shady11:42 PM

    Eva Longoria

  2. Princess Kate12:26 AM

    Maybe she's still hoping Clooney will come around.

  3. cebii1:40 AM

    There are a couple of other alternatives:
    find a normal guy that won't cheat and be a jerk.
    go solo. Why is it so crucial to have a man?

  4. mrswooblet8:12 PM

    @cebii if only normal guys weren't also jerks who cheat she'd be golden!!! may as well go out with a rich handsome cheater.
