Friday, March 13, 2015

Blind Item #8

It's really interesting that this foreign born A list movie/television actor has only been married a short time and already changed his will and had a trust drafted that only needs a signature when the child is born. His wife is the one who made the appointments and got him to sign everything. She says she just wants to be protected. I can understand that, but she was talking to lawyers the same day they got married about getting the documents to her. I wonder if he was scared on his honeymoon.


  1. Tricia134:31 AM


  2. sandybrook4:33 AM

    Yes Cumberbitch

  3. sandybrook4:34 AM

    Blackmail is a bitch y'all!! :(

  4. slim shady4:35 AM

    sigh...Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter

  5. Tricia134:36 AM

    Strange marriage - yes, indeedy

  6. Kno Won Uno4:49 AM

    DNA must have been conclusive

  7. Gummibear4:50 AM

    Cumberbatch better make his own earl Greg from now on!!
    Tricia did you get my email ?

  8. gummibear4:55 AM

    She isn't far along enough for a dna test.
    is anyone else having problems from their tablet or mobile device or just me

  9. misch5:00 AM

    too early for DNA he'll wait till the baby is born

  10. Tricia135:08 AM

    Yes ma'am.

  11. Tricia135:09 AM

    @gummibeat- Major tablet problema's

  12. Kno Won Uno5:11 AM

    There are in utero paternity tests, have been for a couple of years. It's easily google-able.
    My assumption is that an intelligent man might ask for one before signing away everything he owns.

  13. CuriousLurker5:20 AM

    I would hope so! Seems as if
    BC has not been so intelligent as of late...let's hope he was at least with this!

  14. Kathy5:29 AM


  15. Planet J5:30 AM

    What the hell does this lady have on him?! It must be HUGE!

  16. Kathy5:34 AM

    in UK, if a wife has child who's father isn't her husband, the husband doesn't need to fill for divorce, he just applies at court for annulment. but in utero paternity tests are not enough of evidence for british law. thus, he must wait till the child is born.

  17. CuriousLurker5:41 AM

    :) LOL :)

  18. he's either gay or who knows - they were in the same circle of friends, she has been good friends with girlfriend of Harvey Weinstein's brother-in-law. She probably knows what is happening at their parties, Cumberbatch probably did some illegal shit and she found out.

  19. CuriousLurker6:00 AM


  20. Saimon6:00 AM

    Cumberbatch is A-

  21. macaroniandcheese6:14 AM

    I'm not deeply invested in this drama--I was never in mad love with him--but I find myself thinking "Run, Benedict, run!"

    Putting aside the things I've heard about her as a person, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that this is something he wanted but it looks stranger to me all the time. My gut instinct is that if this was a marriage of real love and respect, why would it be that he would avoid signing off on anything until a child is born & breathing?

    Of course, it is also interesting that Enty posts the Benedict blinds most frequently at the end of the run of the day's gossip. Maybe it is all clickbait? If it is, kudos for at least creating an extended narrative that fits together from month to month to month. They do all lace together well.

  22. macaroniandcheese6:16 AM

    +1, Tricia! Seriously, should be labeled easy easy. Recently married, child soon to be born, just came off honeymoon...hmmmmm, whomever could it be???

  23. macaroniandcheese6:23 AM

    I'm starting to wonder (and I don't want to bring down the wrath of his fans so let me say this is radical conjecture) that it can't just be that he's bi, or that he uses escorts. If this is really a blackmail situation, coming out as bi or as a john would not be worse than what the blinds have been hinting he's been putting himself through to keep it quiet. It would have to be something DEEP and awful, like participating in the underage sex trade or something. There have been rumors about producers and stars importing underage sex workers or taking international sex vacations (Thailand, Ibiza, etc) for shenanigans that would be practically life-ending were it to get out publicly. From what I've read in recent weeks, Benedict seems to have some skeevy/shady friends and associations, not the least of which is Weinstein, whose name always pops up when there's a depraved blind about someone monied.

    Again, pure conjecture, but if the blinds are true, it has to be something really, really bad.

  24. CuriousLurker6:30 AM

    Same here...

    I'm late to the game also...

    Interesting when I have to go back and read things referenced that I've missed...what I find...

    At first, I just saw it as he knocked her up, which is how I took his awkward behavior all of a can be uncomfortable about it and act weird and off because of it...even though it is not something that is a big deal nowadays really.

    The things going on with the timeline, cv, not made my mind up yet who did what/when/exactly why...

    From what I have looked into, like you said...They do all lace together well.

    Guess it just has to all unfold in 'due' time!, my own serving of pun is not very good, I know...but it is what came to mind...

  25. Princess Kate6:33 AM

    I don't think the fact that the trust has been drafted but not signed is suspicious. It's entirely possible that under British law, a trust cannot be formed for someone not yet born.

  26. If she's really as evil as conjectured, she deserves some kind of award for mastering the innocent face.

  27. Yeahsure6:48 AM

    Cumberbatch/Hunter for sure. Maybe he's a masochist and he likes women trampling him. To me the nugget of this BI (if true) is the "She just wants to be protected." Which means . . . there's something she already views as potentially threatening to her situation. Wills, of course, can be changed quite easily, so unless she's also planning to bump him off as soon as the baby's born and (I assume) its paternity proved to BC's satisfaction, a will isn't much protection, he can change it anytime. I wonder if this also suggests there's no pre-nup. Wills are also, unless I'm mistaken, public record, while a pre-nup would be private? Legal issues are also quite private - I wonder who's blabbing to Enty? My guess is a "friend" of SH's or BC's that the couple are unaware is feeding these. Certainly people are on the watch for BIs about these two by now. I suspect that if the marriage doesn't blow within a year, however, people will just get tired of smoke without fire.

  28. Wow
    .sounds like a case for sherlock holmes...

  29. Yeahsure6:52 AM

    In utero tests present a danger and Hunter is over 35, which immediately classifies her as a high risk pregnancy, even if everything is proceeding perfectly normally. And you cannot force someone to have an in utero test if she doesn't want to. But she can't prevent one, either, once the baby is born.

  30. yeah, that's what i was implying, either drugs or underage escorts. he seems to be that kind of guy who likes to fool around and some of these girls looks older than their age. i don't want to make assumptions, but when you are horny and totally drunk at some party (and he seems like a guy who likes alcohol) and take some girl into your hotel room, you certainly don't ask for her ID card.

  31. Yeahsure6:54 AM

    Pardon? That woman is 8 months along - if she makes it past mid-April I'd be surprised. I wouldn't put it past them to try to medically delay labor so they can keep up the "oh we were already planning to get married when she got pregnant" fairy-tale. And anyway, she can refuse the procedure if she wishes. Best to wait till baby is born.

  32. macaroniandcheese7:07 AM

    It would have to be something full-stop career ending to force someone's hand the way the blinds have been hinting. Drugs don't count--Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a well known drug addict and adored in the industry anyway until his death. RDJ and Depp both came back from heroin habits, and RDJ even did prison time but he's still beloved (AND an all-ages megastar with his Marvel work). I never would have thought Benedict the type, but there's little else besides the underage sex trade or child porn on the hard drive that will fully shoot a career out of the sky in the modern age. Even consensual slightly underage sex only seems to derail things a little--see James Woods for more details on that!

  33. Chuchu7:07 AM

    Blackmail? You don't people in your will if your blackmailing them. Too much tumblr people here

  34. yup. look at the recent scandals - prince Andrew, Tyga with that Kardashian girl, etc. Even if you are a celebrity, sex with underage girls (or even rumours about it!) will secure a steady place on front pages of tabloids. i'm not saying he did something like this, but, if she does have anything on him (and according to all these recent BIs it certainly looks like she does) than it has to be either this or his sexuality. I don't see any other options.

  35. Planet J7:17 AM

    That's what I was thinking has to be something more than the "normal" scandals that plague has to be something really bad. I hope it isn't anything that has to do with the underage sex trade. From what I've read over the years about that..there are some sick people (monsters),that have some very serious global pull that are wrapped up in that..and from what I've read..they are the type of folks you really don't want to piss off. That's all I'll say about that.
    I really really hope that isn't the case here.

  36. Actually there is a test that can be done pre-birth that's safe. You just need a blood sample from the Mom and "Dad". After 9 weeks, the baby's DNA can be detected in the Mom's blood. Then you compare the baby's DNA with the "Dad". Of course Mom has to consent to her blood being drawn. He's probably waiting for a paternity test after birth before signing the papers. Once the kid is born, "Dad" can order any test on the baby just like Mom. And if the kid is his, he shouldn't make HER the executor of his will or trust. Get an objective third party. Make sure she gets very little and most of it goes to the kid. Still, I don't think it's his.

  37. JLowe9:08 AM

    You might put people in your will if they're blackmailing you though.
    What's tumblr got to do with anything?

  38. nonyadambusness9:22 AM

    It can't be drugs that's old news. He did some magic mushrooms in Nepal on his gap year. Maybe something having to do with him seeing a shrink?

  39. back again11:23 AM

    you're making BC sound like his character in "Atonement"

  40. chuchu11:52 AM

    Ugh posting via mobile sucks. If she's blackmailing him, why would he go through the process of adding her to his will? Is she gonna wait for him to die? Poisen him? Wills can be changed in a flash. And way too many cumberbatch blinds I think. At least we don't have any pillow baby posts from you Enty. Side note, you really need to check out the havoc your causing on Tumblr, Enty. People are becoming unhinged! Even here, talk of underage girls? This site is no longer fun

  41. Doesn't have to be something that extreme. Things have changed, you've really got to be something big to make a comeback and it takes years; this guy is already pushing 40 and not yet big enough in the US to weather any storms.

    Things like mental illness can kill your career too if it gets out before you've proven yourself. Once you're viewed as "unreliable", studios won't risk hiring you.

    Same goes with drug addictions. Hoffman still had a good work reputation, but other actors with addictions (Stahl, Lohan, etc.) end up shut out.

    Of course, it could be something he could recover from, but if he's got shit people around him telling him otherwise, that's another story.

  42. Emeraldcity3:57 PM

    I'm thinking that there are only two things that could totally kill your acting career murder or pedophilia. I'm also think that half of theses Cumerbatch blinds are BS.

  43. No big deal To beaing a gay thise days.If she has something dirty on him definitely be under age sex or sometime ilagal which can ruined his career

  44. Sereeni5:35 PM

    The thing about blackmail is that someone could be persuaded to put the blackmailer in the will if the secret is bad enough. That's how people went from bad to worse because most secrets don't make sense. That is unless for Benedict, he's been cultivating a specific image that even serious drug usage, or partaking in orgies (or other illegal activity) would cause his reputation to be hurt. That said the reason why the underage girl talk happened was because people were trying to figure out what could be so bad that would have Benedict scared (what else would it be if he is persuaded to change his will).

    It is likely not underage girls but a lifestyle that Benedict knows would tarnish his image (he's not yet big enough to be able to get away without getting critical damage as well as losing his fanbase--that while he might not always like, knows that they're important).

    No one is unhinged just because you don't like what people are saying about Benedict, if anything they're wondering and speculating what on earth is going on.

    The site is no longer fun for you? Oh well, this site is still fun to me. It's been very interesting and the narrative that is surrounding Benedict is alarming and baffling (of course taking them with a grain of salt, but still).

  45. Sydney6:24 PM

    If this man is so awful why would she want to be married to him? Couldn't she blackmail him without marrying him? Not to mention why the hell would she have to wait until he dies? Wouldn't she want to be paid out now?

  46. Mynameisnessuno7:01 PM

    "Hunter is over 35, which immediately classifies her as a high risk pregnancy" very true, and yet we have seen her do all the things considered a non-no for pregnant women: alcohol-drinking, high heels-wearing, sun-bathing, boat-riding, several long transoceaninc flights in a short time span...uhm.

  47. Her having been an escort.
    Had the client of the big game.
    This becomes the big reason of the threat.

  48. Mynameisnessuno7:10 PM

    I think blackmail is a strong word to use as we don't know anything of their situation, aside the fact Cumberbatch looks miserable since the engagement.

    Also, from what does she want to be "protected"?

    I just hope the baby will turn not to be Cumberbatch's, so he'll be able to kick her skinny ass back in the obscurity where she belongs.

  49. This guy must basically be an idiot. It's not like he's 23 yrs old and is naive about adult relationships or anything.

  50. he admitted he smoked little pot when he was teenager, but he doesn't look like a guy who does hard drugs. and if anything Ben as actor is famous for is his works etics. so no, no drugs, no mental illnes. it has to be something different. "underage escorts" was just a theory we brought up. i personally believe he's closeted or has fooloed around with guys. homosexuality (or even bisexuality) could affect his career as well. he would still get roles (just like Zachary Quinto) but he could say good bye to leads, romantic roles and most importantly, awards. and anyone who followed his PR campaign this season has to see how greedily he wanted that Oscar. A wedding one week before a ceremony - come on, he's a famewhore of the worst kind.

  51. Mynameisnessuno8:40 PM

    As a Cumberbatch's fans, I'm sorry to say he has already lost a good portion of his fanbase. Up to a few months ago, my routine before getting to work was to check 2 blogs and 1 forum about BC/Sherlock to start my day on a positive note.

    Well, right now the forum is almost catatonic, 1 blog posts only stuff from the past and not so frequently as before, and the owner of the other blog, which was a must for any BC/Sherlock fans has explicitly said they are "taking a break and reevaluating".

    This looks bad because these blogs/forum aren't run or read by "crazy fangirls", but from a wide spread of fans.

    I just hope his PR's realize what a damage this "situation" is causing and correct it before it's too late.

  52. lmao i can't believe you guys came up with the craziest theories (mental illness, drugs, pedophilia) when the solution is clear as fuck. she's surrogate. in United Kingdom "surrogacy arrangements are not legally enforceable so a surrogate mother maintains the legal right of determination for the child, even if they are genetically unrelated. Unless a parental order or adoption order is made, the surrogate mother remains the legal mother of the child." That's why she needs those papers. Once the kid is born, Cumberbatch is going to annul the marriage and kick her in the ass. She's protecting her financial interests. I won't be surprised if the biological father of the child is actually Cumberbatch's real partner, that's why they picked a woman who looks totally like his sister, it's common practice so the gay couple has child that resembles them both.

  53. Yeahsure12:28 AM

    I dislike Ms Hunter intensely, she is a kind of woman I have disliked for most of my adult life-a coattail rider who never had to put clothes on her back or a roof over her head by working when she didn't feel like it. But I do insist on some objectivity: Kate Middleton is due in April and is wearing high heels - and has done so throughout both her pregnancies; you don't know what's is Hunger's glass; women are good to fly up to 36 weeks; a bit of sunbathing is not dangerous; I don't think they ever left the harbor in that boat. Pregnancy is not a disease. No one is going around saying Kate Middleton is endangering her unborn child by wearing high heels, which I just saw her wearing a few days ago: pink shoes with heels that looke 4" high. A cold and perhaps psycho calculating opportunist? Sign me up. Wearing high heels when pregnant? Come on - if she's at fault for that, fault the future Princess of Wales/Queen of England, too.

  54. Yeahsure12:30 AM

    Every once in awhile I wonder if they're BOTH deeply closeted and bearding each other.

  55. Yeahsure12:37 AM

    Oh don't get me started on the pillow-baby, non-legal marriage brigade, who haven't mastered the first principle of crime-solving: cui bono? (Who benefits?). What on earth would she get out of not producing a baby or a nonlegal marriage?! No settlements, no child support, the trust vanishes, the will gets changed . . . the only thing that gets her the "protection" she wants is a legal marriage and a live baby. The fake pregnancy types are just frantic to keep alive their belief he never laid a hand on her.

  56. Yeahsure12:40 AM

    I'd ordinarily agree with you but something about this has always smelled, and the number of them given that he's really not that famous outside the UK (no one in my office remembers who he is until I remind them) suggest a somewhat close to hand source who knows a great deal. And I've always thought he was a bit strange. As I said, if this is going to blow it will soon, and if it doesn't, I suspect that then this will start fading.

  57. Yeahsure12:42 AM

    I don't think you're far off the mark - he's always seemed, although admittedly from afar, to be rather strange and undeveloped emotionally in some ways. He may be pushing 40 but he could well be deeply immature.

  58. Yeahsure12:46 AM

    You're saying that the child isn't hers or isn't his, or is actually neither of theirs? That he's gay and they used a turkey baster to get her to carry the child? Srlsy, please clarify.

  59. People please. For this blind to be legit, she would actually have to be pregnant. And judging by the pros tethers she wore on the beach on their honeymoon, I'd say this crap is made up.

  60. Prosthetic, I mean. And hers gets bigger and sillier by the day.

  61. Aygul1:38 AM

    why everybody think he is gay? he was in serious relationship with woman for 12 years, gays don't do that

  62. And-so-on..1:42 AM

    Maybe her last rich client got her pregnant and He is the one forcing the marriage, Cumberbach saying he's the daddy, to save his butt? The men linked with her might be best buddies and this is a big favor willingly taken, or.. The real daddy, might be very powerful and threatening., so he puts out smears and strange publicity to throw everyone off track. Could be a upper level Brit or some other foreign country mafia thing.

  63. Saimon1:45 AM

    Cumberbatch and leads, romantic roles, you are kidding, he role of genius, he never offered a romantic role.

  64. Personal i don't he is gay but look sceptic blog many think this only reson to this marriage .Which i think his not reason

  65. Saimon1:54 AM

    Do you really think that she is pregnant? He hates her, from the beginning of the year she had 11 transatlantic flights, I'm not talking about "change" her body. She does not know what being pregnant because she is not pregnant. If there is a surrogate mother, it's not Sophie, sorry. And if a child carried by a surrogate mother, the child is genetically Cumberbatch, he will not take someone else's child, ever. This baby is his. But there is one point, Cumberbatch has no time for the child, he will be busy all year round, but he wanted a child, and be the perfect father.

  66. exactly! but he said in numerous interviews it is his dream, that he always wanted to play romantic lead.

  67. She's "binder" - that kind of pregnant womant who uses special binding panties to appear less pregnant. They wanted to sell a lovestory that they didn't engage because of pregnancy, that's why she does it (why Cumberlord allows it is different question - he knows the kid isn't his, probably). But the Bora Bora photos were taken when she was naked, they couldn't lie anymore. And surprisingly, those photos were taken down, weren't they. I assume now is she so far she can't bind herself, but she definitely used to. She probably even wore some kind of corset till the Valentino show. Anna Wintour probably knows, that's why she threw Benedict under the bus in the Vogue article. She probably wants nothing to do with two crazies who torture their unborn child.

  68. Gaston2:44 AM

    If even half of them aren't BS though, he's still living an effed up life.

  69. Gaston3:20 AM

    She looked unmistakably pregnant at the Palm Springs Film Festival on January 5, 2015. So much so that they confirmed the pregnancy to the gossip newspapers that same week. She could have chosen to keep the pregnancy hidden for a while longer at that point but she made a very deliberate decision at PSFF to reveal it then (her holding her purse just in front of the bump, the choice of dress, obviously not using a "binder" then).

    Why would she do that if she wanted to make everyone think she conceived after they were engaged. If they conceived after they were engaged, she would have just discovered she was pregnant herself and certainly would not be showing like she was PSFF, nor would she be as big as she was in the Bora Bora pics. Also, why were all the Bora Bora pics of her with her belly showing suspiciously grainy when all the others were HD in comparison. Hmmm...

    P.S. yes, I hate that I know all this but I love how this whole situation is so deliciously rife with potential scandal. Bwah hah ha!

  70. Sereeni4:59 AM

    I most definitely agree with that sentiment. Benedict is doing a poor job of keeping his fans. What he seems to be achieving is keeping the more dedicated (to the point of worrisome at times) fans that believe every narrative and dare not ever question anything.

    I kept up with a handful of interviews (more often than not gifs of interviews that contained little nuggets or quotes), some photoshoots, etc. I don't watch everything, just what interests me. I noticed the weirdness, stayed and was completely baffled at what was going on (and why it kept up).

    I really wonder who sent in this blind. I don't think it was any side of the fans (skeptics, or nannies). So why then would the PR possibly send this in? How would they honestly believe this to go down? Especially if anyone's kept up with the narrative in the slightest.

    Now we've gone from bad to worse (mostly because people can't figure out why the blackmail would be so successful so something really bad, illegal etc). Cases of pedophilia, mental illness, illicit drug use, questionable sexual habits (I don't care about what happens behind closed doors only that it's healthy, and safe) etc.

    I'm wondering if in some ways the secret might not in fact be all that horrible. It may be that secret is something that would tarnish his image among the more dedicated Cumberbatch fans who would likely cause so much uproar that they can disrupt his livelihood.

    However in his frustration and "hatred" of his fans, and not wanting to open that Pandora's box he's alienated his other fans who don't want this constant reminder of this weirdness or at least how can I say... too much to keep interest, and thereby making it easier to not always watch his work.

    I'm also wondering how anyone in PR couldn't guess the results of posting a blind like this. This sort of news almost always leads to much more negative speculation. Who immediately thought "Wow Benny boy you're so sweet for wanting to protect your wife and unborn child!" especially with how it's presented in the blind.

    I would find it hilarious if this is like a battle of the PRs where we've got Sophie's PR trying to get the lovely couple narrative out there (and with that have her star power increase) and Benny's PR doing this blinds and such.

    All I can think of is The War of the Roses and wondering if this is their PR version of this.

    Benny does need crisis management, and new PR team stat.

  71. Could be sexuality, yes.

    I should clarify having a mental (or physical) illness absolutely does not mean you're unreliable or can't have a great work ethic. Plenty of actors do. It's just having it out there can scare studios off at the casting level because of an irrational fear something will happen during production. Production problems/delays can cost millions.

  72. Flipnut6:48 AM

    Drugs and being gay or bi isn't enough to derail anyone's career in this current age. Someone mentioned RDJ and he's a shining example. Hookers and escorts are also no big deal. Look at Heidi Fleiss. She had all sorts of famous names and aside from the politicians, the only ones who were really hurt by her scandal were her and her women. Her male celebrity clients actually got a boost. B using sex workers wouldn't kill his career unless they were underage.

    No one is saying gay is worse than underage escorts. What it looks to be being put forward is that being gay is not at all worse than that. It also looks like bisexual is more the theory than gay is. Still insisting here that neither one would fuck up his career the way something deep and bad would.

    Also interesting that so many people assume underage escorts are automatically female. The theory that B might be keeping secrets for someone more dangerous and powerful for him is an interesting one though. Maybe B did not fool around himself but found out too much about someone who likes the sex trips to Thai-land for sex with underage boys.

    I'm with the people who are guessing this has to be something far deeper than sexual preference or the oscars. If it is not genuine, it looks like he's deep in with people who could hurt him, into something bad enough to kill his career like an underage sex scandal, or something that could put him into jail another way like money laundering. If it is genuine, or if parts of it are, maybe he's got a terrible disease and is trying to hit all these major life milestones in a hurry before he dies. Maybe when she is worried about being covered, it isn't about being covered in case this blows up but in case he can't beat whatever is making him sick. He looks sick, that is for sure.

  73. Sugar Jones7:34 AM

    I find it interesting that most here agree that something is very wrong with the CumberHunter relationship, albeit the different theories. I am a longtime fan of the guy and am simply worried about him at this stage. It drives me crazy to see him go down and I cannot figure out why the hell he's going along with all of this. I refuse to believe that he's in love with her - simply doesn't look happy. I thought it was all for the Oscar campaign - but that's over now. The pregnancy storyline is confusing me too - the everchanging bump size is ridiculous, and I wanted to believe she's wearing a prosthesis - however that means they need a baby from somewhere, and soon. Why would you go through that? SH hardly looks like she's ready to give up her wannabe-theatre director socialite lifestyle, and I would simply hope BC isn't that desperate for a child to go through all this. Which, sadly, leaves the blackmail.
    I know he's naive/gullible, so I could imagine he got into some crazy stuff with escort-Sophie who then took a few pictures and he is now worried about it destroying his career. Unfortunately in the process of saving his career by marrying her, he still looks like a sad fool. I know he's been with Karon for 15 years or even longer - perhaps this is all grown too big for her too handle but B doesn't want to replace her, which also doesn't help him. Has the man got no friends that talk some sense into him (and know a good lawyer)?

  74. Yeahsure8:42 AM

    That's absurd. In the last 4-6 weeks of pregnancy you can put on 10 pounds in 10 days and the next week put on 3-5. Who benefits from a fake pregnancy? Why would she need a trust for a baby that doesn't exist? How can they turn around and tell the world, family, friends, that no baby appeared? What does SHE get out of that? If he married her because she was pregnant, he'll have no problem kicking her ass out if no baby appears on the basis of fraud. That fake pregnancy theory is strictly the fevered imagination of fans who hate her so much that they cannot accept that he got hard for her. That baby is the key to everything for Hunter: long-term security, rescued from a stalled life on the shady side of 40, desperate to attach herself to financial security and any number of other things. Career as actress/mode/director dead in the water. Forty looming. Bio clock ticking. Funds running low. She suckers Cumberbatch, gets lucky. No baby means Hunter loses all that. It's a ridiculous idea. Clothes, photos, shadows - meaningless. Women explode in the last trimester. Get over it: she hooked him with the oldest trick in the book and to make that successful he had to have sex with her and she HAS to be pregnant. Whether it's his or not, of course, is another matter, but pregnant, she is.

  75. Yeahsure8:54 AM

    You're mistaken if you think coming out wouldn't ruin his career: it would. The public still have tremendous difficulty accepting an out gay actor who isn't an elder statesman of the British theatre (like Ian McKellan) as a leading man especially in romantic roles. It's not that he wouldn't get roles, it's the kind of roles he'd get. He knows this. He's made it clear he wants to leave the Internet Boyfriend behind and wants a shot at being a real Hollywood leading man. I think he's a fool and he's not that kind of actor and doesn't have that kind of appeal. The sudden pursuit of celebrity-paphood is intended to sell not only the relationship but to sell Big Name Celebrity Hetero Actor Ben. IF he is gay or bisexual, that's NOT something he wants known now, as he approaches 40 figuring he's got a narrow window to see if he can jump up the ladder a rung or two. So yes, coming out as gay would definitely NOT be something he'd want out there now. Rupert Everett said that coming out ruined his career, FWIW.

  76. Sugar Jones10:21 AM

    Yeahsure, I have a question if you don't mind. You seem to be convinced that there is a baby, and I understand your reasoning for it / not trying to pick a fight here. Just curious to know if you have seen the pics of her belly at Bora Bora vs the ones in the yellow skirt when she goes through the airport a few days late - she looks flat as a tack, or with a tiny bump at best. That's not physically possible, and it's not the clothing covering it up either. Hence my conclusion of a fake belly. But why? If this is a normal, happy marriage with a baby on the way, why make the public believe sth that isn't there? Your thoughts?

  77. chuchu10:36 AM

    Bless you

  78. chuchu10:48 AM

    She looked plenty pregnant in the side view picture at the airport. I don't get why clothes making you look different is hard to understand? Just saw a co-worker yesterday 33 weeks pregnant. Didn't look it though. Today she wore a top that hugged her belly, seriously I thought she was about to explode. She looked HUGE. And kiera hasn't looked that pregnant either, I never saw a baby bump till 2 days before the Oscars when she was sitting at that tiff talk. I never knew she was already that big.

  79. chuchu11:05 AM

    Holy crap like 40 more comments in less than a day.

  80. Jess Sayin'12:11 PM

    I know; it's hilarious how we're getting chapter and verse (and verse and verse) and I've literally never seen this guy in ANYTHING. (Haven't seen his Holmes, have "12 Years' on the comp but haven't watched it, didn't see his movie this year.) Somebody really wants Benedict's marriage under the microscope, that's for sure.

  81. I absolutely agree. People who think she's wearing some "fake" belly are nuts.

  82. Flipnut2:31 AM

    I think there is something fishy going on with her stomach, to be honest. I don't think it is a full on fake wherein they will have to claim stillbirth or something else equally horrifying when a baby doesn't appear. My primary idea regarding the weird movable belly is she is purposefully adding/taking away padding to keep people guessing about her due date. Could be simply they don't want a circus surrounding her close to the time the baby comes like there was with Kate or Beyonce. If all this blackmail talk is true, it might be because they doesn't want anyone to be able to figure out the truth about conception other than those who absolutely need to know.

    I suppose the other possibility is that they/she wants the circus and thinks that tossing out false leads and breadcrumbs will boost her name recognition. For some folks it doesn't matter if they are being talked bad about as long as they are being talked about at all.

    I guess what makes all this so weird and unusual is there IS so much to talk about in the first place. None of it seems normal for a simple guy in love.

  83. nonyadambusness6:32 AM

    It's been mentioned before but The Huntress has ties to the Church. One of her Theatre troopes is sponsored by a Church. Maybe the Scandal is there? That one short film was very preachy, the mimes were condemning the couple who were sinning In The Meadow. I wouldn't be suprized if a church organization had sponsored that. Especially, with certain scandals that have happened in the past ten years or so, that would be MAJOR news.

  84. Yeahsure9:13 AM

    Sorry for the delay in replying, poster. Well to answer your question: photos clothes angles, change lots of things. Actors in particular are quite clever about these things. But the main reason I'm convinced there is a baby is because, as I've said before, no one benefits if there isn't. I keep asking who benefits from a fake pregnancy and none of the FAKE PG BRIGADE comes up with a good answer. First rule of crime-solving: cui bono? "Who benefits"? If he's gay and wants a family there has to be a baby. If he's impotent and wants to ensure that the world believes he's not, there has to be a baby. If she hoodwinked him with the oldest trick in the book it only works if there is a real baby. If she's doing this for long-term security, does she get it if there's no baby? Look back at all those BIs: they tell one story: either a shotgun engagement/marriage, which would be annulled by fraud in an instant if the pregnancy is faked - and do you really think he went to Bora Bora with her and never realized it was a prosthetic belly or is colluding in a gigantic deception on his parents, friends, and public like this - right before "Hamlet" to boot??!! I think it's real because otherwise our Huntress gets nada - because, as Sherlock will tell you, no other narrative fits the facts: she wanted money and security and a high-status hubby to rescue her stalled life. Does she get that with a real baby? Yes. Does she get it with a fake pregnancy? No. End of analysis.

  85. Yeahsure9:17 AM

    Oh, and btw, if you didn't see a baby bump till 2 days before the Oscars, you weren't looking or you were seeing what you wanted. Please! Palm Springs Festival pregnancy reveal in that ghastly Roberto Cavalli dress? The BAFTAS? The Globes with those carefully draped front panels? They kept her out of sight as long as possible to disguise just HOW pregnant she was so they could go on selling their, "Oh we were discussing marriage before she got pregnant" narrative. Right, they got together in May or so, she got pregnant in July, and they were already talking marriage - and didn't even get engaged till October. Really Ben and Sophie - some of really can count!

  86. Muchos Gracias for your blog post.Really thank you! Cool.
