Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 14, 2014

One of the biggest tools in the celebrity world keeps acting toolish.This B list mostly television actor who keeps getting work even though he is not really talented and better hope his boss can start working again so he can get a paycheck was at an event the other night with his A list mostly movie actress wife and was confronting every guy who looked at his wife. It was embarrassing. The guy needs to back off and stop being so insecure even if he does have a small peen.

Brian Austin Green/Megan Fox


  1. French girl1:28 AM

    In what world is Megan fox A list movie actress?

  2. Gummibear1:50 AM

    In guys who live at home and eat bacon all day.. meryl is barely a b- in this world

  3. Iknowrite?1:52 AM

    He...knows that's how she makes living, and supports him, right? By having men look at her?

  4. Planet J1:56 AM


  5. French girl2:17 AM

    Probably in the same world where Ryan Reynolds still is A+ list movie actor and Kristen Bell A list movie actress

  6. Emily2:26 AM

    Does he cheat on her?

  7. Megan Fox, one of the great underachievers of her generation who will spend a good part of her mid-life wondering why on earth she let her peak years pass her by.

  8. jessiee6:32 AM

    French Girl, those were LITERALLY the exact same words that went through my head.

  9. Bread and Circuses6:36 AM

    If you define the list by how many people know that actor/actress's name, then I can call Megan Fox A list -- not in acting ability, but definitely in terms of "Have I heard of her?"

    Unfortunately, that makes the Kardashians A list. I'm glad Enty puts reality stars on a separate list.

  10. Lendo8:25 AM

    as a guy, I understand being insecure and jealous, but the one thing I always held in my head is "she's going home with me"

  11. Planet J8:48 AM

    ^^^^ This!!

  12. Penelope 23:38 AM

    Then don't marry a girl half your age, bubba.

  13. Brian Austin Green sounds like Hitler...
