Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 2, 2014

In the I will have some of whatever she is drinking category, this former B list mostly movie actress turned waste of space and please give me a job even though I will screw up says that producers of a movie were making her an offer before they offered it to Jessica Chastain because they think our actress is more talented.

Lindsay Lohan



  1. sandybrook3:38 AM

    More talented where? in bed??

  2. oogabooga3:44 AM

    And THAT is the funniest shit I have read today! I can just imagine whoever she was talking to nodding their heads and then dying with laughter later on.

  3. And-so-on..3:53 AM

    Producers were more interested in her promises in keeping them happy privately, not this better talent as in acting; or a desired celebrity that will bring fans to the movies.. as she has special ways of making them feel happy with her more lucrative celebrated money-making dating skills., and she knows some people that will provide their skeevy, nothing is too much or over the top to perform.. and they won't breathe a word about their specialized job skills or association with their clients as well.

  4. Milly3:56 AM

    So she's trying to claim she was offered A Most Violent Year, but turned it down?! Like anyone would believe it.

  5. Planet J4:48 AM


  6. Well, she certainly is more delusional...

  7. Lila Fowler10:01 AM

    Not more talented but a bigger name and a bigger draw. Chastain can't open a movie on her own to save her life.

  8. Lindsay and her delusional narcissism.
