Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Secrets

She seems perfectly normal on the outside. Better than normal. She is smart and gorgeous and frequently smiles. She seems to have it all together. She is a mom and a reality star on a long long running hit reality show that has several spin offs and is NOT on E! and she has made it to the A list level. Underneath though are secrets . Some from her past which she never discusses but have made her who she is. There were the frequent sexual assaults and molesting that happened when she was younger. I once saw someone come up behind her and just lightly touch her on her back and she turned around and freaked out and told the person to never touch her again. It was perfectly innocent and an attempt to get her attention for something. She realized how much she freaked and apologized and said she really didn't like to be touched when she was not expecting it.

She has some issues in her personal life and one of her high profile exes of which there are several hired a private detective to follow her. He wanted to see if she was being a good parent. It turns out she is a good parent, but does not spend much time with her child. What was more shocking though were some of the interviews the private investigator did. This was a no expenses spared type of thing and would make for a great movie because there were people interviewed who say she poisoned someone who died and another person who was blackmailed by her and another person who said that our reality star checks her phone every five to ten minutes all day and night until she falls asleep to see how much her total worth is and her mood is dependent on whether it is up or down. Another person said they had never met anyone who was as tense as the reality star. Never relaxes a muscle. The smiles are apparently forced. One of her high profile exes says even though they were together for years she was always very formal with him and that she was mechanical and almost going through life in a daze.


  1. Tricia133:15 AM

    Padma Laskmi

  2. Tricia133:15 AM


  3. Tricia133:19 AM

    High Profile exes:Teddy Forester/Salman Rushdie
    Adam Dell(baby daddy)

  4. aemish3:29 AM

    Zoyks :/

  5. cebii3:30 AM

    How sad. Not really surprised, since her career and relationships have brought her more money than she could ever spend, but she still seeks out those rich old men. I hope she isn't passing on the insecurities to her kid.

  6. Sounds good, I was stumped!

  7. oogabooga3:40 AM

    Definitely Padma. It seems that her childhood was somewhat traumatic. She gravitates toward big money and old men, and her whole demeanor on TC just seems so forced and fake. I can for sure believe that the Dell guy had her followed and investigated when they had their custody issue going on.

  8. Big Al3:56 AM

    I'm going with Carrie Underwood for this one.

  9. Lauren4:43 AM

    Poor thing..

  10. Wow, I thought I was being so super clever by guessing Padma. LOL.

  11. Planet J5:30 AM

    Whoever it is,has my sympathy.

  12. I second that! O_o

  13. Sarah7:24 AM

    Padma is a great guess. I was totally stumped but she fits every clue. Poor thing.

  14. Carrie Underwood is a first time mom who just had a baby with her husband this week. Item says "ex" had her followed to watch her interact with their child.

  15. Tim gunn called her out for being a rude bitch in an article one time and I was impressed because I know peeps who worked on Project runway and said he was a polite nice guy, so if he says she's a bitch I believe it.
    She's always been a gold digger too

  16. back again10:50 AM

    you do realize that you're saying that one of her friends is accusing her of murder..right?? throwing that stuff around is something more than gossip,isn't it??
