Friday, June 26, 2015

Blind Item #8 - Kindness

Despite filming a movie and other commitments, this B list mostly movie actor, who is really only known for one role which he has milked a decade out of in one form or another volunteered a little over 1,000 hours of his time last year for the causes in which he believes. He got no money and paid his own way and for his own stays.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Jon Hamm

  2. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Lavare Burton

  3. Kno Won Uno1:48 AM

    If we're talking 8 hour days, that's 125 days. Pretty respectable.

  4. sandybrook1:48 AM

    Sascha Baron Cohen

  5. Tricia131:49 AM

    I just saw a pix of Hamm(who is film now think to Enty) at a charity event he does work for,..?who knows -its is major vaque.

  6. Kno Won Uno1:51 AM

    Ah-ha! Burton makes sense and I have no idea why I didn't think of it, since I donate to Reading Rainbow - and you should too!
    Butterfly in the sky
    I can go twice as high
    Take a look
    It's in a book
    A reading rainbow!

  7. Kno Won Uno1:54 AM

    (I think @sandybrook got it)

  8. Derek Harvey1:57 AM

    Thanks for getting that catchy tune in my head kno won ; )

    Is Sacha not known for many roles and characters
    Ali G etc

  9. Tricia132:01 AM

    i love Sasha(hope its him)-but he has Ali G,Borat, and (my fave) Bruno...but maybe?
    Mike Meyers(last guess)

  10. sandybrook2:06 AM

    As ridiculous as it may be, Cuba Gooding Jr. fits the description better than anyone we have named here. But we know he's an asshat.
    Sascha has two roles so does Burton -- Roots and Georgi--and Hamm isnt mostly movies

  11. Tricia132:15 AM

    I agree Not Hamm....Mike Meyers isnt filming(though Austin Powers 4 announced)
    Ben Stiller-Zoolander.
    Zooander 2 is filming/#1 released over 10 years ago....

  12. UsuallyLurking2:17 AM

    Mark Hamill a/k/a Luke Skywalker

  13. Levar Burton was also Kunta Kinte in "Roots". Pretty memorable.

  14. UsuallyLurking2:20 AM

    I know Mark Hamill is very heavily supportive of the Children's Hospital in Portland, Oregon & other children's charities. He donates his comic con & meet & greet fees to charities, etc.

  15. Meowie2:36 AM

    Adrian Grenier / Entourage

  16. smittykitty2:37 AM

    What about the fellow from Napoleon Dynamite?

  17. Whywhywhy???2:46 AM

    Wouldn't LaVar be mostly TV and several memorable roles to milk? Like Sandybrook mentioned. And yes, @ Sandybrook, I am rolling over the thought of Cuba's drunk ass giving to a charity on the regular. I like that Napolean Dynamite guess.

  18. Malibuborebee4:01 AM

    It is definitely not Mike Meyers. In all the years he's been a celeb, how often has he done anything for charity? Same goes for Cuba Gooding Jr.

  19. mariaj4:35 AM

    " He got no money and paid his own way and for his own stays." Shouldn't this be the ONLY wat to do charity? And whoever he is, kudos for doing, and for HOW he is doing it.

  20. Groaning6:03 AM

    I'm going with Orlando Bloom for this one. He was one sexy elf.

  21. Newsgirl8:43 AM

    Definitely Adrian Grenier. He's totally committed to protecting the environment.

  22. Pierce Brosnin

  23. Is Sean Astin B list?
