Thursday, July 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 20, 2009


Anyway, for today, I guess it is a kindness. It might just be good manners. B list movie actor. He did the whole popcorn flick thing and it didn't work out so he is back to the co-lead or second lead in movies. He is definitely a dramatic looking guy. He doesn't really have that comedy vibe. So, he and his girlfriend I guess you would call her had been out and about doing what 20 somethings will do and apparently his girlfriend had a bit too much to drink. So much so that while they were in the taxi, his girlfriend decided to basically puke everywhere in that back seat. Truly awful. Needless to say the driver was not pleased. However, he was more pleased after our actor agreed to help him clean out the taxi and even gave the driver a $1000 tip.

Emile Hirsch


  1. TheCousinEddy1:28 AM

    Quite a temper, that one. Any word on what the final disposition is in his case from Sundance where he choked the female executive? If I remember correctly, he was facing some serious jail time. Keep in mind it happened in Utah and not L.A. so jail is a real possibility.

  2. It was the decent thing to do since the driver was most likely done for the night after the incident, not really a kindness.

    Don't people realize that after you get your buzz, there is nothing to be gained by drinking more except nausea and possible brain damage.

  3. Mr.Enty, that is not a kindness. That is just the Right Thing To Do. Should have stuck her head out the window while they were riding along. Puke smell tends to last quite some time.

  4. A thousand bucks will buy some really thorough detailing on that cab and more than compensate the driver for his downtime. It's really what all alcoholics (and friends of alcoholics) of means should do.

  5. back again8:18 AM

    certainly not at 'twenty-something' we didn't..or thirty-som...nevermind

  6. Malibuborebee8:36 AM

    It was the right thing to do and we all know that most celebrities wouldn't do it. They would give the driver the money, sure, but they wouldn't help him clean that shit up.
