Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blind Item #4 - Kindness

This very close to A+ list mostly movie actor who had  great summer and has had a monster last couple of movies probably hoped for this kind of career when he left his celebrity world behind. At dinner this week a couple was celebrating their anniversary. Not only did our actor pick up their check but he also ordered them a $2000 bottle of wine.


  1. Derek Harvey12:31 AM

    chris pratt

  2. tricia1312:31 AM

    Duane Johnson

  3. Derek Harvey12:32 AM

    or the rock

  4. tricia1312:32 AM

    Fast&Furious/San Andreas

  5. Derek Harvey12:33 AM

    left behind---wrestling (whatever that is). BUT he is the HIGHEST paid actor so he is definitely A+

  6. According to this Forbes article ( from 9 days ago, Dwayne Johnson isn't even in the top 10. He's number 11. Robert Downey Jr. is number 1. Mark Wahlberg makes a little more than The Rock, so does Vin Diesel.

  7. Forgot to mention..... Adam Sandler makes more than The Rock! I can't wrap my head around that.

  8. Khaleesi12:55 AM

    @Derek seriously? He's the highest paid actor? Wow! Well, I like him. No, I love him!

  9. I put a link in a comment under Derek's, The Rock is the 11th highest paid actor. Number 1 is Robert Downey Jr.

  10. Derek Harvey12:59 AM

    the rock is number 2 after rdj

  11. Derek Harvey1:00 AM

    and his movies are THE highest grossing of 2014

  12. Reading isn't for you is it? That's the 2014 list. I linked to the 2015 list. The Rock is number 11.

  13. Derek Harvey1:07 AM

    THAT'S WHAT IS SAID ,JERK OFF. Reading is not YOUR thing.

  14. Derek Harvey1:08 AM

    Don't listen to that know-nothing fool

  15. ettacetera1:09 AM

    Neither can the people who actually make those awful movies, hehe

  16. His top grossing movie from 2014 was Hercules according to Box Office Mojo. It was the 33 highest grossing movie of 2014 worldwide. Not the highest, even combined with his other movies that year he didn't have the highest grossing movies. If you take 2013 then he's up there, but the movies that did well he wasn't the star of. They were ensembles like Fast & The Furious & GI Joe which had Channing Tatum in it. The movies he's the clear lead of haven't done nearly as well.

  17. That's what you said in a comment that posted right before I hit post comment on mine. It wasn't there when I sent the comment you moronic buffoon.

  18. You mean the guy that linked to a list from this year instead of last year? Yeah what a fool. You're the idiot that thinks a list from a year ago is more relevant than 1 from 9 days ago. I guess Forbes magazine's list was only good in 2014 but the 2015 1 must be bad in your eyes. What do they know with their facts & numbers.

  19. Derek Harvey1:17 AM

    Yeah, I BET.

  20. I worded that wrong, you posted the comment saying it was from 2014 after posting the article in a different comment. That 2nd comment wasn't up when I typed my reply.

  21. Derek Harvey1:18 AM


  22. Derek Harvey1:20 AM

    Keep digging that hole.

  23. Dude, you're wrong. You were proven wrong, now you're just making yourself look like an idiot. Not only that, even in the article you posted he wasn't listed as number 1. At least you admitted being wrong about that.

    It's real simple. When you come at me with an article from a year ago & I come at you with 1 from 9 days ago you're not the 1 winning the argument. I've been on your side with a bunch of shit on this site, but man you're exposing yourself as the idiotic psychopath that others have accused you of being.

  24. The list you linked to was from June of 2013 to June of 2014. Forbes doesn't start their list in January of the year. They started doing it in the Summer, so their year is June to June. In Forbes world the year IS over you incompetent illiterate fuck.

  25. Derek Harvey1:23 AM

    ONCE AGAIN, I corrected myself and said he was the SECOND highest paid. I suggest YOU learn how to read before calling someone else out. and YOU are exposing yourself as the annoying dummy that you are.

  26. What hole? The 1 where you're an idiot that can't admit or accept that he was very clearly proven wrong? He's number 11. He's not the top grossing actor, he's not the top money maker. Robert Downey Jr. is number 1, Vin Diesel is higher so is Wahlberg & Bradley Cooper.

    The only hole being dug is the 1 where you turn someone that was on your side against Tricia & others against you. I've seen the light. I've seen the error of my ways, cause Derek Harvey is a fucking delusional moron.

  27. Yep, you corrected yourself, but you still ignored the fact that my list was from 9 days ago & yours was from a year ago. You know how many times I've responded to a comment & by the time I hit post someone else has a comment above mine? A shitload. It's kind of what happens on comment sections, because it's not 1 person posting at a time. Your comment wasn't there when I responded. You're still wrong, you're not proving anything. You only making yourself look stupid.

    1 list is from a year ago, the other from 9 days ago. This isn't a debate. You lost very clearly. Not accepting it & moving on is the sign of a weak minded dunce.

  28. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    at least I am not a hypocrite that can not read. I SAID OF LAST YEAR for the LAST time. I don't care when Forbes "start their calendar" it is irrelevant.

  29. Well Derek, it IS relevant since it's the list you used to prove a point. But ok, let's look at 2014 from January to January, oh wait The Rock's movies weren't anywhere near the top! His highest grossing movie in 2014 was Hercules. It was ranked 40 something domestically & 33rd worldwide. Which I put in a comment above & you're either ignoring it to feel superior or your a clueless simpleton.

  30. And you're an ass.

  31. Me? Or Derek?

  32. Derek Harvey1:43 AM

    I meant 2013 and 2015. He did not make much money in 2014 because he was filming movies and only had one released. YOU KNOW VERY MUCH WHAT I MEANT.

  33. Don't feed the troll, D.

  34. No I didn't because I'm not a fucking mind reader you puckered anus. If that's what you meant, you should have said it. 2013 & 2015, but your comment said he was the highest grossing for 2014. & I'm supposed to know what you meant? I don't think YOU even knew what you meant, which is why you keep digging this hole for yourself deeper & deeper. It's still not true by the way, Robert Downey Jr. still tops him.

    Plus, my point about the Rock not being the main star of the movies that DID do well is still something you're ignoring. Let's face facts, the last Fast & Furious movie did so well because Paul Walker died. Vin Diesel is more the star of those movies than The Rock. The Fast movies have always done well, but that last 1 did crazy numbers because of Paul Walker dying, not because The Rock was in them. The Rock isn't number 1 on any of the list, for the past year he's number 11. You were wrong, you didn't word anything correctly. If you meant 2013 & 2015 you should have said it.

    I know, I know, I can't read because you posted a correction comment before I posted mine about you being a shitty reader. This is another thing that shows what an idiot you are. Are you completely incapable of understanding a very basic part of the internet? Comment sections aren't 1 at a time. We all post, some post at the same time. Look at my response to you above, it's longer than your 1 short sentence correcting yourself. You typed that & posted it while I was finishing my post. If that's your only defense in this whole thing than I can only assume that I'm dealing with someone that sniffed airplane glue from the age of 12 to 25, & that you only have 10 brain cells left.

  35. Wait, you think I'm the troll? Derek's pretty known in these parts for troll like behavior.

  36. I was addressing you, actually. There is nothing wrong with correcting someone, but to spew an insult while doing it when the other poster is being cordial is aggressive and strange. Not too mention you look foolish by correcting things that were not needed to be corrected in the first place.

  37. Derek Harvey2:02 AM

    Thanks Pam! *neckbeard alert*

  38. Cordial? That's a word that's NEVER been used to describe Derek. Are you new? This guy trolls people constantly on here. Trashes people left & right, acts superior to everyone. Goes & finds arrest records for a drunk driving charge (or something like that) on 1 of the posters here just to embarrass them. If you're not Derek posting as someone else, & you're new here then you've hitched your cart to the wrong horse. The guy's known by everyone for trolling & acting like an enormous asshole.

  39. Also, what didn't need to be corrected? He makes a claim about someone being the highest paid in Hollywood, I have an article that says otherwise, he post 1 to prove his point, but the 1 he post is from a year ago & mine is from 9 days ago. What doesn't need to be corrected? The whole point of this site is to make guesses, to even explain why you guessed what you guessed.

    Then you read comments & tell others why what they posted is wrong, like correcting someone that says an actor is the highest paid when he's not. It's why sites like this exist. If you think correcting people makes people look foolish then you have no business being on a site like this.

  40. Well, I am an old timer here and I like him. Take a chill pill and worry about your own life and stop putting down others to make yourself feel better. Get a grip.

  41. The most facial hair I've ever had was when I didn't shave for 4 days like 6 or 7 years ago. Stop posting as other people, it's painfully obvious that you're doing it. Even if on the off chance you're not doing it, Pam either doesn't know about your history on this site or is a complete & total idiot such as yourself.

  42. Derek Harvey2:10 AM


  43. He's the guy posting things in CAPS which has almost always meant yelling on the internet. He calls me a jerk off, I defend myself, he uses other words & digs the hole deeper. I'm leaning towards you're Derek posting as another person to feel superior & like you 'won' but if you're someone else, you need to get a grip. I've been pretty calm through this whole thing. He's wrong, he won't admit he's wrong, that amuses me, & I like exposing him as the idiot that he truly is.

    I used to like him too, took his side when other people trashed him, but now I see him for the sweaty taint that he is.

  44. Broken record? That's you Derek my boy. I have facts, I showed why you were wrong, & you've spent the whole time not admitting you were wrong & digging the hole deeper. No sane person would read these comments & think I'm the crazy 1. People that don't admit their wrong when they've been proven wrong so very clearly...... THAT'S crazy behavior. I'm just enjoying exposing you as the brain dead dummy that you are.

  45. LMAO @ Derek. He only knows the answers to teen mom and housewife questions. He NAILS them!

  46. adgirl2:41 AM

    Thought I'd inject a bit of levity here and point out the irony that this blind is actually about "kindness" :)

  47. Kno Won Uno2:49 AM long have you been around, Huh? Derek's been here a while and folks that have been here a while tend to recognize each other's personalities and styles. New-comers are always welcome, and I've found that getting the lay of the land serves me well.
    Derek doesn't mind being corrected when someone's not a dick about it and doesn't beat it to death. This is not 1996. If something or someone annoys you, move along. There's another item waiting.
    No one gets paid for guesses, this is entertainment.

  48. Kno Won Uno2:50 AM


  49. Kno Won Uno2:51 AM

    I must start keeping track of what days the Raider Trolls show up, so I can miss them.
    Makes me feel like I'm stuck in a time wrinkle.

  50. I've been around several years. If he hadn't kept trying to prove he was right I would have posted the 2 or 3 comments I posted. But he didn't so I decided to show his idiocy.

    I know "this is entertainment" because I've been having fun today. I think some of you are under the impression that I was mad while posting. I wasn't. I realized after years of being on Derek's side that I was wrong & that he's a moron.

    He's the guy that went out of his way to dig up info on another anonymous poster to find arrest records on them so he could feel better about himself. Still brings it up from time to time. Not really sure how someone like that has defenders. I defended him to, but now I see how ridiculous I was to defend a person that would go to those lengths to make a commenter on a gossip website look bad.

  51. Lissette3:48 AM


  52. @Huh?3:53 AM

    You aren't alone.Not really sure why someone like that is even allowed on the site still, but Enty left the building a long time ago and whoever runs this shitship couldn't care less- so we're stuck with him.

  53. Malibuborebee6:01 AM

    Derek, he/she's just fucking with you and is not worth the aggravation. .

  54. Malibuborebee6:06 AM

    Well I am separate person who is very familiar with this site and really you should shut the fuck up. You've long since made whatever fucking point you wanted to make. Derek has made his fucking point too. You're just being a dick for the sake of being a dick because you don't like Derek. Surely you know better than to behave this way.

    It's an internet gossip site, chill the fuck out.

  55. LA Lady6:07 AM

    long time creeper (8 years), first time poster. as shocking as it sounds, the Rock is one of the highest (if not the highest) paid dudes in H'Wood. WME considers him their biggest client-hubby works there and this fact has always baffled me. Derek wins.

  56. Malibuborebee6:08 AM

    I agree 100%.

  57. Malibuborebee6:13 AM

    Are you ill? You're making a mountain out of a molehill, can you not see that?

    Maybe Derek made a mistake, or meant something more generally, so what? As far as I can see he corrected himself and it was a very minor thing anyway. You're the one going after him as if he just shot your dog.

  58. Regina Phalange6:16 AM

    I don't comment often, but I had to say this made my day!

  59. Malibuborebee6:16 AM

    That's meant to be I agree 100% with PAM, not Huh.

    I think Huh's being a dick right now.

  60. Derek Harvey6:20 AM

    Cheers! and I am not even a fan of his haha. He seems like a nice guy but I have never even seen one of his movies.

  61. He's not the highest paid. He's 11th in the world. Go read the original link I put up. 9 days ago Forbes released the list of highest paid actors, The Rock was 11. Even if you take out the Bollywood Stars he's behind RDJ, Jackie Chan, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Adam Sandler, Tom Cruise, & Mark Wahlberg. So no, Derek doesn't win. I said The Rock was 11th, without Bollywood stars he's still 8th behind the guys I just listed.

  62. Few problems with what you just wrote, 1 Derek didn't just make a mistake. Whenever he decides to take shots at Tricia he attacks her with the shit he dug up how long ago? It wasn't a 1 time thing. He brings it up on a fairly consistent basis.

    I love that I'm somehow the crazy 1 that takes this site to seriously, meanwhile you guys are protecting a guy that takes this site & getting blind items right so seriously that he found & spread her arrest record. Then he brings it up from time to time when he goes off like today & attacks Tricia.

    You know how you can tell I don't take this seriously & what the difference is between Derek & me? I haven't gone on any of the other blind items today to continue attacking him. I also haven't gone to the trouble of finding an arrest record of his, or find out if he has kids & if he's spending time on here instead of watching his kids (something he attacks Tricia with regularly.) A month from now you're not going to see me fighting with Derek on another blind item like this.

    Everyone on Derek's side is out of their damn minds. The guys been here for years attacking people left & right, taking this site so seriously that he digs up dirt on an anonymous poster & puts her info out in the public. Then he brings that up over & over whenever he's in the mood to attack someone. This isn't a mountain out of a molehill, it's not a 1 time thing. The guy does this shit constantly. Yeah, he might have funny comments from time to time, he might get alot of blinds right, but it doesn't change the fact that he attacks people constantly & brings up all the shit with Tricia once a month or so.

  63. Derek Harvey7:19 AM

    Well you have managed to talk about Tricia in one blind more than I have all year. No one cares. The past is in the past, move ON WITH YOUR LIFE.

  64. Wendy7:36 AM

    That is pretty fucked up what Derek did to Tricia though I'm not gonna lie....who cares that much about anonymous posters on the internet? The way both of them act towards each other is just free entertainment to the rest of us lol.

  65. tricia137:53 AM

    I just wanted to say thanks @Huh? for what seems to be an appeal to see things for what they are/were and in doing so having my back a bit. I guess as you've been on the site you know I don't engage it any longer, but I am happy someone else sees it as the depravity of character I do. As I' ve had to repeat too many times already- unless it is one of their personal ,private lives that is continuously invaded , posted about and mocked-then I guess it is a non issue& insignificant and therefore- it's just easier to stay in the shallow end of the pool . The reasoning baffles even more, considering I , like you, liked this person and considered them a friend(albeit cyber one)and remained so even after they attacked me with others on the former site as well, and begged for forgiveness(yes- have those emails ), difference being, I am not the kind of person that would POST them......That said, you'll see it happen as long as the people that dislike him keep voicing it- it's a diversionary tactic, or loyalty or something I don't quite get, fortunately, and nothing I wish to...I don't want to come here for any of that, don't think anyone does, so with respect to all- I hope we don't have to. All I got.

    By the way this isn't a diss/ slight to anyone- it's simply a "thank you" to@Huh

  66. JayJay8:16 AM

    I don't know about everyone else, but I'm really enjoying myself! I've been away from here for a few weeks, maybe a post here or there because of some changes in my personal life, & then I come on today & get to read all of this? It's like Christmas! I don't know who this Huh? is. If they've been around for years I don't think it's under that name. I won't pick sides in this argument. Just kidding! Derek clearly didn't start this whole thing. If Huh? didn't put the insult in his 1st response to Derek this whole thing wouldn't have happened. You baited him into an argument, so don't pretend like you only started hating him today after he made a few comments towards you.

    Really a ton of bullshit on Huh's part. Sure, the Rock isn't number 1. Fine gold star for you. But damn you're putting up these long ass comments like I do when I'm telling a story about people in Hollywood that I've known! All to say the same crap, or a variation on the same crap every time. Tricia's the only 1 on your side from what I can see.

  67. JayJay8:18 AM

    I really wish there was an edit function so I could add that when I tell my long stories I don't repeat them 15 times in the same blind item. I tell it, maybe answer a question about it, then that's it. You making all these comments is clearly trying to troll Derek. Zero doubt about it.

  68. tricia138:25 AM

    @JayJay- not sure what you mean-I had nothing to do with the entire back and forth.I guessed Johnson as the answer- and I just came back, um 8 hours later to thank @Huh for something he said pertaining to me; not the blind, nor the argument.....

  69. JayJay8:42 AM

    By being on his side I'm not talking about the blind. From what I read Huh? never actually gave a guess for this blind. (which is sort of proof that he came here only looking to bait Derek into an argument.)

    I meant you were the only 1 that was on his side based on your thanking him for arguing on your behalf. At this point I don't think the argument they're having is really about Dwayne Johnson. It's Huh trying to 'expose' Derek as he says. I meant you were on Huh's side with the stuff about Derek attacking you.

  70. back again8:42 AM

    I'm always on a F****ing Ferry For The Good Sh*t !!!
    Anyways I agree with @Derek & @Tricia w/Duane Johnson a/k/a The Rock ftw!
    Very Suave Bolla move on his part!

  71. JayJay8:50 AM


    (leans forward resting head on my hands)
    Go on.......

    No really, I've heard all the other stuff, but where's the gypsy comment come from?

  72. Derek Harvey8:55 AM

    she is a self proclaimed gypsy. Haven't you read her lame website where she makes up blinds. Just because you look like a gypsy sister.....

  73. tricia138:55 AM

    @BA- I love that ferry---(think it's the one you mean:)been awhile since I was on it.Great memories......

  74. JayJay9:04 AM

    I didn't know about her website. Is it The Gossip Life? Or Anarchy?

  75. tricia139:04 AM

    @JayJay gypsy- the only term in the aforementioned that actually does apply to me with any accuracy is"gypsy"' as it was given to me by my grandmother and family, etc because of my love of travel and culture(wanderers)etc.Its a term of endearment where I am from, and subject(historically) I find fascinating.Atnought you should have the answer from the person that actually knows:)

  76. JayJay9:10 AM

    I was sort of in & out of the website back when everything between you & Derek went down. I only read parts of it, so I must have missed the gypsy stuff. :)

  77. Derek Harvey9:13 AM

    Definitely NOT Anarchy haha. She can tell you. If I did I would not hear the end of it....She acts like she is ashamed of it cause she never gives the address lolll

  78. back again9:18 AM

    uh-huh!......those weddings, dr's appts. etc . that can't be helped.....

  79. JayJay9:26 AM

    Thanks for showing your true colors Derek! This is who you're defending everybody!!!!!!!

    Great work Derek as always! Continue feeling superior even though you're an idiotic mess of a human. How giant & cavernous is your asshole at this point? Does fisting even work anymore? Do your John's have to use 2 arms? Do they have to bring a 3rd party in to jam 4 in there?

  80. JayJay9:30 AM

    I thought the whole point of that Gravatar site was that nobody could use your name & picture? Did you fucking hack me? You're yelling about Derek & him digging up dirt & you're pretending to be me? The fuck is your problem Huh?

  81. Your password was "jayjay52" you tech illiterate fuck! 52 is the birth year of Jeff Goldblum. I've thought that you were him or pretending to be him for awhile, now I know! Fucking idiot!

  82. Don't know that you're Goldblum or pretending to be....... if you are I'd stay offline or get some better passwords! If you're pretending to be him you're a sad sack piece of shit & you need to get a hobby!!!!!!!!

  83. Derek Harvey9:43 AM

    See, only trashy delinquents defend Tricia.

  84. JayJay10:11 AM

    I'd love to stick around & fight with you against this guy, but he hacked my account or guessed the password & I have to protect myself you know. Congrats Huh, you scared me off the site. Great work, you're really making awesome points about Derek. Oh wait, you're not. You're showing everyone you're way fucking worse than him!

    Don't worry about my password Huh, I'm making it as long as that site allows & making it something random that I'll never be able to guess. I hope you've had a ton of fun proving some stupid point. I hope all of this was worth winning an argument on a blind item gossip site's comments section!

  85. JayJay10:12 AM

    'worse than him' didn't mean Derek was bad. I meant Huh is showing he's worse than anything he's said or accused Derek of doing.

  86. Derek part deux10:33 AM


  87. Bye! No 1's going to miss you! I don't know if JayJay was Jeff Goldblum, but I do know that other celebs comment on here regularly. They're on all the gossip sites! All you celebs are fucking sad & pathetic! Looking up gossip on yourselves or enjoying secrets of rivals coming out? I'll enjoy exposing all of you insignificant turds!

  88. Trashy delinquents? You looked up someones arrest record so you could feel superior for once in your empty insignificant "life" & I'm the delinquent? Fuck you & enjoy the bag you'll have to carry around to carry your shit because your asshole is too loose to hold anything in!

  89. Derek sucks,literally11:48 AM

    he also carries bags for a living,or checks them in at an airport or something- a commentator said that not long ago .cool life.
    and he makes fun of other people? maybe he should start a website about the day in and out of checking bags- wait- that would mean he couldn't live on here desperate to NAIL it be RIGHT and insult people!
    moms probably didn't wanna claim him, that's why he keeps bringing up other people and their kids- classic "self loathing" individual.

  90. Malibuborebee12:19 PM

    Oh for fuck's sake.

    @Huh, stop being a petty, nagging dick over a stupid little thing that doesn't matter.

    And stop dragging Tricia and Derek's feud into it, as if that were the reason for your fuckery today. You want to lob a comment into their feud - fine. I've done it, so have many others. It's no excuse for your harassment of Derek all fucking day over nothing.

    Tricia is in absolutely no need of anyone else going after Derek on her behalf. If she wanted to, lord knows she'd type her fingers to the bone going after him herself. Either fight with Derek for yourself or don't fucking bother.

    If you're going to do it for your own sake then actually do it. Don't use some stupid misstatement as an excuse for your endless, pointless dickishness and don't hide behind Tricia's skirts.

    You were a jackass today, not him. Re-think things.
