Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blind Item #5

After two months of good behavior or at least no bad behavior that I was told about, this B+ list mostly movie actor who got his start on television on a long running network hit is cheating on his B+ list mostly movie actress significant other. He waits until she is on the set of her latest movie and can't check up on him.


  1. tricia1312:46 AM

    lievSchreiber/Naomi Watts

  2. Derek Harvey12:48 AM

    joseph gorden levitt

  3. tricia1312:53 AM

    Jason Sudeikas(SML)/Olivia Wilde

  4. tricia1312:54 AM

    *SNL/Saturday Night Live being the long running network hit.

  5. Kno Won Uno2:54 AM

    If so, he's legit insane. Does he seriously think he'll ever do better than Olivia Wilde?! He should have quit while he was ahead.

  6. I recently read somewhere, don't think it was here, another site, that Jason Sudeikis (sp?) is an asshole douchebag to everyone thinking he's better than everyone.
    Oh silly, silly man...don't these morons know that "what goes up...must come down."

  7. Kno Won Uno3:22 AM

    I think I heard/read/absorbed that, too. She was so insanely happy when they hooked up & he was like, 'meh'. I thought that was pretty douchey.

  8. Tricia133:30 AM

    He probably does think so because he has a bunch of women throwing themselves at him, and the reality is blurred..(No I won't break into "Thicke's Blurred Lines..promise;) But she is crazy about him, clearly.

  9. Nancy4:26 AM

    Olivia could do much better than him. I just don't understand what is so attractive about him and how he keeps getting cast in stuff.

  10. First Timer7:15 AM

    Totally agree. You hit the nail on the head.

  11. whoops2:19 PM

    Do you work? Honestly, how do you respond to these so fast?

  12. The only problem wiih the Sudeikis/Wilde guess is Olivia shooting a TV show(Vinyl for HBO) not a movie these days. I hope it's not them though.

    Besides Sudeikis should take care about his son for once, when his fiance is working.
