Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blind Item #4

Doctors have only given this former A+ list mostly movie actor who was the most popular actor on the planet for awhile a few months at most to live.


  1. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    kirk douglas

  2. Number 122:51 AM

    Burt Reynolds

  3. Does not this sort of thing really only concern the family and closest friends? If you know what I mean.

  4. Edit: I am going for Burt Reynolds.

  5. sandybrook3:01 AM


  6. kathy3:04 AM

    Michael Douglas

  7. finfam3:06 AM

    Burt Reynolds

  8. noirette3:29 AM

    Burt Reynolds

  9. noirette3:29 AM

    those pictures posted a while back on here showed him near death

  10. Chris J3:56 AM

    val Kilmer

  11. macaroniandcheese5:08 AM

    It pains me to say it, but Burt. During his heyday, there was no one more well-known or as well-liked by the general public.

  12. sandybrook7:48 AM

    That's a pretty good answer as well. He's clearly very sick.

  13. Val Kilmer was never "the most popular actor on the planet" while Burt Reynolds was.

    This is an awful blind especially because most of the guys mentioned here plus a few others do look very sick.

  14. guest9:28 AM

    No not burt!

  15. Anna Carroll9:42 AM

    If you saw Burt Reynold's photo last month you know he doesn't have long to go. And yes, this is very, very sad because us oldies but goodies remember him in the early 80s as the centerfold in Cosmopolitan magazine, the boyfriend of Dinah Shore and Sally Fields. The good friend to just about every comedian in the business and the mentor of many young actors and actresses at his Florida playhouse.

    And, it could also mean Val Kilmer because he, too, was on every magazine cover, in every film, in every gossip column, dating Cher, Cindy Crawford, you name her, he was dating her. However, unlike Burt, he was not always Mr Nice Guy and many producers and directors refused to work with him after a while. He has been out of the spotlight for years.

    I recently asked a world famous director about some actors from the 80s and 90s who were major stars but haven't worked in years why we don't see them. His reply was: "We can't insure them. They're ill." And he made quotations with his fingers on the word 'ill.'

  16. Whywhywhy???10:03 AM

    Not even a blind. Burt. I know he struggled with depression as well.

  17. good riddance

  18. Squeege2:30 AM

    Burt was supposedly very violent to his wife Lori something. She had to cover her bruises with lots of make-up.

  19. I think that Burt's first wife's name was Judy...and was on Laugh In in the sixties. But I could be wrong. I can see her face but I can't remember her last name. After that he just dated until he married Loni Anderson and I am not sure if he ever married again after that. I know he has been very sick for a long time now.

  20. Johnny Z3:05 AM

    AIDS, then?

    Anyways, I never got why Kilmer's star fell so fast, the last time I inquired about it I was told it was Oprah pulling strings after he made an ass of himself to her.
