Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 17, 2014

This B- list celebrity who used to be a model and became famous because of someone she was with not that long ago in the past says she was dumped by this actor turned talk show host/reality host after they hooked up a few times. Apparently they are not even working together any longer.

Amber Rose/Nick Cannon


  1. sandybrook3:12 AM

    Apparently shes not used to being thrown away like trash?

  2. Crissy7:14 AM

    She is trying to attach herself to any man to lift herself up the ladder but she is pure garbage. The man that date her status will drop. Whiz didn't want her. Her claim to fame is stripping at the age of 15....

  3. Whywhywhy???10:00 AM

    When did stripping period become something to "coversate" about....Amber should be going back to get her GED so she can speak to her son. I am guessing she has some impressive skills in the boudoir but no one seems to stay.

  4. She needs to lose that zero and find herself a hero. My guess is that he only likes to date women he's not actually that into. He is afraid of not being in control of the situation I suppose.

  5. YouWishYouKnew3:59 PM

    I think Nick likes his women a little bit thinner as well.. Seems like he tends to stick to the model types...
