Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list singer hates this former A+ list singer turned A- list singer/part-time actress so much that she had a blow up doll made with the singer's likeness on it. Our permanent A lister encourages her crew and dancers to punch it as often as they like.


  1. Tricia134:30 AM

    Madonna/ Gaga

  2. sandybrook4:32 AM

    Madonna/Gaga. Enty maybe 12 BIs is a bit much if you need to stoop to this to fill them and we have one more coming?

  3. Wow. Talking about going overboard with having a grudge.

  4. back again4:39 AM

    I wonder which incarnation of Lady Gaga Madonna chose to have the blow-up doll look like?

  5. Mary contrary4:43 AM

    Madge has every right to. Madonna didn't make any friends on her way to A+ list permanently, gaga is a talentless stage prop who should have ripped off a much smaller bitch.

  6. back again4:47 AM

    i dunno.It sounds like a great outlet & alternative compared to what some people do to the 'thorns in their sides'.

  7. medley5:21 AM

    let me speak from everyone under 30 when I say MADONNA IS A HASBEEN. we dont care how much longevity you have. we dont buy your albums, your songs arent on the radio, and our old family members went to your concerts. I think gaga is a contemporary hasbeen, but she certainly has more traction with relevant demographics than Madonna The Ancient.

  8. Whywhywhy???5:21 AM

    I do strongly feel that Gaga holds on a stronger note than Madge but lost me with her gimmicky act. A heifer can learn a thing or do from her elders and give out a little respect. Ask Aretha or Grace Jones and not to mention Madonna.

  9. Yep, I agree. Instead of constantly calling Madonna a has-been, I'd like to see them come up with someone else who's had the staying power that she had in the the fickle world of pop music.

  10. Grimes6:07 AM

    I'm 25 and i'd rather listen to Madonna who is a classic than Lady Gaga who is an awful PRODUCT. It's not a question of age you see, it's a question of good taste (or lack of if you like Gaga) I hate her songs but most of all i hate her attitude, she plays the victim card and blows her own horn all the time with an annoying fry voice.

  11. TopperMadison7:54 AM

    This is so cute. When I was young, I thought Elvis was a fat old man.

  12. muchlu8:25 AM

    Madonna still has sucessfull tours and is always on the top earning forbes lists for entertainers. She already has her place in history, doesnt need to do anything else.
    I don't hate Gaga, she has some talent and critics still love her, she still has a chance of a career, her show with Tony Bennett supposed to be very very good, if u like jazz like me.

  13. And-so-on..8:30 AM

    Weird Al slightly changes many artist's tunes to suit his artistic crazy.. He did Gaga and Madge's songs in parody. and gave them a new life better than the original ..so maybe they ought to join forces and go after him.. but, shame he gave them added life by more publicity.

  14. I was thinking Mariah and Ariana?

  15. Snarknado4:52 PM

    What's the problem? It's a blind gossip site. If you get weary from reading words, just doze off in your recliner.

  16. Snarknado4:58 PM

    LMAO since these comments unintentionally line up with the one I made to Sandybrook. Ha! Perfect.

  17. unemployable10:55 PM

    "Madonna the Ancient", (snicker, snicker, giggle.) Too right, Medley. Gaga would've reciprocated but its hard to incorporate that many wrinkles into a blow up doll. There are mountain ranges that are younger than Madonna. She has age spots that are older than Gaga. Madonna gets a pass from me though, because she used to babysit Jesus.
