Saturday, October 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 7, 2014

This A list mostly television actress from a hit network show was basically drunk for the 48 hours leading to her wedding and she was told by more than one person to not go through with it and our actress was making a huge mistake. Apparently the husband is trying to isolate her from her friends and wants her close to protect his interests. Probably to pad his wallet too. He has been pushing hard for a baby to lock everything in.

Kaley Cuoco


  1. Derek Harvey1:10 AM

    No sympathy from me

  2. Always a good idea to get drunk on your own wedding, right?

  3. meowie2:29 AM

    like none of us have ever made big life mistakes.

  4. shia LaDead2:48 AM

    man these people are selfish. it's like a baby isn't even considered a human being with feelings. it's just a downpayment on relationship security.

    it's lamentable until you chuckle at the thought that parents who do that pay for it HARD.

  5. I always thought he was creepy looking. Obviously, he had alternative plans -- to earn a larger share of Kaley's money.

  6. Mrs.K7:03 AM

    Well at least she woke up and is divorcing him now but she will be paying half of everything she worked for as they have no prenup.

  7. Apple Tartin8:35 AM

    She has a pre-nup, the was the only smart thing her financial people got her to do. Her fortune is protected and she got say she was legally dating for a few years.

    At least she got being 'married' out of her system and might make smarter mate choices in the future.

  8. Apple Tartin8:36 AM

    and to add, that's why he wanted a baby so bad, that is the only thing not allowed in a pre-nup. It was his only chance at 18 years from having to get an actual job.

  9. back again2:22 PM

    I read that they DO have a Pre-Nup...not having one was a nasty rumor going around to make Kaley appear irresponsible.
