Saturday, October 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 1, 2015

This A- list mostly movie actress/producer/ former television actress from a long running network hit show which is over is taking a lot of flack from women’s groups for continuing to support this jerk of an A list comedian/actor who regularly abuses women.

Amy Poehler/Louis CK


  1. Derek Harvey1:29 AM

    Ivee FTW!

  2. ...and he is also a weak, coward of a man.

  3. Molly2:26 PM

    So what are the other stories about Louis CK, besides the one he made Jen Kirkman watch him masturbate?

  4. Unemployable12:20 AM

    Louis CK: About as funny as the burn ward in a children's hospital.

  5. Amartel1:16 AM

    Good for her. Don't be bullied by group think. These "women's" groups don't speak for most women, they speak for their particular tired agenda of shutting down other peoples' free speech. I'm not even a Louis CK fan and I'm offended by this. If you don't like his show then don't watch it.

  6. ellie1:29 PM

    +1. i love louis ck and i haven't read about any of this type of shit but i dont care if it's even true. he's hilarious and i'm watching him for entertainment, not moral values.
