Monday, October 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 31, 2015

At an after party, this foreign born A list model turned box office disaster actress got hammered and started making out with another women which caused the model/actress and her girlfriend to get in a loud drink throwing fight.

Cara Delevingne


  1. Kno Won Uno2:28 AM

    So, her super-pretentious, older girlfriend (St Vincent) doesn't approve of Cara's lifestyle. Who'd a thunk?

  2. Kno Won Uno2:31 AM

    St Vincent is 33, Cara is 23. 23 year old people do things differently than 33 year old people. When you get to 45 & 55, it's not so bad - but the ten years between 23 & 33 can be a big deal. It's as big as the 10 years between 13 & 23.

  3. sandybrook2:37 AM

    Cara and Rita Whora should do a contest with the loser donating money to an abused women's charity. Who can sleep with more different people in a month.

  4. medley2:40 AM


    exactly kno.

  5. rank and file2:41 AM

    wow, st. vincent is only 33? she looks rough for that young, I thought she was like 36 or 37

  6. muchlu2:48 AM

    lol @sandybrook did anyone catch Whora saying how she was "groomed inappropriately" when she was 14 but she liked and boosted her confidence?

  7. I guess this means when you are a skank, it doesn't matter your age.
    Shanks come in all ages!

  8. And-so-on..3:31 AM

    What Rosie thinks she is..

  9. back again3:37 AM

    @ muchlu,Yes i saw that & Rita used "interesting logic" to get to that conclusion. However,i must say,she basically named who abused her & how wrong it was & yet she survived those lo-lifes.Her end story could've gone a very different dark way so i think her message was geared toward young girls that no matter what's happened to them, they can/do get thu to the other side..{mb i'm reading too much into it lol}

  10. Dutch8:18 AM

    I just want to know who would want to make out with butt ugly Cara.

  11. Penelope 212:28 AM

    Why did anyone think Cara would be a box office draw? She's unattractive and bitchy. I'm astounded she gets paid to model.
