Sunday, November 08, 2015

Blind Item #1

This B- list mostly television actor comes from an A+ list acting family. He needs some help, but is refusing to get it and will die if he does not get the help he needs soon.


  1. Tricia1310:31 PM

    Colin Hanks

  2. sandybrook10:32 PM

    Colin Hanks?

  3. Kno Won Uno11:02 PM

    I'd forgotten Tom Hanks had an earlier marriage.

  4. someone from the Baldwin family

  5. Gigglypuff11:09 PM

    Chet Hank's has the awful drug history. He's been in and out of rehab more times than I can remember. I think he's more likely who this about. I hope he gets his sh*t together soon

  6. AlmondJoy11:16 PM

    Don't make the family feel guilty or responsible for the actions of the addict. You can't help someone who doesn't feel they need it.

  7. Gigglypuff11:18 PM

    **although I wouldn't class him as B list. Hmm not sure now

  8. Unfortunately, mental illness does runs through family trees and because of the stigma most people affected by mental illness will self medicate to avoid being labeled as mentally ill.
    However this is, get help before it is too late!

  9. Oh!
    Also, I have a gut feeling I have developed while being through this process with my daughter, that most people who are creative suffer from mental illness the most. (Sorry, no statistics to back up my gut feeling.)

  10. Ibebackyo11:58 PM

    Oliver Hudson

  11. yea, he cheated on his wife that had terminal cancer with rita wilson. that wife that had cancer is colin hanks' mother.

    not so nice guy.

  12. @david - actually, there are statistics to back you up david :)

    peer-reviewed, highly cited studies at that:

  13. Kno Won Uno1:18 AM

    I think that's a valid observation. My eldest granddaughter is a heroin addict and we're not keeping it secret. That just perpetuates bad feelings. Being a heroin addict who's working on recovery isn't shameful.

  14. David Arquette?

  15. honey bunny4:20 AM

    Whom ever it is needs to get help now before its to late.

  16. Jesse8:22 AM

    Ron Kardashian

  17. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)9:17 AM

    That's so tough. I'm glad she has a strong family presence around her.

    I have a tween, and drugs scare the shit out of me. I tell him all the time that marijuana is not a safe drug. (Had a high school boyfriend who smoked every day, and became suicidal. Was it the pot? No idea. But I don't think it helped. And he went from pot to coke just likethat.)

  18. You're lying to your child. Pot is NOT dangerous (only in the sense that it could get you in trouble legally). His friend who smoked marijuana every day and committed suicide? WAKE UP, he was smoking to numb himself of whatever pain caused him to take his life. It's perfectly understandable to warn your tween of the dangers of drug use, but don't lie. He WILL find out the truth and just think you're a liar. Warn him of the dangers of coke, heroin, ecstasy, etc. But don't sway him too far away from marijuana, or he'll end up drinking instead. Teens ARE going to experiment, and trust me, it's better if it's marijuana and not alcohol. How many teenagers of died from alcohol versus marijuana????

    Anyway, this post is slightly old, so I hope you do read this just so it gives you a little bit of perspective. Never lie to your kids.
