Sunday, November 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 9, 2015

In exchange for an interview when his return to the franchise movie is released, this A+ list worldwide website has been posting story after story about how great this A+ list mostly movie actor is and totally ignoring any of the things that got him in hot water over the past month.

People/Matt Damon


  1. Box office for The Martian has already taken care of any pesky pequeños PR problemos.

  2. pepso4:20 AM

    wish they would out his affair with kate mara on the set of the martian.

  3. Apple Tartin4:32 AM

    yeah who cares about equality and diversity when you have a smash box office!

  4. He was already supporting diversity by having a black woman on the elite team. His words were not well thought out and awkward. Republicans, those great champions of diversity, saw a chance to slam a known liberal and ran with it.

  5. Sydney8:05 AM


  6. Apple Tartin8:58 AM

    Don't you dare try to give credit to Matt for having Effie T. Brown on the show. She has a name not (black woman). She was on the show due to Marc Joubert production company and Len Amato of HBO. Effie has produced HBO movies in the past.

    This has nothing to do with Republicans, I watched the show and what he said and how he said it. His comments were ignorant and show a glaring problem in Hollywood. White men don't see women/people of color as viable candidates for director spots. Effie Brown was shocked by it also and was surprised someone so liberal would say something like that and knows she is not Matt's favorite person now.

    Privileged white men need to open their minds about hiring women, people of diversity and stop assuming they are less talented. Btw, they cast a white male director that was a self entitled jerk and all the men rallied around him and tried to cast Effie as the villain which blew up in their faces. She came out the hero of the show. The Leisure Class is god awful.

  7. Snarknado9:35 AM

    Second that, apple. That spidery-tall director was the poster boy for entitlement. His decisions caused the whole production to go down the crapper. He stood there stunned when his fabulous car crash scene didn't look like he imagined it and no one came forward to "make it better".

  8. Snarknado9:38 AM

    Sydney wake up, you passed your bus stop.

  9. back again10:36 AM

    omg @ Snarknado, your running commentary re: Sydney's snoozing is hilarious & totally made my night..still laughing--thanks for that! : )

  10. PoniTayl11:14 AM


  11. Snarknado11:22 AM

    Hi bff ba! Must be tse-tse fly season, now PoniTayl is asleep! Soon all the blinds will be filled with posts of "Snore".

  12. Squints12:13 AM

    Very well said.

  13. A-freaking-men Apple! I am soooooo sick of every single race, political and/or enviromental "issue" being blamed on Republicans! 99% of "caring" Hollywood are closet racists, misogynists or idiots who have no idea of what it is truly like to struggle in this pathetic economy today thanks to their hero Obama. They make their millions and live a life that few others can relate to, while they tell us how we should be feeling.

    Many times these jerks adopt an agenda and then try to ram it down our throats. Most of the time their "facts" are no where near what the truth is. Tarontino how that is working out for him. Just make your damn movies and shut up. If Hollywood actors want to change things they perceive as injust, then they should run for office.

  14. Malibuborebee1:19 AM

    If you want to change things you perceive as unjust, @JChesney, you should run for office or just shut the fuck up.

  15. Malibuborebee1:24 AM

    No one, @Apple. Seriously, no one gives much of a fuck about equality and diversity - period. When put up against a known liberal who has always been consistent and put his money where his mouth his, people give even fewer fucks. Add huge box office and there are no fucks left for which we should all be eternally grateful.

    There are plenty of racist, sexist assholes to go after in this town, Matt Damon isn't one of them. You make yourself and the things you supposedly care about look stupid when you attack your friends and let your enemies take a walk.

  16. Wow, aren't you a sweetheart. Your comment to me and the Matt Damon ass-kissing below make it clear that if someone doesn't agree with you, you get nasty. THIS is why nothing gets done DC or Hollywood anymore. The liberal mindset is "It's my way or the highway"...because all liberals know what is best for everyone. Uggg!

    (By the way, I do volunteer and help campaign for candidates all the time. I do happen to put my money -- and time -- where it's worth).

  17. honey bunny4:37 AM

    Daaaaaaamn! What the (beep) did I miss here! All I know is if your closed minded on people no matter what your race you need to be called out on it. Liberal or Republican.
