Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actress who is also A list on television for a few more months loved acting hurt about the fate of her television show. She Is the reason the show is ending. Hates her co-workers. Thinks she is way better than they are and wants to work much less for far more money.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Halle Berry

  2. Snookiemonster12:33 AM

    Melissa mccarthy. Mike and Molly

  3. Kno Won Uno12:43 AM

    It's in the DM today

  4. MontanaMarriott12:53 AM

    +10000000000 The moment she got a little fame and started down the movie star road she has turned into a monster Funny since other than Spy all her films have flopped by Hollywood standards.

  5. I think Snookie got it. M&M was cancelled yesterday.

  6. Mcarthy and I don't want to live in a world where she is A list movie.

  7. Fugazi1:00 AM

    She and her co star have hated each other for a long time. He seemed very nice on a talk show a while ago and she, well she pays someone to count her lines to make sure someone with more talent doesn't get to say a single word more than her so yeah.

  8. sandybrook1:18 AM

    We'had BIs here before about how she didn't like anyone there, especially Mike.

  9. I never watched the show because I thought it a silly, typical sitcom premise. If I am going to watch a romantic comedy, I prefer the show's characters to be likable.
    Also, I was under the impression the tension on the set was because this show was supposed to be a launch pad for Billy Gardell's movie career; but Melissa's character was the one that got popular.
    Oh, well. Another network show hits the dust.

  10. hollah1:35 AM

    She has been great in all her films. Yeah, Spy has been the best -- it is a GREAT comedy -- but all her films have been far better than the crap movies Will F, Adam S., et al have been making for years.

  11. lolowl1:44 AM

    melissa mccarthy.

    this plus ghostbuster diva antics and liposuction makes me continue tolike her less and less

  12. ettacettera1:56 AM

    I'll be the only one here, but I liked Mike /Molly...compared to the so-bad-it's-insulting 2broke girls, it was actually funny sometimes. I may be getting old, but remember when there were good sitcoms? sigh...

  13. Cate Chandler2:11 AM

    Billy Gardell is a class act. I would love to see the show retooled with Victoria and Mike's police parter and of course Billy Gardell.

  14. Ugh, so does this diva behavior mean that it's unlikely she'll sign on for the Gilmore Girls reunion? Sookie was a delight on that show.

  15. PoniTayl3:25 AM

    Dang! I love that show! The whole cast is awesome! That bites!

  16. Southern Smartass4:31 AM

    Well, she IS Jenny McCarthey's cousin. Douchebaggery often runs in families.

  17. You're wrong about the flops. All of her movies make $100 M+, just not on opening weekend.

  18. Well, who wouldn't want to work less for far more money? Seems kinda dumb to bitch about that.

  19. MontanaMarriott7:23 AM

    Really ?? All of her movies?!?


  20. yayme9:32 AM

    I wonder if the writers hate her too. The character of Molly started out sweet and funny and has gotten more shrew like year after year.

  21. Fireflies12:11 PM

    Every time I've seen Billy Gardell on a talk show, he seems like a truly kind man. I hope he gets to move on to something even better.

  22. NoItAll1:14 AM

    Remember when Melissa McCarthy was Sooki on Glimore Girls?

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