Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 9, 2015

This former A list reality star who is still thankfully off the air once had to pay off a massive drug bill by sleeping with the son of a drug lord. She spent the weekend with him at the home of this celebrity sex offender/molester she calls a friend.

Paris Hilton/James Franco


  1. Snookiemonster12:17 AM

    How big was the bill??? Shes not exactly hurting for cash!

  2. Kno Won Uno12:42 AM


  3. MontanaMarriott12:43 AM

    I think you meant Joe Francis NOT James Franco.

  4. Cinabun1:10 AM

    Potato patato

  5. Could be Franco, he's had issues with under age girls also.

    But, Francis owns the big home in Mexico that all the stars vacation at, included Aniston.

  6. lila fowler1:40 AM

    Kathy Hilton has such TRASH children (yes, ALL of them) and yet still acts above the rest of us.

  7. And-so-on..2:34 AM

    Who came up with this lame idea of a way to pay off her debts.. doesn't seem logical unless it was filmed and the faces of the others who were there and also partaking were.. obscured.. I imagine her parents are terrified she and that loon son will get them all killed.

  8. B-Fabulous3:50 AM

    This is an old reveal and it's Joe Francis, not James Franco.

  9. Wendy7:17 AM

    James Franco is a molester? I know he likes the 18 year olds but i hadn't heard that before.

    Nvm, i read the comments lol, Joe Francis sounds more like it.

  10. texasrose7:43 AM

    One way the rich stay rich. Someone makes an offer to save $$ and probably not worse than what she does every weekend then she just saved herself a lot of money and maybe landed a new source.

  11. Mrs.K6:01 AM

    He is going to pay up for all the itchy STD's she probably gave to him!!! Get that penicillin shot pronto.

  12. Penelope 211:06 AM

    James Franco has been caught chatting up and trying to meet girls he knew were underaged via social media and sending them pics of his privates.

  13. Penelope 211:08 AM

    It must have been a very small bill since she's easy and will sleep with anyone who says hello to her. Like the price of a StarBucks coffee. She'd rather have sex than pay any amount, since the rich stay rich by hoarding money.
