Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Blind Item #10

It was put up or shut up time for this A+ list mostly movie actor. His model girlfriend has been hooking up with one of her dad's business partners and he wants to set her up financially permanently. Throw in a high profile gig she got through the casting couch and she is set. As much as she loves star f**king (not literally) the A+ lister, she wanted a guarantee she would be on his arm during award season and get a nice year long guarantee. He said no go, so she go.


  1. Tricia133:01 AM

    Kelly Rorbach/Leo D

  2. Tricia133:02 AM

    I think the high profile gig is she's playing CJ (Pammys character)in the Baywatch reboot

  3. sandybrook3:05 AM

    Or people know who she is now and told Leo to f*ck off the contract is up. Plus shes now an "actress".

  4. June Gordon3:06 AM

    The only date the wildly overrated Leo wants (desperately) is with OSCAR!

  5. MontanaMarriott3:13 AM

    Baywatch reboot?!?! Are there no original ideas left in Hollyweird?!!?

  6. Tricia133:17 AM

    Preach June!
    I cannot believe this effin beard system actually works. She is no more a "model" than girls that sit in chairs at the mall or wherever to be part of make up or hair experiments/presentations. Do they mean- hand model- that could be true:)! ..at least Shayk can model. No more an actress than a crash test dummy in DMV movie.....

  7. sandybrook3:18 AM

    Hush Montana the Rock is playing David Hasselhoff and this bitch is playing Pammy

  8. Tricia133:19 AM


  9. Kno Won Uno3:19 AM

    Anyone who thinks she's special enough to get Leo to guarantee anything is stupider than she looks, which is pretty frickin stupid.
    Don't let the door hit ya, No. 73.

  10. Piloh3:38 AM

    I am just waiting for the CHiPs reboot with Wilder Valderrama as Ponch and Matt Damon as Jon

  11. Or steal a good idea.. at the very least :/

  12. Theresa3:57 AM

    Zac Efron can now get what he always wanted one of Leo's leftovers. Zac Efron is also in the movie.

  13. hollah4:09 AM

    ? ZE is gay -- why would he want L's leftovers ?

  14. mariaj4:13 AM

    I am with the beard, here, good she is not playing the tune Leo wants, and if she is worthless, talent wise speaking, let's not forget that is LEO that needs her as he needed all his others beards. Now, i am sick and tired of the beardings, so, i am against Leo especially, here.

    ( tough, i have to say, Clever Leo has always been quite discreete with his beards, very few photops, he never reached the level of ridicoulous of, say, Bradley Cooper )

  15. blueshoes4:19 AM



  16. blueshoes4:24 AM

    I have my doubts about bearding continuing to dupe people in the internet age....I feel like sometime, one of these lies is gonna unravel publicly. And people are gonna start looking elsewhere going, "who else is acting offscreen?" When I saw BC with the underage model he's allegedly banging, I thought 'wow....that's some seriously sloppy hiding'

  17. blueshoes4:25 AM

    Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss comes to mind. Taylor is controlling of her image and what her fans think/feel. When that video came out, suddenly all that control went out the window

    (and so did Karlie as a result :(

  18. Heythere4:33 AM

    Taylor and Karlie are still together. Calvin Harris is Taylor's beard. Karlie just had a significant segment in Taylor's World Tour video. They just hide better now.

  19. Cindy4:42 AM

    Am I the only one who doesn't see Leo as gay? Maybe because i've been in love with him since Romeo + Juliet lol but still. I never saw it. I see him as a playboy for sure, but not gay. Same with Clooney.

  20. hollah4:48 AM

    yeah i don't know if he's gay. Do know he has issues what with him only 'dating' very very young women. skeezy/mommy issues/something.

  21. HH3145:00 AM

    Leo may or may not be gay, and who cares? He is however, NOT wildly or otherwise overrated. If he were he would have a couple of Oscars already. He is better than Cooper, Affleck and Bale combined, and that's all I got to say on the subject

  22. mary contrary5:11 AM

    I may have been born with a tinfoil hat but he waaaasss a child actor and played some gay characters rather convincingly. I don't think anyone can "make it" in hollywood without being able to switch hit.

  23. Betty5:27 AM

    I would watch the hell out of that movie.

  24. mariaj5:44 AM

    I was in love with the Leo in Romeo and Juliet, and i liked him in various movies. He is not a great actor and has had his cringe worthy acting moments( Gatsby, for example ) YET, the quality i like the most in him is his skill in choosing movies: maybe due to the fact that he became HUGE after TItanic, so he could choose any role he wanted, he has done some wise choices, and we can say that while not all his movies are masterpieces, he has not done crap, too, at the worst, some forgettable average quality movie.

    Anyway, i do not care if he is gay ( i think bisexual, likely, with preferences with men, like Clooney), but while he being in the closet is NOT my business, the bearding is, so, thumbs down, to me.

  25. hollah5:51 AM

    i'll give u affleck, who is not a good actor. but bale and cooper? Leo is nowhere close.

  26. AllieCc7:09 AM

    I love Leo. Forever. Xo
    Now that's out of the way...Leo shops for dates out of the Victoria's Secret catalog - looks only. Once he sees their true intentions (vapid gold diggers) the relationship is over. He needs someone he's attracted to with substance, IMO.

  27. I'll go on record that I don't mind if people who would lose their lucrative jobs if known to be gay decide to beard. It's their decision, not ours. The idea that someone is duping all important us in gossipville about sexual preference (which is none of our business) is ridiculous.

  28. HH3148:49 AM

    I think he consciously avoids any possible mate that can get serious, kinda like Clooney did for years with cocktail waitresses. Until he met a smart beautiful lady and married her in less than a year, so I predict Leo will do the same

  29. Jemorgan200211:31 AM

    Speaking of no original ideas I saw today where they are redoing Rocky Horror Picture Show starring Victoria Justice

  30. mariaj6:26 PM

    No, staying in the closet is someone's business, going PUBLIC with a beard is public's business, i have many problems with people misleading other people, so to me the bearding is not ok

    Why people condone the bearding and, say, make fun and condemn fake relationship done for publicity , is beyond me.

  31. VanDamaged7:14 PM

    You haven't seen the slate of upcoming films for 2017/2018, I take it?

  32. maren2:51 AM

    kelly rohrbach...what a slut!! i knew when they "announced" her "casting" it was missing one word...COUCH!! people are seriously dumb in hollywood if they think they can fool us into buying into these THOTS in the digital age...NEXT!!!!
