Friday, January 01, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #14 - Kindness

August 11, 2015

If a child needs glasses and can’t afford them, chances are good that the donation of this A+ list mostly movie actor who must have a bad bone in his body somewhere will cover the cost. The actor, along with his actress wife heard about kids who need glasses when they were getting some for their own child. The couple donated $1M which is apparently enough to cover every needy child in the US for a year.

Chris Pratt/Anna Faris


  1. sandybrook4:26 AM

    See there are a lot of good people in show business. And good things happen to good people--whoda thunk he'd become a slim huge box office star and she has a tv series in a good timespot with another good person playing her mom, Alison Janney.

  2. I love one thing more then Kindness Blinds. When they are revealed. These two are such a good couple.

  3. Unemployable4:43 AM

    I like these two. He was the only good thing about Wanted and she was hysterical in Smiley Face. Glad to see that they are good people. That being said, if I wanted to read nice things about good people I'LL READ KNEEPADS! Dammit, make with the horrible stuff! Evil celebrities clubbing homeless, wheelchair bound elderly people over the head with snow shovels and such. Little puppets hitting each other. Tweeners kicking kittens, Sean Connery slapping babies, Tom Cruise being Tom Cruise, ect. Ya' know, comedy!

  4. pretzel logic5:06 AM

    Awesome! What a great reveal. I really like this couple.

  5. meowie5:20 AM

    @weenuk FTW!

  6. Malibuborebee5:22 AM

    LOL. Agreed. I want the one about the closeted freak who picks up tricks and kills them in his murder van to be revealed.

    But this thing with the glasses is really sweet. The sweetest thing about it is that it wasn't a publicity whoring opportunity. Charity isn't really charity if someone only does it for the PR or the tax break.

  7. Very nice to hear that kids will getting their glasses thanks to their goodwill and generosity.

  8. Tapioca6:09 AM

    great people and parents, thx for all these kids!!!

  9. Southern Smartass6:51 AM

    LOVE this!!!

  10. Claire9:29 AM

    Agreed. It's nice to hear that there are some good people in Hollywood, but Kindness blinds are pretty boring.

  11. chickenhead2:29 PM

    I love this but also want a pair of those glasses. Little boys and glasses don't mix.

  12. Snarknado2:31 PM

    I take it we're all American Horror Story fans?
