Friday, January 01, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #15 - Kindness

September 4, 2015

This A- list mostly television actress is on a hit cable show currently. Did I tell you she is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Anyway, our married actress is a big believer in helping out and serving and she has let her guest house be used by battered women escaping from men for decades. Hundreds of women have her to thank. She also gets them clothes and whatever else they need since so many are fleeing with nothing but themselves or their kids. Not Jessica Lange.

Angela Bassett


  1. I give her very, very, very much respect for doing this.. Bless her soul!

  2. Jasmine4:39 AM

    Wow. I love this reveal and now respect her so, so much. Good for her. Now this is a great reveal, Enty.

  3. Not surprised about this.

  4. pretzel logic5:07 AM

    I love Angela and this just makes me love and respect her even more.

  5. Malibuborebee5:18 AM

    Great kindness, great reveal, I always loved Angela Bassett. There was one Enty did ages ago about Carla Gugino helping out battered women for years. Good people.

  6. meowie5:18 AM

    @Montana Marriot got this. Way to go!

  7. Kathy5:22 AM

    Beautiful, talented and wonderful

  8. Groaning6:07 AM

    I just adore this woman so much.

  9. Tapioca6:13 AM

    wow that's a real woman, nice.

  10. Wendy6:28 AM

    That actually made me tear up a little. So many woman don't leave because they feel like they have nowhere to go, I have a newfound respect of Angela.

  11. Southern Smartass6:50 AM

    Wow. MAJOR respect for this lady. I'm sure her breakout role as Tina Turner and her abusive relationship with Ike informed her and touched her deeply. How could it not? Way to go, Angela!

  12. angela's performance as tina leaving ike with 36 cents in her pocket was the most powerful scene in "what's love got to do with it"... both women are truly class acts.

  13. Whywhywhy???7:53 AM

    It's nice to hear that. And that fact that she doesn't seek credit makes me like her all the more.

  14. numoon39:28 AM

    Just fabulous and such a nice thing to learn on New Years Day

  15. Renoblondee10:52 PM

    I loved her before, now she can do no wrong! She is one amazing lady.

  16. Why should this have been Jessica Lange?

  17. Malibuborebee7:56 AM

    She spent a lot of years in the middle of nowhere with Sam Shepard, OKay. That guy throws a mean right hook.
