Thursday, February 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

October 5, 2015

I had a kindness about this actor right before summer. To show that it was not a one time thing, this B+ list mostly movie actor who has done very little television, but did grab an Emmy while he was there was sitting on the subway with the rest of NYC. A fan approached him and handed him a note telling our actor how great he was and started to walk away. Our actor stopped the person, invited them to sit down and spent the remainder of the ride asking about the fan and then wishing them well before our actor got off at his stop.

Steve Buscemi


  1. sandybrook1:53 AM

    He seems down to earth in any case. He knows he stepped in shit when he became a successful actor and doesnt forget where he came from to get there.

  2. Awesome guess @tricia13 and awesome blind reveal Enty. You need more kindness here.

  3. Cool. That is really cool of him.

  4. Zilla12:21 AM

    He has always seemed like a sweetheart. I gained a thousand tons more respect for him than I already had when he went back to his old firehouse to volunteer right after 9/11.

    Now THAT is a mensch.

    Loved him in The Wedding Singer and Trees Lounge.

  5. He is A+ list in my book. I'll give him a pass on most Adam Sandler movies because it shows he sticks with his friends, and I will give him a pass on Burt Wonderstone.

  6. sarahelizabeth3:21 AM

    I liked Burt Wonderstone, I thought it was cute, so did my son and husband:)P

    I think he is a very talented guy and glad he seems humble. My friend used to live a few doors down from him in Brooklyn and said he would wave and smile if noticed. Just a nice guy

  7. sarahelizabeth3:23 AM

    Also, I just googled him, had no idea he was married and has a grown son...

  8. This basically happened to me with Peter Gallagher right around the time the OC was huge. Of course I was a theater nerd and geeked out over having seen him in Guys and Dolls. He was super nice and talked to me for the whole ride, but I think he got a little nervous when I (coincidentally) got off at the same stop as him lol.

  9. Zilla13:30 AM

    Like Robert Downey Jr, Steve is always the best part of any movie he appears in.

  10. Malibuborebee4:06 AM

    Love love love him. Donny Kerabatsos and Carl Showalter 4-evah.

  11. lila fowler7:33 AM

    He never won an Emmy. He should have but did not.

  12. pusssykatt8:27 AM

    I first fell in love with him in "Slaves of New York." I just binge watched "Nurse Jackie" and his brother played the crazy guy.

  13. That whole 9/11 thing...imagine the positive PR he could have got for it. Instead he just grabbed his gear and went to work. Did his job, and didn't talk about it. I can't think of any actor that would do that. He has also been a great supporter of all the first responders who got ill , and had poor health coverage.

  14. Kat771:48 PM

    I adore him. Luv. <3

  15. NoseyNeighbor10:56 AM

    Lovely man. He has my respect.
