Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blind Item #12

This former A list mostly television actor from an inherited network gig is making a really bad show right now. Truly awful. He doesn't even want to do press for it because he knows it is bad. No one is positive about it at all.


  1. Derek Harvey4:51 AM

    James Belushi-inherited gig-SNL
    Filming Twin Peaks remake---said to be a dud

  2. Kno Won Uno4:51 AM

    The only 'inherited' network gig I can even think of is Two and a Half Men and it no longer exists.

  3. sandybrook4:57 AM

    The Ranch on Netflix--Lainey said Asston is really bad

  4. Did anyone actually think it would be good?! How does shit like this even get beyond the stage of a stoned pitch in a sophomoric writer's room?

  5. sandybrook5:40 AM

    Netflix would take just about anything that has a big name attached because it might get them new subscribers.

  6. El Prez5:44 AM

    Derek, how is Tricia's go fund me page coming along to bail her out of jail?

  7. yayme7:14 AM

    Gary Sinise in that Criminal Minds spin off?
