Sunday, March 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 12, 2015

Golden Globes

Speaking of the actress from #4, AP says that she was wasted but trying to hide it which is not something our actress usually does. AP thinks she was doing something else besides just drinking and that she probably took a pill or two and out of the 20-30 times AP has hung out with this actress this was the worst she has been and AP said lots of other people noticed it too.

Jennifer Aniston


  1. Zilla112:06 AM

    Aniston finally does something interesting.

  2. Unemployable12:19 AM

    Ha! +1

  3. Cinabun12:27 AM

    How long has it been since she had a hit movie? Losing her relevance (aka fame)??

  4. Kibble12:36 AM

    She's supposedly a big pot smoker. Mix some chronic in with the booze and ... wasted.

  5. Her Emirates fancy jet commercial didn't do anything to enamor me to her. Having a nightmare she was flying in a common commercial airplane (The HORROR!) and then thankfully waking up in luxury.

  6. It was a commercial, a paying gig written by someone else. She's an actress and is expected to follow a script. Who cares? This is why PR people wring their hands over whether something innocuous like a fictional ad supports an actor's public image, because mouth-breathers can't tell the difference between real life and a commercial.

  7. Tricia1312:55 AM

    I'm not so sure she is as vanilla or bland/boring as people think: she has longterm relatiinships and has been with men with self professed dark sides/"kinks" as it were......Both Pitt and Theroux had/have serious edge- maybe less or mellowed with age- but she was definite game it would seem.

  8. She drinks and pills up because she knows she isn't relevant in Show Business anymore. Her day in the Sun is over. She looks around at the young up-and-coming actresses at these parties and feels 80 years old. After being Mrs. Brad Pitt and an award winning television star, I'd drink and drug too. Twenty miles of sad.

  9. mariaj1:15 AM

    Maybe Tricia is right, perhaps she is interesting behind her boring public person, but til when something vaguely intriguing about her emerges, i will find her boring, and annoying.

  10. Honeybunny1:31 AM

    ^^^Yep!^^^ She got hold to some bomb smokes and with alcohol,..... She was higher than the Empire State building!

  11. Zilla11:40 AM

    She may have some long term relationships but Brad was openly bored with that marriage and she was openly apathetic about it in the press, and Theroux pals around with Terry Richardson, which doesn't really calm the rumors about him cheating on her.

  12. hollah2:07 AM

    the words brad pitt and edge written in same sentence. -- this makes me LOL

  13. Malibuborebee4:22 AM

    She's a heavy drinker, a serious pot smoker, a dedicated coke head and a pill popper, always has been. Look at her (former?) bff Chelsea Handler, that's Aniston without the Pitt marriage, massive PR team and "Friends" gazillions.

    Add child-hoarding and Aniston isn't much different from St. AngieJo.

  14. B-Fabulous5:09 AM

    I'm sure she's twenty miles of sad with her net worth of $150 million - get real.

  15. Anniston got a lot of shit for taking money to portray an elitist ass in a commercial. So what. People are allowed to say she made an ass out of herself and basically torpedoed her I'm Just the Girl Next Door faux shit that Jennifer Lawrence has stolen from her.

  16. She famously ate the same salad every day. For a decade. So no. I'm going to go with she's not that fucking cutting edge or spontaneous.

  17. Tricia136:37 AM

    @Hollah - happy to be oblige:) but seriously yes, whereas I see how the "aw shucks, golly" boy from Shawnee , Oklahoma(then Missouri) may not strike one as- edgy (certainly not now as I stated in the first post , all edges have been softened with age, time, and PR): he was likened to the equivalent of a buckwild drug crazed annihilist actually- to me- by someone who was pretty tight with him in his early HW days.....the quintessential party boy which spanned years, and tempered with time. He may have even spoken about, dunno. And as someone down thread said there may well be more in common /than contrast between Aninston and Jolie....unless someone is either an inner circle friend , family(and even then) it's impossible to say definitely, anything about them really.

  18. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)6:39 AM

    What bothers me about the ad isn't the luxury angle. It's the fact that Emirates Airline is owned by the government of UAE and they treat their women like sh*t. Human Rights Watch has issued warnings for women from other countries who are thinking about moving there.

  19. Uh huh so Bush family in bed with the Saudis = just fine, but a celebrity doing a commercial for an airline = unacceptable. I just think U.S. foreign policy will not be sorted out by Jennifer Aniston, so we should cut her some slack and put that outrage in the right CNN, not CDAN.

  20. Laura Palmer8:56 AM

    I loved her with Brad...they were adorable as a couple. I have seen that she is kind of phony cheesy showbiz in real life. Angie is way cooler On the intellectual side..but seems like a pain in the ass too.

    Oh Brad!

  21. texasrose11:17 AM

    Rich woman likes to party. I'm shocked.

  22. AndrewBW11:22 AM

    After all these years, I'd still hit it.

  23. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)2:29 PM

    What gave you the idea that I agree with ANYTHING the Bush family has ever done? There's no outrage here. I just don't like the idea of a female celebrity promoting the interests of a country that allows men to beat their wives with no consequences. And that's just the tip of the iceberg for what women are subjected to there.

  24. Fair enough, I didn't mean you exactly, but that there is more public "outrage" about this than backlash at the Bushes. My point is that...just because she's a celebrity doesn't mean she has to stand up for human rights causes around the world, that's not her job. No one is a fan of Jennifer Aniston on account of her hard-nosed politics. And again I would say that if you think it's hypocritical for women to support these regimes, that your comments would be better leveled at the White House and its policies (like say former Sec'ys of State Rice and Clinton) than celebrities who have no real power to change a foreign power's policies or behavior.

  25. Christine5:28 PM

    "Saudi Arabia's top religious authority has issued a fatwa allowing a starving man to eat his wife in order to save himself, causing a stir among the Kingdom's residents, London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported.

    Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, according to the report, said that the act would display the wife's obedience to her husband and her willingness to become one with his flesh."


  27. I'm not sure what's more pathetic - the fact that she expected someone to know every movie she's been in (I bet Emma Thompson would never expect this) or the odd comments here about Aniston.

  28. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)11:51 PM

    I agree that celebs have no obligation to consider politics but they can have an influence. Aniston doesn't need the money or the exposure for this commercial. For me, it feeds in to my overall opinion of her that she's vacuous and self-centered. Some other celebs would probably do what she's doing and I would feel the same way, even if they were men. But other celebs would probably say no to that commercial because of the way women are treated there and that's something I would admire. Even though in the big picture it's a small thing, it does make a difference in the world when people stand up for what's right instead of going along with the status quo.

    As far as politicians and our national policy - absolutely, I blame them more.

  29. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)11:54 PM

    And yet they're our allies. It's horrifying. Last night I was reading about a woman in Pakistan who survived an honor killing. She married someone her family didn't approve of and her father and uncle shot her in the head, put her in a plastic bag and threw her in the river. She was forced to go into court and say that she forgave them. Because she "forgave" them, they won't be punished. And they still say they did the right thing and she was the only one in the wrong

  30. Snarknado1:39 AM

    From what I just read upthread, there's not enough meat on her bones for her to be the 4th wife of a Saudi. Damn salads!

  31. Snarknado1:44 AM


  32. Snarknado1:52 AM

    It's a common psychological backlash. Too many decades of her being our "Friend". Now that she's aging into her real self, and it doesn't match the Rachel imprinted in our noodles, it feels like she's been fake.

    The odd comments are part of the fun.

  33. Snarknado1:54 AM

    *fun as in an unexpected way of looking at things!
