Sunday, March 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 13, 2015

Golden Globes After Party

This former A++ list celebrity who still enjoys A++ list name recognition despite mainly being long removed from the spotlight was spotted making out with a man who has a great deal of money and is foreign born and also his her financial backer. He is also married. Nothing new for her.

Monica Lewinsky


  1. Christine12:20 AM

    I wonder if she'll fuck Hillary in the oval office too

  2. Unemployable12:27 AM

    @Christine: Nah probably not. She and Hillary are close but no cigar.

  3. Ms. Anne Thrope12:28 AM

    That fat skank was A++? Gross.

  4. weekenderbedford12:31 AM

    @ Christine. Great euphemism, I'll have to drop that into polite conversation some time.

  5. Bambibuubzitch12:34 AM

    Someone please set up a call so we can chat about what constitutes A++.

  6. Christine12:56 AM

    Happy there are at least 2 Christine's! Hi there!

  7. Monica Lewinsky was NEVER plus anything except a plus size! The truth about how she got to work in the White House and why she was sent there has never been revealed to the public. Her mother and step father were biggies in the Democratic party. Their loyalties, however, were elsewhere. She is still around because she is still being used by certain entities to gently remind the American people that Bill Clinton lied and almost lost his presidency. If his wife was not running for this job she would be knitting doilies in a studio apartment somewhere. Although she is Alan Cumming's best friend and he drags her to these parties. Go figure. One day the truth will be revealed. Her minders are frantic that Donald Trump will be the one to spill the beans on the entire sordid episode. That's why they're working like lunatics to make sure he doesn't get the nod.

  8. She learned well, while growing up in Beverly Hills, CA.

  9. snitty1:36 AM

    lolol well done.

  10. Christine1:41 AM

    She ranked so high because literally everyone knows who she is

  11. Christine1:42 AM

    Holy cow wow I've never heard of anyone else named Christine before

  12. Christine1:47 AM

    Wow scandalous her parents helped her get a job

  13. Wonder if she still has the dress?

  14. Chelzee Post3:00 AM

    I don't think that is what she (Eire) meant, Christine. Her parents were working with another entity who needed to have a spy in the White House to watch what Clinton was up to. A country. Gosh golly, I wonder which one!

  15. Chelzee Post3:03 AM

    Yes, everyone knows what and who she is: damaged goods. She has never had a boyfriend, fiance, husband or kids since the scandal. No self-respecting man would want to bring her home to meet mom. She knew what she was doing the minute she snapped her thong in the Oval Office. Yes, she did! That's how it all started. Read up. She deserves everything she is getting. She is not an innocent party. I don't know if she has the blue dress, but someone does.

  16. I was talking to a co-worker, in her twenties. She thought I was making the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal up. She had never heard that Bill Clinton had been impeached.

  17. Malibuborebee3:45 AM

    @Eire, your tin-foil hat needs some adjustments.

    Yes her parents connections got her the job. No she was not a spy or operative for any entity. Moron.

  18. Malibuborebee3:46 AM

    Oh, shut up, david. Honestly, you'd think the area was bathed in Kryptonite the way people talk about it. It's just a neighborhood like any other.

  19. AlmondJoy3:48 AM

    One of you can be the New Christine and the other one the old Christine.

  20. Why so angry fatty? Go have a sandwich you'll be less grouchy. Triple ham with bacon the way your lard ads likes it. Ta-ta

  21. That was directed at Christine. Comments load shitty on this site, shitty like Christine's life

  22. Malibuborebee3:54 AM

    True, @Chelzee. Lewinsky's also never managed a career of any kind. She plays at things but never succeeds professionally. She blames the Clintons for it (and for everything else) but she's in her 40's for fuck's sake. Her semi-affair with the President was over decades ago. What she's made (or rather, has not made) of her life is her own fault. She's a spoiled failure who can't take responsibility for anything. I feel sorry for Alan Cumming who probably feels sorry for Monica.

    She's been living off of her parents all these years. Now that Hillary is going to be the next POTUS, Lewinsky's "millionaire backer" is paying her to smear the Clintons again. Monica's still a low-life and a pig. She'll never change.

  23. Malibuborebee4:02 AM

    There are a lot of young people who have no idea about what the Republicans did during the Clinton years. All they know is who the Clintons are now - a hugely successful former POTUS and his incredibly successful wife. Both of them are larger than life figures and major forces in American politics.

    That's exactly as it should be and it serves those goons right. The whole "impeachment" thing was a farce from beginning to end. It was Republican morons trying to overturn a legally elected president because he was a Democrat. They've tried exactly the same shit with Obama but he was too squeaky clean to fake-impeach.

    Come January 2017, I hope President Hillary Rodham Clinton cuts those useless right-wing bastards off at the knees.

  24. Ms. Anne Thrope4:02 AM

    @ Mat That is depressing, but unfortunately not out of the norm. A lot of people go through life with their heads buried deep up their arses.

  25. Ms. Anne Thrope4:04 AM


  26. Ruthie4:31 AM

    Don't know Eire but he/she's probably Irish, wouldn't you think? Anyhoo, Malibu, she is absolutely right on about Monica The Mouth Lewinsky. She was and is working for a foreign country. Nothing new. Lots of people get paid to do this by this foreign power. Some are called 'Lobbyists' and others are called 'Interns.' I was recruited back in the 90s when I was working in DC to do the same thing. I was strategically placed, as they say, and was privy to info through my boss. Told them an emphatic no. But the free lunch was great! They spare no money when they want something. And, as an aside, Monica was offered $250,000 by a Las Vegas 'museum' for the blue dress. Evidently she has it.

  27. Ruthie4:35 AM

    100% on this one, Mal. I still can't believe she didn't meet with an 'accident' and is still ambulatory. Anyone else who pulled something like this would have been eliminated. That makes me even more certain she has heavy duty protection from certain corners who have made it abundantly clear to the Clintons et al that if anything happens to her they will rue the day. Yes, Alan does feel sorry for her. I think that's nice of him.

  28. Christine5:21 AM

    wow I'm going to need a hospital for that savage burn

  29. Christine5:22 AM

    Just a regular neighborhood full of people willing to fuck for a star on the Hollywood walk of fame

  30. Dutch5:27 AM

    Monica was never a celebrity. She was just infamous for being a whore. I just hope photos of her and her married lover also come out in the newspapers. Let's see if she will blame the Clintons for her poor decisions, yet again.

  31. Lol at the troll trying to stir up shit and no one cares, it's more fun to discuss ho-bag Monica sorry troll lolzzzzzzzzz

  32. Just Saying10:21 AM

    And yet Bill Clinton walks around unscathed.

  33. texasrose11:11 AM

    Not a fan of twenty somethings getting infatuated with powerful charismatic guys like clinton and both are responsible for their reprehensible conduct in the oval office but amazed how many totally blame her and give him a pass when the white house was about to crucify her for admitting to the misconduct and her public lynching was only avoided because she did, in fact, save the cum spotted blue dress, not to mention he was the power man in this equation. I can only imagine how these same defenders would howl if same fact set but involving a conservative.

  34. texasrose11:13 AM

    I can still remember him pointing at the tv camera and emphatically stating he did not have sexual relations with that women (and please no bs about how blow jobs are not sexual relations.)

  35. To be fair Bill was using Newt's definition of sexual relations.

    I voted for him twice and he does not get a pass from me. I think he's scum on steroids. I wish Hillary would cut him loose.

  36. Christine #34:50 PM

    What planet are you from?

  37. Christine #34:51 PM


  38. Christine #44:54 PM

    She's on the potato and lager diet. Makes you fat but you don't give a shit.

  39. Christine5:02 PM

    Clinton wasn't impeached. It passed the house but not the Senate. Both have to approve for impeachment. Therefore, he was NOT impeached.

    I expect you to tell your coworker you had it wrong. Otherwise, you're a liar like him, mat.

  40. Christine5:08 PM

    Fake impeach is right, It never passed in both legislative branches. This so-called "impeachment" was the equivalent of a traffic ticket thrown out of court. Another example of Republican lies.

  41. Christine5:10 PM

    Another example of the entards setting us against each other over politics. Getting old--what, every day now?

  42. Christine5:15 PM

    Amazed you haven't caught on to what the entarts are doing. It's more political than Breitbart/Drudge/RawStory on here the past week.

    They like to laugh at the fights.

  43. Snarknado1:56 AM

    Ha! Good one!

  44. So you start them by being a lame asshole to other commentators? Not sure you've thought this one out genius. But please, go on and tell us how we're sheeple to the powers that be, oh wise one.

  45. Christine 12343:39 PM

    If you want an education, what are you doing here in the first place? Haven't thought that one out, have you.

    Go eat yourself, 59 cent candy ass.
