Sunday, April 03, 2016

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He is Mr. Cause. He is only Mr. Cause though if the price is right. He can be anti Mr. Cause if the other side's price is better.


  1. sandybrook2:46 AM


  2. Ms. Anne Thrope2:46 AM

    Leo? Clooney?

  3. Ms. Anne Thrope2:47 AM

    I'll take Clooney for $1000.

  4. Christine2:53 AM

    Leo duh

  5. Ms. Anne Thrope2:53 AM

    But only because Leo won me $300 on a slot machine yesterday ;)

  6. hothotheat4:48 AM

    Leo, Clooney doesn't waiver.

  7. madly truly dead5:26 AM

    leo and his yachts.

    praising China when they are the #1 reason why poaching happens - they pay the most for the goods from the slaughters.

    he is the biggest hypocrite. I believe in climate change, hate deniers, but ALSO hate total fakes that front hard.

  8. madly truly dead5:27 AM

    wish somebody would publish 'receipts' and out him and lukaas. everytime that guy walks around with a blonde beard, he is making a statement that its not okay to be gay.

  9. Sasha5:34 AM

    Because you would know, hothotheat, right?
    What doesn't he waiver about? Nestle? Yeah, that. Huge paycheck there from a company that buys up natural water supplies from corrupt politicians at the expense of communities because water is not our natural right.
    Google: Nestle CEO Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized
    Not only using GMOs but engineering them, second only to Monsanto. Promoting baby food formulas and milk powder in developing countries causing infant deaths. Buying pharmaceutical companies and patents for gastrointestinal and diabetic medicines, etc. I wonder why?
    That's just the tip of the iceberg. Why not take a peek at the company he shills for. Google any of the above topics.
    Clooney sycophants nauseate me.

  10. On top of the Nestle endorsements

    big rumor that the Sudan Satellite project is a CIA cover

  11. None of these celebrities truly believe in the (left wing) causes they pretend to espouse. Ask yourself, how or why would a multi-millionaire really desire the re-distribution of wealth - the fundamental of all left wing causes, be it global warming, amnesty for illegals, unrestricted refugee acceptance - when it means they would be the ones whose wealth is confiscated? If Clooney, Streisand, DeCaprio, et al, really supported the causes they hawk, all they have to do is give away the vast amounts of money they possess. Will that happen? Of course not. Their brand of limousine liberalism allows them to continue living in mansions, traveling on private jets and yachts, while the middle class pays confiscatory taxes to cover the cost of their causes. It's pure hypocrisy.

  12. French girl7:03 AM
    Who financed Wolf Of Wall Street? ....Malaysian development fund ( surprise!!!)

  13. Mooshki7:34 AM

    Clooney is supporting the warmonger and environmental destroyer Hillary Clinton. Fuck him.

  14. Studio547:37 AM


  15. The "flexible" views on 'cause$' are rampant with celebs. One of many that comes to mind is how Susan Sarandon was in adverts for L'oreal and Tylenol products.

  16. Hot Cola10:15 AM

    Sudan has a setalite project? They can nearly feed themselfs overther

  17. newsyoucan'tuse11:21 AM

    Robert De Niro and the anti-vaccination movie that he promoted and said would "spark dialogue" at his film festival; he abruptly pulled the selection after a meeting with "people in the scientific community" for a screening. There has to be a lot more to this back story...a lot more money, perhaps.

  18. anita picone12:34 PM

    Maybe I just don't want to believe people like Leonardo are that cold. Income equality is not about confiscating wealth-it is about making opportunities for education and jobs more available, raising the minimum wage. You might not agree with DeCaprio on climate change but the man has been a strong supporter of the environment.

  19. sierrarose12:38 PM

    I hope that Leo DeCaprio has more integrity than that.

  20. Derek Harvey's Ingrown Toenail1:01 PM

    Where do you think all that money to finance those opportunities comes from, Anita? The wage earner, that's who.

  21. TopperMadison2:00 AM

    Or the movie just sucked.
