Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blind Item #6

Apparently this foreign born A++ list singer who might be the hottest singer in the world right now only managed to get on stage on time because her people now give her a fake time. Our singer has been drinking excessively as of late and her people try and budget a few extra hours to get her sober enough to perform before she goes on stage.


  1. Derek Harvey1:01 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott1:01 AM


  3. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    I also think this is probably Adele. She's been ranting at concerts lately.

  4. I went to see Adele at o2 and she sounded absolutely amazing and completely sober. Don't think its her

  5. Khaleesi1:34 AM

    Adele.. Too bad.

  6. Rihanna, work just tied the Beatles for number of weeks at #1 so I guess that makes her the biggest singer right now

  7. Apparently, she is self medicating to make some (mental/emotional) form of pain go away!

  8. Courtney2:57 AM

    Hasn't Rihanna been drinking and drugging for awhile now?? I would think her whole crazy bag of cats is old hat now for her handlers. I think this reads as Adele.

  9. Yep. She's always drinking. Poor gal

  10. longtimereader3:25 AM

    The number of artist's throughout the years who could sing/play blind drunk on stage are legion. some great acts never perform sober.

  11. Fred844:04 AM

    Rihanna's A++ days are long gone, this must be Adele.

  12. guidedog4:13 AM

    Oh - please let this be Rihanna even tho' I dispute the A++ rating. I love Adele so much, I really hope it is not her. She just seems to have a better grip on things than most.

  13. namely5:43 AM

    adele should stop drinking and stop stuffing her face. then she wouldnt be an obese monstrosity and a terrible health role model for her kid.

  14. Mary contrary5:55 AM

    If you're worried about kids having bad role models go and fly a kite, I mean a rocket... I mean, strap your hateful ass onto a rocket, light the fuse and whoosh through the sky! That would be pretty.

  15. Kno Won Uno5:58 AM

    Exactly. If she ever *was* A++, it was a decade ago. I don't think she ever reached A++.

  16. Kno Won Uno6:01 AM

    Google Adele from her 19 album. She's lost a lot of weight since then.
    I don't endorse morbid obesity (see Tess Munster), in fact it pisses me off - but Adele has actively worked on losing weight and doesn't pretend that weighing 400 lbs is some sort of life goal.

  17. LauraOK6:35 AM

    I've heard something like this about Celine Dion. I hope she's okay. Maybe she needs some time off after losing her husband. Very sad situation, especially for her children.

  18. Adele a drunk, I don't want to believe it! Sad thing is she could be drunk and still sing better than most of the others!
