Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 25, 2016

This foreign born A list long time Victoria’s Secret model went off on a coat check person the other day because the coat check person brought the coat out to the model on a hanger. I know, I know. Apparently the coat check person was supposed to carry the fur coat with two hands and never transport it on a hanger. The berating went on a good five minutes.

Adriana Lima


  1. Eat something. You are not yourself when hangry.

  2. And that over one coat...Sheez.

  3. Kno Won Uno1:27 AM

    If you can't afford to drag it, you can't afford to wear it.
    -Honey Harlow

  4. Zilla11:39 AM

    Now there's a coat that looked way better on the animal it was ripped from.

  5. I dislike wire hangers, too.
    But, at least the coat check person didn't drag it on the ground.
    I don't think Adriana is as pretty as she thinks she is.

  6. Kymomof3fe2:14 AM

    Gosh, Derek you must be tired from all of that nailing! ;)

  7. Derek Harvey2:16 AM

    I'm A MACHINE ; )

  8. April Anne4:15 AM

    She's just angry because she had to do some very very dirty things for that coat.

  9. Derek's Anal Beads4:58 AM


  10. Studio546:22 AM

    What a stupid thing to berate someone about.

  11. This is one of those things where she gets to pop off no matter what the coat check person does. I assure you that she or any other celebrity who is insane just as easily could have lit into the coat check person for daring to put their hands on the coat and carry it that way instead of safely secure on a coat hanger far away from grubby fingers.

  12. pretzel logic8:52 AM

    Ms. Lima should be reminded that fashion models are really just human coat hangers.

  13. She probably left all the pasta on the plate. That can grate.

  14. back again11:13 AM

    excellent point.

  15. Bubbalicious7:01 PM

    Fuck bitches who wear fur coats anyway. They should be forced to watch videos 24hrs straight of animals being skinned alive, electrocuted, clubbed, and shot for their fur.

  16. Oh Please1:10 AM

    I work in the industry and happen to know Adri from several occasions -- she is one of the few models who is truly kind, generous and hard-working. She is incredibly humble and professional and does not deserve these kind of pesky rumors going around. The girl has class, and would never ever berate anyone for anything remotely petty. This simply isn't true, someone must have confused her with one of her lookalikes (Shanina, Irina...the list goes on).

  17. infared2:13 AM

    Prostitution makes theses bitches miserable. go figure!

  18. Joan Crawford2:18 AM

    NO wire hangers EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. samesies7:30 AM

    +1. Not in the industry but know multiple people who have worked with and for her and never heard a bad word.
