Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Blind Item #6

This A list comic actor was trying to be a sponsor to someone but ended up doing drugs with the person instead. Our A lister definitely has issues and it has derailed him somewhat in movies since his hit show went off the air.


  1. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    Dave Chappelle

  2. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    Bad sponsor! No token for you!

  3. Malibuborebee1:36 AM

    I love Dave Chappelle, I hope it's not him.

    I'm going to go with the ever-popular Matthew Perry, he's looked like drugged, burned out shit lately.

  4. sandybrook2:27 AM

    I think Chappelle has more than "issues"

  5. sandybrook2:29 AM

    I'll say Martin Lawrence because I know he did movies after tv and I don't think Chapelle did anything after tv.

  6. SweetP2:40 AM

    I second the Matthew Perry guess. Article in the DM about him, so you know there would be a blind about it...

  7. Zilla13:04 AM

    Jim Carrey?

  8. back again3:37 AM

    +1 with the Matt Perry guess.
    -He even turned one of his Malibu properties into a Men's Sober Living Home-The Perry House- (i think he sold it though when his income started to drastically dwindle)

  9. SoDidntSayThat3:50 AM

    Anyone see the picture of Cumby-Lizard-Lord going to a play with half of Gal-don't-f*ck-this the other day? Isn't he trying to stay sober at least. Although that's like letting a blind kid walk the dog in traffic. You end up with a flat kid and dinner. Shame on the Alien King anyway for selling his kid like that. Those paps were right in front of his face snapping away. He said he would never sell his kids out like that. Turns out he's a lying scum like the rest of them. Who knew? Maybe his gold-digging hoe will have to find another plot to plow. Hard to be a stay at home director of artsy fartsy opera if the hubby isn't banking money cause he's sniffing or drinking it. Shame she didn't wait for Mr. Right. Or at least Mr. Right now, Mr. Trust Fund, or Mr. Deep Pockets Dying in 2 months of an incurable Disease.

  10. DM is retarded. Perry is filming Odd Couple now and his character is Oscar the slob...he's in character

  11. back again11:47 AM

    @ Poo, i agree with you & after reading the clue again, i don't think it's supposed to be Perry.Clue doesn't fit him b/c he has been on t.v. plenty since Friends.
    Perry also had that bearded,unkempt look for his London Play character as well i believe..

  12. Ratoncita10:41 PM

    Dave Chapelles Block Party?

  13. sandybrook10:53 PM

    movie was made in 2005, show ended in 2006
